Posts Tagged ‘money consumers’

The Least Productive Congress…Why?

August 15, 2012

The institutionalized “progressive” left is at it again.  Consider this headline published by Yahoo News on behalf of Susan Davis, USA Today and ABC OTUS News:

“Congress could be least productive since 1947”

Three of the first four paragraphs of this “headline news” story focus on attacking the Republican majority in the House of Representatives for the recent lack of legislative success.  This is obviously typical of the “progressive” Party Pravda, which never misses an opportunity to parrot messages being dictated by the George Soros funded Media Matters via Valerie Jarrett and the White House.

Statistics are being manipulated and misrepresented by partisan hacks posing as journalists: “Just 61 bills have become law to date in 2012 out of 3,914 bills that have been introduced by lawmakers, or less than 2 percent of all proposed laws,” or “In 2011, after Republicans took control of the U.S. House, Congress passed just 90 bills into law.

It might be statistically true that “Congress is on pace to make history with the least productive legislative year in the post-World War II era,” but to so strongly insinuate that this is the fault of the House Republican majority, as Davis, USA Today, ABC News and Yahoo News do is a lie.  Utter fabrication…pure unadulterated fiction.

Where the article fails completely (that is if you are seeking factual information rather than “progressive” propaganda) is in the “reporting” of why those numbers are so abysmal.

The United States Senate, under the extreme, partisan, rigidly ideological, failed “leadership” of “progressive” Democrat Harry Reid, has blocked, obstructed, ignored or refused to allow a majority of House passed bills to even come to a vote in the U.S. Senate.

How is any bill passed by the House ever to become law if it is completely blocked from discussion or vote in the Senate?

The reason so many people believe the House is to blame for this situation is the lies spread by institutionalized “progressive” shills like Yahoo News, Susan Davis, USA Today, ABC OTUS News and their ilk.

Should the 112th Congress come to be “defined by partisan divisions and legislative failures”, the blame will rest squarely at the slumping, rounded shoulders of Reid and his “progressive” co-conspirator currently occupying the Oval Office.  The “progressive” Democratic Senate majority has not even passed a budget in three years.  They even voted down the one that came from the Oval Office 97-0.

This is a clear dereliction of duty by the “progressive” Democratic Party.  Thanks to the utter failure of their “progressive” policies, the one and only card left for them to play is using Saul Alinsky style smear tactics against the right attempting to blame the right for problems caused by the left.  This has been the modus operandi of “progressives” since they seized control of the Democratic Party.

The most egregious of lies propagated by the institutionalized “progressive” left is the one put forth by Nancy Pelosi during the TARP debate.  On September 28, 2008 Pelosi placed the blame for the economic collapse entirely on George W. Bush and failed Republican economic policies.

The 2008 financial collapse was a direct result of failed “progressive” social engineering in the U.S. housing market.  For decades the U.S.has  had nothing remotely resembling a free market in residential real estate.  Instead, “progressive” big government created monstrosities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac controlled over half of all U.S. mortgages.  For twenty years, Conservatives warned about the systemic risk Fannie and Freddie posed to the financial system but they were constantly thwarted by the left.  To this very day, the institutionalized “progressive” left denies the essential part Fannie and Freddie played in creating the housing bubble and causing the financial crisis.

Even at the height of the housing bubble, as the extent of the damage was being revealed, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd were still seeking to increase Fannie and Freddie’s role in a market already fettered by “progressive” big government interference.   On behalf of a well-heeled constituency in her congressional district, the liar Nancy Pelosi continued insisting Fannie and Freddie keep the housing bubble going, pushing for their insurance limits to be increased from $417,000 to $700,000 per loan.

Whether in the area of journalism or politics, once the facts are in members of the institutionalized “progressive” left prove themselves to be nothing more than bold faced, willfully deceitful psychopaths unfit to serve in the public arena.

White House Tells Lies (Repeatedly) To Win

August 9, 2012

The White House re-election campaign has denied any knowledge of an abhorrent, misleading Super PAC ad that wrongly blames GOP challenger Mitt Romney for the death of a steelworker’s wife from cancer.

Campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki responded by saying: “We have nothing, no involvement, with any ads that are done by Priorities USA.  We don’t have any knowledge of the story of the family.”  Deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter stated: “I don’t know the facts about when Mr. Soptic’s wife got sick, or the facts about his health insurance.”

The problem for the Oval Office and its hope for re-election is; Soptic told the story on May 14, 2012, in a conference call hosted by the Obama campaign.

This is from someone who condemned PAC attack ads running in favor of John Edwards during the 2008 campaign.  This is from a candidate who attacks Super PACs that are on Romney’s side, but never utters one peep about the PACs that are aligned with him, launching slanderous attacks against Romney on his behalf.

Apparently for “progressives”, civility remains a one way street.

Evidence shows how the White House’s assertion that political appointees were not involved in Energy Department loan decisions is a flat out lie.

Documents and sources knowledgeable of the situation show that disagreement between administration officials over approval of a $1.4 billion loan to another project was resolved by then-White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley.

Last summer the Oval Office occupier was briefed personally about a federal loan program aimed at helping clean-energy companies.   The briefing took place a mere two months before failure of the solar company Solyndra.  Solyndra was trumpeted by the White House as the poster child for solar power success in America.

It is easy to understand why Romney and his supporters justifiably lament the cheap, two-bit, Chicago thug style, dirty, lying, lowlife, bottoms scraping, scumbag, “progressive”, Alinsky tactics being used daily by the current White House occupant’s re-election campaign.  But to remain stuck in lament or defense mode plays right into their hands.

The best option is to stick to the truth and use the abundant available evidence to successfully portray the current administration and its “progressive” political allies for what they are.  So incredibly inept at governing that their own failed leadership and flagrant incompetence has forced them to lie, cheat and resort to character assassination in order to misrepresent themselves and their opponent.

Then paint the portrait of a viable alternative to failure: A proven leader who has achieved the American dream through pursuit of happiness.

Follow that with a series of questions.

Who would you rather have leading the United States of America; someone so inexperienced, inept and incompetent that Americans are resorting to Welfare, Disability and Food Stamps for survival?  Someone who must resort to blatantly dishonest tactics in an attempt to salvage their own failed, sagging political career?

Or would you rather have America led by a competent, successful and experienced businessman of good moral character who has plans to revitalize the American private sector economy and put Americans back to work?

America deserves better than having an inexperienced, incompetent, inept liar as President of the United States.

You deserve better.

The Tea Party’s Work Has Just Begun

August 8, 2012

Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney attacked occupy Oval Office, aka Barrack Obama, for waiving portions of the welfare-to-work law.  At a Chicago campaign stop, Romney pledged to reverse the July order that disembowels welfare reform.  “We will end a culture of dependency and restore a culture of good, hard work,” Romney said.

Naturally, White House press secretary Jay Carney called Romney’s charges “blatantly dishonest.”  Carney’s misrepresentative spin continued: “This administration’s policy will strengthen the program by giving states the opportunity to employ more effective ways to help people get off welfare and into a job.”

For their part, a new Romney campaign ad accurately asserts that “Obama guts welfare reform” saying “Under Obama’s plan, you wouldn’t have to work and wouldn’t have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check.”

Of course, to White House “progressives” it does not matters that The Health and Human Services Department directive permits states to ask for waivers from the work requirement found in the existing welfare law.  They are going to attack, smear, invent and misrepresent every fact necessary to convince low information voters to cast their ballots against Romney, no matter what.

Coincidently, the current White House occupant is now blaming state and local governments, as well as Congress for the 14.1 percent black unemployment rate.

“There are a lot more things we could be doing. To get them done, we need cooperation of Congress. We got the payroll tax portion of [my American Jobs Act] done, but what we didn’t get done is the assistance I was proposing to the states to help them hire back teachers, firefighters, and first responders, because one of the weakest parts of this recovery has been state and local government hiring.  Given the weaknesses of the construction industry, the American Jobs Act proposed that we rebuild schools, roads, bridges, airport, and ports. That would provide small businesses with opportunities as contractors and vendors in this rebuilding process. Again, Congress needs to act.”  Obama stated.

Were George W. Bush, Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, economic troubles in the Eurozone, