Archive for the ‘Tea Party Patriots’ Category

Courage Is No Longer Just a Word

March 28, 2013

On Sunday, June 26, 2011, the world premiere of the first episode of the new Colony Bay Entertainment series: “Courage, New Hampshire” took 13-IM-0250-CourageNH-PremiereBanner-655x300_2place in Monrovia, CA.

The Inspiration channel, which ranks among the fastest growing basic cable networks in America with a broadcast reach of up to 73 million viewers, recently announced it will broadcast “Courage, New Hampshire” nationally on Memorial Day 2013.

See the ISPN trailer:

“We are very excited to make this announcement,” said INSP Senior VP of programming, Doug Butts. “Original scripted dramas are going to play a significant role in INSP’s future programming strategy. Courage, New Hampshire is an outstanding addition to our already strong programming line-up.”

“With the overwhelming success of period shows like Downton Abbey, Pride and Prejudice, North & South, etc., audiences will find Courage, New Hampshire equally compelling,” Butts said. “Courage, New Hampshire fits perfectly with the INSP brand.”

Visionary, screenplay writer, director, actor and co-producer James Patrick Riley noted, “I am looking forward to seeing INSP deliver a large audience.  I am hoping that we will eventually go into regular production, with many more seasons to come.  Likewise, it would be great to establish ourselves in mainstream media, because we have done something really special here.  To have created an American 18th century serial episodic period drama is something really phenomenal.  Not even any of the major networks have attempted that.”

When asked about the future of Courage, Colony Bay Entertainment executive and Courage co-producer Jonathan Wilson replied, “Currently, we are in the pre-planning stages for a season two, so stay tuned.   We can’t say a whole lot about the number of episodes, but we’re pretty sure about one thing…There will be more romance.”

In episode one-“The Travail of Sarah Pine”- The viewer visits the frontier township of Courage, located in western New Hampshire.  When British soldiers arrive in search of deserters their quarry escapes, but one of them catches the eye of Justice of the Peace Silas Rhodes and a dramatic, gripping trail ensues.

Dramatic, believable acting by an outstanding cast of talented actors (featuring Alexandra Oliver as Sarah Pine, Nathan Kershaw as British deserter Bob Wheedle, James Patrick Riley as tavern keeper and Justice of the Peace Silas Rhodes  and Basil Hoffman as royal solicitor Simeon Trapp) propel the show.

In episode two-“The Sons of Liberty”- Justice Rhodes travels to Portsmouth for the execution of two notorious criminals.  Royal Governor Wentworth details how ruling New England will require a “light hand”, and the Township of Courage greets the arrival of a new pastor.

Performances by Donal Thomas-Cappello as the deceptively sinister Reverend Silence Laud, Isabelle Gardo as the desirable Abby Lamb, Greg Martin as the burglar and Joe Massingill as the counterfeiter make this episode delightful and compelling.  Mike Gallagher appears as a jovial barkeep and Andrew Breitbart plays the part of the High Sherriff.

In episode three-“A Snake in the Garden”- Governor Wentworth begins enforcement of the unwelcomed, unpopular white pine act.  The “Reverend” Silence Laud makes romantic advances on the lovely Miss Lamb, and the sons of liberty are the only one who stands between royal imprisonment and a farmer’s freedom.

Donal Thomas-Cappello reprises his role as Reverend Laud, and Isabelle Gardo returns as Abby Lamb.  Jonathan Salisbury as Noah Pine, Allen Marsh as Abraham Fox and Patrick Finerty as William Bramley further drive the drama of this episode.

In episode four-“Ambition”- Reverend Laud becomes ensnared in his own deceit while Governor Wentworth takes steps towards enforcement of royal justice upon Courage.  While at a training day in Portsmouth the neighboring towns’ gathered militias are pushed by Courage townsmen to ponder the question: “are you with us?”

The circle of drama continues as the Sons of Liberty stand against corrupt British rule.

The production quality is top notch, featuring crisp photography and well-paced editing that tells the story while avoiding the pitfalls of encryption or dragging scenes.  The beautiful music is consistently appropriate.  The compelling screenplay employs clever, time appropriate dialogue which evokes a wide range of emotions while conveying time tested morals.

James Patrick Riley and Jonathan Wilson, co-founders of Colony Bay and the driving force behind the success of Courage are to be congratulated for their fine production.  It is highly recommended and can be enjoyed by children of all ages.

To obtain a four DVD copy of Courage, go here:

Give the Gift of Courage

July 4, 2012 The Tea Party Declaration of Independence

July 4, 2012

When in the course of human history it becomes necessary for one people to divorce themselves from the Governance of another, and to reestablish for themselves the powers of the earth entitled to them by the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, due respect for the opinions of mankind requires that they declare their reasons for separation.

We reconfirm these truths to be self-evident, that all humans are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain Rights that can neither be altered nor denied, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  That to preserve and protect these rights, People form Governments that derive their just powers from the People’s consent.  That whenever any Government deliberately tramples the Rights of the People in spite of their dissent, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, basing its foundation on these principles and organizing its powers in a form that will protect the Safety and Happiness of the People. Caution dictates that long established Governments should not be changed for transient or inconsequential reasons.  Experience has shown that people will often suffer the insufferable rather than change the Government responsible for such indignities. But when there is a long list of power abuses and usurpations, designed to reduce the people to life under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to reject that Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.  Such has been the patient sufferings of the American people, which now make it necessary for them to alter their Systems of Government. The history of the current President and his “progressive” political allies is a history of repeated injuries and violations of individual liberties designed to establish an absolute Tyranny over these United States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

•He has violated the individual liberties of all our people by imposing forced participation in a government healthcare regulatory system without our consent.

•He has collaborated with his Attorney General to ignore equal protection under the law in favor of selective protections based upon arbitrary factors.

•He has violated American bankruptcy laws by willfully denying secured bond holders first payment, in favor of unsecured political supporters.

•He has violated the Constitution by accepting the position of Chairmanship of the UN Security Council.

•He has ignored the Constitutional separation of power by appointing “czars” to oversee matters that are intended to be handled by the legislative branch of the government.

•He has violated the First Amendment right to freedom of the press, by attacking television and radio networks, stations and broadcasters while attempting censorship.

•He has violated the individual’s right to free speech through creation of an email address to report Citizens in a blatant attempt to silence dissent through intimidation.

•He has violated the Law by ignoring the War Powers Act and engaging the United States military in overseas hostilities without the consent of Congress.

•He has violated the First Amendment by attempting to impose restrictions on free speech through implementation of Net Neutrality via the FCC.

•He has endeavored to interfere in the free market through the imposition of The Clean Energy and Security Act, which mandates carbon emissions be reduced to 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020, 42 percent by 2030, and 84 percent by 2050. By 2020, this tax will extract an estimated $160 billion from the economy, or an average $1,870 per family.

•He has violated the Constitution and endeavored to interfere in the free market by having the government offer $4,500 rebates to people for turning in older motor vehicles for newer vehicles.

•He has interfered in America’s free market by having the National Labor Relations Board sue a privately owned company for planning to open for business in a State that protects an employee’s ability to work free of forced union membership.

•He has interfered in the free market by imposing restrictions and regulations on petroleum, natural gas and coal production in the United States.

•He has abandoned enforcing the security of American borders and protected illegal immigrants from prosecution for violation of immigration laws.

•He has abandoned and insulted our most enduring and faithful allies through speech and action, the most glaring among these being placing the State of Israel on the list of nations that foster terrorism.

•He has imposed and sought to impose additional taxes on us without our Consent.

•For depriving us in some cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury.

•For transferring billions of dollars to enemies of the United States through Foreign Aid.

•For ignoring the Constitutional separation of powers by publicly attacking the Supreme Court of the United States.

•For attacking America’s bedrock family values by ordering the Department of Justice to not defend the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act.

•For repeated attacks upon America’s Christian foundation.

•For repeatedly slandering American Citizens with false accusations of racism, violent tendencies and hatred.

•For grossly accelerating and increasing the amount of America’s debt through passage of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, which had negligible effect on unemployment, sent billions of dollars overseas and wasted billions domestically bailing out States practicing irresponsible budgetary policies.

•For putting America and America’s allies at greater risk through cancellation of missile defense systems.

•For expanding the need for enormous increases in government borrowing.

•For collaborating with his Attorney General to try enemy combatants in civilian Courts.

•For collaborating with his Attorney General and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms in the implementation of operation Fast and Furious, which has been implicated in the murder of American Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

•For devaluing our currency by engaging in the practice of Quantitative Easing, allowing the Federal Reserve to purchase trillions of dollars of our national debt.

At each stage of these Oppressions We have gathered peaceable to Petition for a Redress of Grievances.  Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A President whose character is thus marked by acts which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to govern a free people.

Nor have We been remiss in bringing these violations to the attention of our fellow Americans. We have warned them repeatedly of attempts by the Government to extend unconstitutional control over the People. We have reminded them of our commitment to the original intent of our Country. We have appealed to their common sense and fair mindedness, and having reminded them of our common history, asked them to disavow these usurpations, which have pitted us against one another. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of kinship. Out of necessity, We must therefore accept that there are those who will oppose our Petitions, and We will view them as We view the rest of humanity, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

We, therefore, Representatives of the Tea Party, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the integrity of our intentions, do, in the Name, of the good People who wish to preserve, protect, defend and restore the United States of America, solemnly publish and declare, That these United States are, and of Right ought to remain Free and Independent from the Oppressions of Totalitarian Government; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the “progressive” Agenda, and that all political connection between them and the “progressive” Movement, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they retain full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which is the Right of Independent States. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.


The Age Old Power Struggle: Chapter 2012

June 25, 2012

A Muslim cleric introduced Egypt’s new President, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohamed Morsi by saying: Our Capital ‘shall be Jerusalem, Allah willing’.  For his part, Morsi pronounced: Abroad women are ‘free,’ but not here.

These types of proclamations do not bode well for Egyptian minorities, which includes members of the Coptic Church community, who make up about 10 per cent of Egypt’s population. Despite Morsi campaign spokesman Gehad el-Haddad’s assurances that Morsi would work to be “president for all Egyptians”, Coptics worry how Morsi’s election might result in a restriction of their personal freedoms.

Regardless of joyous proclamations by Mosi supporters, the newly elected president did not receive enough support to consider his election a mandate.  Ahmed Shafik, former prime minister under Hosni Mubarak, received 12.3 million. Morsi picked up 13.2 million votes, giving him about 51 per cent of the vote.  A vote as close as this portrays the presence of a divided electorate.

New Democracy (ND) the conservative party edged out the leftist Syriza party, achieving victory in Greece’s parliamentary elections. The winning margin for ND was less than 3 points. In Greece, as in Egypt, the vote was so close it indicates the presence of a divided people.

In France, Socialists won the National Assembly.  Final results showed the Socialist Party won 280 seats.  Two closely allied parties gained 34 seats, giving the Socialist bloc 314 seats.  The leftist Green Party won 17 seats and the far-left Left Front collected 10.  The Socialist Party now enjoys a lock on French politics.

Newly elected President Hollande’s domestic mandate will allow him push back on budget cuts being demanded by Germany.  Greece and other indebted countries say budget cuts are deepening the Eurozone’s recession by suffocating growth.  Clearly, there is division within the European Union.

Meanwhile in the United States, largely ignoring the historical lessons of American economic success, obama continues to call for bottom up economics.  This not so newly minted campaign tact is but one element of his overall class warfare election strategy.

Desperate for cash to combat GOP candidate Mitt Romney’s growing money juggernaut, obama’s campaign is asking his supporters to tell wedding guests to donate to his campaign rather than give gifts to the newlyweds.  The campaign is also turning to overseas American ex-patriots, seeking cash.

There is a new strategy to inflate the economy on obama’s behalf by Ben Bernanke at the Federal Reserve Bank.  obama and other Democrats are coordinating attacks on Romney with the American media, which completely flies in the face of a free press dutifully reporting facts to the electorate so as to facilitate voters being equipped with the knowledge necessary to make informed political decisions.

Bill Maher, $1 million obama campaign donor and known airwaves extremist, continued to spew hollow, hateful, leftist fringe rhetoric by spouting: Conservatism is not an ideology, ‘It’s just about being a dick’.   Joy Behar, one of Maher’s many fellow “progressive” extremists who populate Hollywood, felt compelled to chime in with “Gay Conservatives only think with their penises”.

Whatever happened to the angst, dismay and regret over harsh partisan rhetoric, so in vogue among “progressives” in the aftermath of the Gabby Gifford shooting?

In light of the Tea Party led midterm election landslide in 2010 and the Tea Party fed Scott Walker victory in Wisconsin’s recall election, it is quite appropriate to observe that, like much of the world, the population of United States is divided.

The division in America is distinctly between those who wish to “fundamentally transform the United States of America” and those who wish to restore the country to its Constitutional roots.

The Constitution established a small government featuring division of powers, protection of individual liberties and fostering a free market economic system uninhibited by the shackles of an overbearing central government.  Since the early 20th Century “progressive” politicians have incrementally increased prohibitive regulatory controls while intruding upon individual liberties by imposing “progressive” taxation used to fuel the growth of big government ”entitlement” programs and bloated federal bureaucracies that far exceed the powers delineated to the federal government by the United States Constitution.

As they participate in Chapter 2012 of the age old power struggle between tyranny and freedom, the choice is clear for American voters.  To further enable unconstitutional usurpation of powers by disciples of Marx and Alinsky wishing to dismantle and eliminate the fundamental political, and socioeconomic structure of the United States, or to elect representatives who will insist upon restoring the Constitutional Republic envisioned by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin and America’s founding patriots.

The 2013 Tax Increase obama Pledged Would Never Happen

May 21, 2012

If the White House and Congress don’t act this year, a huge, unprecedented tax increase described by Ben Bernanke as a “massive fiscal cliff” will slam American taxpayers. This looming tax hike will result mostly from letting long-standing tax policies expire at the end of 2012.

Instead of waiting until after November’s election, obama should stop campaigning for a moment and start working with Congress to prevent this gargantuan tax increase from taking place. Not only would doing so give assurance to families, businesses, and investors that taxes won’t be rising while the economy is still staggering. It would also show that obama is capable of chewing gum and walking at the same time.

The tax increase, also known as “Taxmageddon” is a $494 billion hike. If action isn’t taken, current law dictates that seven different categories will witness expiring tax policies, while five new obamacare tax increases begin.

Approximately 34% of the tax increase come from letting the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 expire. Best known for cutting marginal income tax rates, the reductions also lowered the marriage penalty, increased the child and adoption tax credits, while increasing tax breaks for the costs of dependent care and education. Contrary to “progressive” rhetoric, these taxes have a direct effect on the lives of people in all income tax brackets, not just evil rich people who “don’t pay their fair share”.

Another 25% comes from the expiration of the highly debated payroll tax cut. The expiration of a patch on the Alternative Minimum Tax, which prevents middle-income families from paying a tax intended for “the rich” accounts for another 24% of the hike.

The obamacare tax increases, hidden from public view by “progressive” deceit and delay tactics, begin kicking in with one of the most damaging taxes in the law, a 3.8% Hospital Insurance surtax on wages, as well as on salaries and investment income over $250,000.

To top that off, the so-called death tax also expires in 2013. The rate will rise from 35 percent today to 55 percent and the exemption will fall from $5 million to $3.5 million. Then there’s the end of the tax cuts contained in the 2009 stimulus and the expiration of full write-offs for new business capital investments.

Since 2007 obama has had an ongoing, oft repeated mantra: “I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year…which includes a 98 percent of small-business owners, you will not see your taxes increase one single dime under my plan. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains tax, no tax. We don’t need to raise taxes on the middle class! You will not see your taxes increased a single dime. I repeat, not one single dime.”

Never mind that he broke that pledge by signing a tax increase on tobacco in early 2009. As a mere voter, you’re too stupid to notice such minor, unimportant details. Move along, there’s nothing to see here.

Apparently the only one “smart” enough to realize that tobacco use in America is restricted to those with incomes exceeding $250,000 a year is the former community radicalizer from Chicago. You may know of him. He’s the one who’s entire college and medical history have been hidden from public viewsince the day he first infected the Oval Office with his faux transparency, un-kept promises, aggressively anti-American views, anti-business policies, war on religious liberties, attack on affordable energy, intentionally divisive identity politics rhetoric and non-stop campaigning for what would prove for America to be a disastrous second term.

If this is how he behaves while he’s politically obligated to mask his true intentions from undecided voters during an election year, the entire globe will live to regret an extended obama presidency for decades, in not for a century or more.

What the obama Adminstration Has Taught America

May 18, 2012

Facebook Inc.’s $16 billion initial public offering has made Mark Zuckerberg the 29th richest carbon based life form on Earth. Facebook provides entertainment and a fun way to spend your leisure time. America should love Zuckerberg. Whatever happens, do not ever criticize him for not paying his fair share of taxes…he’s cool in the administration’s eyes and they’re down with whatever he does. Heck, he might even turn out to be as cool as George Clooney.

According to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the top three U.S. oil companies alone paid $42.8 billion in income taxes in 2010. Ignore that fact and describe them as evil billionaires who don’t pay their fair share. After all, the petroleum, coal and natural gas industries all provide cheap energy to America, which stands in the way of implementing the administration’s agenda to fuel America with recycled unicorn poop.

It’s OK for the New Black Panthers to stand in front of polling places, wearing uniforms, wielding clubs and intimidating white voters with taunts of “now you’ll find out what it’s like to be ruled by a black man”. It’s also OK for Eric Holder, who publicly said: “I am not the tall U.S. Attorney. I am the black U.S. Attorney” to drop all charges against them.

It’s not OK for a “white hispanic” to defend himself from attack by someone who’s black

Tea Party demonstrators, who obeyed the laws, obtained permits, and cleaned up after themselves when they peaceable assembled to petition their government for redress of grievances are violent, racist extremists who should be monitored by the Department of Homeland Security as potential homegrown terrorists.

Occupy Wall Street, who squatted on public and private land for weeks at a time without permit, cost cities across the nation millions in clean-up and other costs, engaged in rape, drug use, public sexual acts, attacked police, destroyed property and generally disrupted the normal flow of life are great patriots. They deserve the public support of Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, the DCCC, Elizabeth Warren, Barney Franks, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Charlie Rangle, Dennis Kucinich, et al. As Nancy Pelosi said: “God bless them, for their spontaneity. It’s independent … it’s young, it’s spontaneous, and it’s focused. And it’s going to be effective.”

When kids are failing in school after being subjected to exposure to incompetent teachers who couldn’t teach a dog to bark yet can’t be fired because they’re protected by unions, lower testing standards. The possibility of hurting a student’s feelings by giving them a failing grade couldn’t possibly pass politically correct, everyone has to feel good about themselves at all times muster.

If you’re a kid who wants to hold a bake sale, open a lemonade stand or engage in similar activities which demonstrate initiative, ambition or a desire to utilize the free market in order to better yourself, you must be trained to first beg permission from the government. And boys and girls of all ages, don’t ever forget broccoli is good for you and snack cakes, candy bars and chips are bad. Since you’re too stupid to make the proper decision, government is going to enact legislation that deprives you of the right to choose.

Whenever “progressive” politicians are caught in an outright lie about where they were born, their bloodlines or military service rendered it’s due to a clerical error. If criticism persists, blame someone else for each and every one of your failures. When all else fails, play the race card.

Choose Your Stimulus

May 17, 2012

The Spanish Economic Ministry denied there’s been a surge in withdrawals from the nation’s banks, while Spain’s Prime Minister warned that borrowing costs could reach “astronomical” proportions over fears about the weakness of Spain’s financial institutions.

Greeks have been taking their savings out of banks, with nearly a third taken out during this year’s first quarter. Since May 7th, at least 700m euros have been withdrawn from Greek banks. Uncertainty over Greece’s exit from the eurozone is stirring global fears about Europe’s monetary future.

France’s new socialist government will not ratify the European Union’s fiscal pact unless it contains stimulus provisions. “The treaty will not be ratified as is and that it must be completed with a chapter on growth, with a growth strategy,” said France’s new Finance Minister.

With a number of European countries again in recession, with zero growth in parts of the eurozone this year, calls for stimulus measures within Europe are growing.

Europe’s ideas about stimulating the eurozone economy will only lead the continent into deeper trouble. Taxing the rich, hiring more government employees and lowering the retirement age is not the way to create sustainable, long-term economic growth.

No matter how much money is raised through tax hikes, a portion of those funds are lost before they’re re-injected into the economy due to the cost of government overhead. That puts the stimulus process on negative footing before the discussion even turns to how the money’s to be spent, be it sending out welfare checks, funding food stamps or repaying political supporters by rewarding them with “shovel ready” government contracts.

Not that America should be overly concerned with Europe’s fate. Thanks to their scrupulous adherence to the dictates of political correctness and secular multiculturalism, they’ll be slaves to Sharia law in a few decades anyway.

America must learn from Europe’s mistakes.

Following down the path of taxing the rich, creating a cradle to grave entitlement society and continuous deficit spending in attempts to sustain a socialist utopian fantasy will destroy any country, including America.

Punitive taxing of the rich is a non-starter. Class envy warfare might be effective, emotionally charged rhetoric able to stir up a politician’s voter base, but it’s illogical. Were “those evil rich who don’t pay their fair share” in the U.S. to be taxed at a 100% rate, the revenue collected by the IRS would fund spending in Washington DC for a couple of months. Not years, a couple of months. How then would the government propose to pay for the rest of the year’s deficit spending? And after taxes have destroyed the wherewithal of the well off, who would then be taxed? Besides, rich folks, especially those engaging in successful business practices (as opposed to achieving wealth through inheritance or by winning the lottery) didn’t succeed because they’re imbeciles. If a country’s tax rates are unfavorable to their business, they leave that country and take their businesses, jobs and money with them. It’s not exactly climbing out on a limb to predict that a 100% tax rate would fall within their unfavorable category.

Creating a cradle to grave entitlement society is the best way to destroy initiative. It’s said that if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach that man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. Imagine a group of one hundred people where only five know how to catch fish. In order to feed everyone every day, those five people would each need to catch twenty fish per day. How long would it take before some, if not all of those five fishermen grew tired of sharing their wealth with the other 95% and gave up fishing? On the other hand, if all the people were taught to fish and expected to catch their own, no individual would be responsible for catching more than one fish per day. If they managed to catch two fish per day, they will have created a surplus of wealth that benefits the entire group.

Continuing massive deficit spending obligates any nation’s budget to two unsavory alternatives. One is borrowing, which results in having to pay the money back with interest. Not only does being obligated to make those payments leave less money available to pay the cost of conducting regular business, it profits the lender to the detriment of the borrower. The other alternative is to devalue the currency by printing money, leading to inflation, which if left unchecked destroys the value of the country’s currency. Political instability caused by inflating the currency of the Weimar Republic led to the rise of Adolph Hitler. Shortages of hard currency led to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

America has a choice to make. Shall it follow the smaller government design, complete with reduced spending, lower taxes, a growing free market economy and individual freedom preferred by the law abiding, peaceful Tea Party, whose lineage can be traced back to 1969, when the world joined Americans in viewing the pinnacle achievement of human history, the televised first moon landing? Or should America follow the design of the law breaking, violent Occupy Wall Street, who’s lineage can be traced back to Woodstock, the other big event of 1969, where unbathed people ingested copious amounts of drugs and rolled around in the mud having sex like animals?

As Conservative innovator and outspoken leader Andrew Breitbart said at the 2012 CPAC Convention in February: “I don’t care who our candidate is. I haven’t since the beginning of this. I will march behind whoever our candidate is because if we don’t, we lose. There are two paths: one is America, the other one is Occupy. Anyone that is willing to stand next to me to fight the progressive left I will be in that bunker, and if you’re not in that bunker because you’re not satisfied with this candidate, more than shame on you, you’re on the other side.”

Expect the Institutionalized “progressive” Left to Come Out in Force

May 16, 2012

Comedian Bill Maher gave $1 million to one of President Obama’s SuperPACs. Actor Alec Baldwin’s on record saying that Obama’s re-election ‘In the Bag’. Lanny Davis, who writes for The Hill, is busy covering up for U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder during Congressional investigations into the murder of U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexican citizens resulting from the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Fast and Furious gun-running scandal. MSNBC stopped inviting Conservative author Matt Lewis tocontribute on-air after the site he works for, the Daily Caller, reported about the influence George Soros funded Media Matters for America wields over that Network. “Coincidentally”, Conservative pundit Pat Buchannan was also dropped by MSNBC around that same time.

As is always the case with any non-white or non-male Republican star, the institutionalized “progressive” left media is focused on Florida Senator Marco Rubio who, being a Hispanic from a crucial swing state, poses an existential threat to the re-election of Barack Obama. Not surprisingly, openly leftist actress Eva Longoria joined in the attack by saying “Marco Rubio has been coming up with some silly stuff that we really have to sort through”.

Meanwhile, the American mainstream media remains silent after a Barack Obama speech where he joked: “I went to the speaker’s home town,” referring to a trip to House Speaker John Boehner’s battleground state of Ohio, “stood under a bridge that was crumbling.” Somebody in the crowd shouted, “Let him drive on it!”

Cue the sound of crickets.

This is the same press that had a field day back in 2008 when, on one or two occasions, a few folks attending McCain/Palin rallies shouted ugly comments from the crowd. These incidents were reported as major, top of the broadcast, front-page news. Repeatedly, with frequency and vigor.

During nationwide May Day demonstrations by OWS, occupiers themselves willing admitted that their protesters were taking marching orders from big labor and public service unions like the AFL-CIO and SEIU.

One of the leaders of the Occupy Cleveland movement, Brandon Baxter, was arrested for a terrorist plot to bomb a bridge in Cleveland Ohio. The plot has been directly linked to the Occupy movement. The names and the official complaint have been confirmed.

There were multiple incidences of violence around the country, withoccupiers shouting the likes of “Pigs Go Home” and “Down with Capitalism”. With tear gas in Oakland, violence and vandalism in Seattle, SEIU members disrupting Los Angeles International Airport, with Occupiers calling themselves anarchists and hurling Molotov Cocktails; despite all evidence to the contrary, American taxpayer funded NPR is still calling the violent Occupy protests “restrained”.

By comparison, when the Tea Party was the topic de jour, Democrats and their “progressive” Party Pravda lapdogs were quick to blame the Tea Party for each and every violent incident around the country. More than one fringe leftist whack-job, impersonating responsible journalists on American television’s most irresponsible cable network, held Sarah Palin personally responsible for the Gabby Giffords shooting in Tucson Arizona. Their supposed rationale was her use of the word target when discussing campaign strategy. Never mindthat in similar applications, the word “target” had been used frequently by members of the Democratic Party. Members of the institutionalized”progressive” left smear machine somehow forgot to inform the public that “target” was first used as political jargon by 1980 Democratic presidential candidate Walter Mondale’s political strategist Bob Beckel.

A review of the visitor’s log confirms that AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka and former SEIU President Andy Stern have been frequent visitors to the White House. SEIU alone spent approximately $60.7 million to help elect Barack Obama to the White House in 2008. SEIU expects a return on their investment. Barack Obama was quick to embrace the Occupy movement when he saw his poll numbers sliding.

Before this November’s elections American voters should duly note such connections.

In case you haven’t noticed, or have yet to become fully convinced, bias within the institutionalized “progressive” left media is both very real and pervasive. With the presidential general election campaign about to get into full swing, expect it to get much, much worse. Truth coming from the institutionalized “progressive” left’s smear machine is as likely as them reporting that Elizabeth Warren can’t prove she has Cherokee blood in her veins.

Cradle to Grave Suicide

May 15, 2012

Alexis Tsipras, head of Greece’s Radical Left Coalition, declared that country’s commitment to austerity is over because voters have rejected those deals. “There is no way we will sneak back in again what the Greek people threw out”, Tsipras said. “This is an historic moment for the Left and the popular movement and a great responsibility for me,” he added, saying he would try to form a left-wing government that will “end the agreements of subservience” with Greece’s bailout creditors. “The pro-bail-out parties no longer have a majority in parliament to vote in destructive measures for the Greek people,” he added. “This is a very important victory for our society.”

In France, Socialist François Hollande said he will move quickly to implement traditionally Socialist tax-and-spend programs, which call for boosting taxes on the rich, increasing state spending, raising the minimum wage, hiring some 60,000 teachers and lowering the retirement age from 62 to 60.

Meanwhile, in California, Gov. Jerry Brown is calling for more social services cuts to help eliminate $15.7 billion deficit. Brown revealed a revised budget that calls for higher income and sales taxes to avoid deep cuts to K-12 and higher education. Rather than canceling an ill advised bullet train to nowhere that will cost the state at least $6 billion to build, Gov. Brown chose to scareCalifornians into voting for tax hikes by threatening cuts to education.

What do these three states have in common? They’re either already broke or will be soon due to government spending money it doesn’t have on socialist welfare programs, characterized within institutionalized “progressive” leftist circles as “entitlements”.

Greece, where the population is already suffering from 20% unemployment, describes austerity measures they’re expected to follow in order to receive additional bailout money from the EU as “barbaric”. With an economy so weak that it can’t employ one fifth of its own citizens, where does Greece expect to find the money necessary to become financially solvent?

France, if it enacts Hollande’s pledge to mimic Greece’s socialist welfare spending, will soon experience similar fiscal troubles. By following Greece down the road to fiscal insolvency, France will ensure that Germany stands alone in continental Europe as the sole, fiscally responsible, productive society.

California has been on a similar, European style path for decades, which is why California is closer to a fiscal cliff that most of the United States. The legislature in California continuously acts on the belief that it can spend the state into prosperity. California has taxed the rich, spent money on socialist programs, established sanctuary cities that fund the lives of millions of illegal aliens and spent huge amounts of money on education. Much of the cost of that education goes for the children of unlawful residents.

On the list of most business friendly states, California is currently ranked fiftieth. California has held that rank for the last eight years. Meanwhile, businesses are fleeing California in droves, seeking residence in states like Texas, where tax and regulatory policies are friendlier to business. The California tax base is fleeing along with those businesses.

In Sacramento California, government employee unions are running the show. Not only do “progressive” politicians vote overvalued salaries and perks for themselves, they also obediently kowtow to union demands for ever escalating salaries, benefits and pensions. This occurs because those politicians depend on union money, muscle and turnout for their own re-election. Rather than choosing to run the state responsibly, self interested career politicians continuously submit to demands from “civil servants” who are too often far from civil. The looming, unfunded costs of union benefits and pensions are among the largest liabilities contributing to the state’s $15.7 billion deficit.

These are precisely the results all Americans can expect for future generations if the cradle to grave mentality continues to be legislated by “progressive” me first career politicians. These results are predictable if the cradle to grave lie remains propagandized in schools, promoted in television programs, glorified in the movies and dutifully drubbed into the minds of sound bite voters by the news media.

If America is to be saved, these combined forces of the institutionalized “progressive” left must be stopped; starting with voting “progressive” politicians out of office. That’s the first order of business. When a patient arrives in an emergency room, stopping the bleeding receives top priority. The detailed surgery needed to excise the root problem, while still necessary, comes later. It took years for “progressives” to infiltrate and infect academia, Hollywood, the media and political class with their cancerous agenda. And while delay is not an option, it will take years to repair those institutions.

Unless that happens, today’s Americans will spend their declining years describing to young people who’ll listen, how the United States was once the place where the world’s people came for otherwise unavailable opportunity. How the land of the free and the home of the brave was more than just a line in a song.

In America, for an increasingly limited amount of time, cradle to grave suicide is still an option.

Two Cheers For the House of Representatives

May 12, 2012

Cheers for Indiana Democratic Rep Joe Donnelly, who broke rank with “progressives” to support the Fast and Furious subpoena in Congress. Rep Donnelly expressed support for the Oversight Committee’s subpoena of Attorney General Eric Holder over documents related to the failed Operation Fast and Furious scandal. This was a big step taken by Donnelly since it means  that “progressive” Democrats like Rep Elijah Cummings of Maryland can no longer claim that the investigation is a wholly partisan issue.

“One of the duties of Congress is to provide oversight of the Executive Branch,” Donnelly said “There has been a serious allegation of federal law enforcement misconduct and we need to get to the bottom of this issue without playing partisan politics.”

“Attorney General Eric Holder could end this today if he gives us the documents,” Utah Rep Jason Chaffetz said. “Fast & Furious has become Slow & Stonewalling and it really makes you wonder what they’re hiding. We were promised those responsible would be held accountable and that has not happened.”

GOP Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, issued the documents subpoena in October 2011 and suggested days ago that the next option to get Holder to release additional documents might be declaring him in contempt of Congress.

When it comes to Stonewalling, Holder has now entered into direct competition with Richard Nixon’s Watergate era White House. The big difference being, the Watergate scandal never resulted in death. Since for “progressives” the ends always justify the means, the loss of several hundred Mexican civilian lives and that of a U.S. Border Patrol Agent is a small price to pay when defrauding the American public into believing restricting their Second Amendment Rights is a good idea.

Having Eric Holder as U.S. Attorney General is like having a fox guarding the hen house. Despite all of Holder’s “get tough” rhetoric against Wall Street, as of today, there has yet to be a single criminal charge filed by the federal government against top executives of elite financial institutions like UBS, MBNA Bank, MF Global, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, or Bank of America. Certainly it can’t have anything to do with top officials at the Department of Justice who had strong ties to Wall Street being big fundraisers for obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Perish the thought.  There’s nothing to see here folks, keep moving along.

Additional cheers to the entire U.S. House of Representatives, for voting to defund the obama administration’s lawsuits against state immigration laws.

“Instead of using tax dollars to sue states, the Department of Justice and other branches of this government should start focusing on enforcing existing immigration laws,” said Rep. Lou Barletta, a Pennsylvania Republican. “Until they do, the Department of Justice should not receive one federal tax dollar to sue states.”

The 238-173 House vote emphasizes the popularity of state immigration laws. Recent polling shows that a majority of voters overwhelmingly support the idea of states being able to act.

The amendment still needs approval from the Senate and from obama, neither of which is likely. The current administration and their Senate allies have zero interest in enforcing existing immigration laws. Were they to do so, it would interfere with their partisan, divisive, race baiting “comprehensive immigration reform” rhetoric. If Americans are allowed to see that enforcing existing immigration laws works, obama will lose one of the many highly emotional, politically charged, manufactured identity politics issues “progressives” use to sway uninformed sound bite voters to their side.

How obama’s Gay Marriage Views Have ‘Evolved’

May 11, 2012

obama announced Wednesday that he now supports same-sex marriage, reversing his public opposition after feeling pressure from several Democrats, including his own Vice President, Joe Biden.

obama’s position on same-sex marriage has changed several times during his hideously dishonest, radically motivated, meteoric career. In 1996, he was in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage. Then, in 2008 his view “magically” switched to “marriage is between a man and a woman”. More recently, up until Wednesday, his opinion was “evolving”.

What this reveals about obama is how coldly calculating is his timing. Each and every reversal of position coincidentally benefited obama’s political prospects enormously. It’s clearly not an accident that each shift in his position happened at exactly the right time…for him.

Back in 1996, while running in a Democratic primary to become an Illinois State Senator from Chicago, he took the position that suited the views of that electorate. He was an open supporter of same-sex marriage.

When obama announced in 2008 that he believed marriage should be between a man and a woman, he was running a nationwide campaign for president. He clearly understood that Electoral College votes might not fall his way if he openly supported gay marriage. Naturally, since the ends justify the means, a dishonest shift in his position seemed perfectly appropriate to him. As was his tactic in the 1996 State Senate campaign, he tailored his views to suit the electorate.

Now in 2012, when he’s struggling to raise funds for his re-election, obama suddenly supports same-sex marriage…again.

It’s no mystery that the gay community makes big donations to Democratic campaigns. Since obama needs donations from the deep-pocketed gay community, don’t expect him to change his position on same sex marriage again. That is, unless and until it becomes politically expedient.

Since he first took center stage within the national public eye, obama’s constantly preached about how he will have the most transparent administration in American history. In this instance, on this issue, that claim carries a semblance of truth.

What are the odds?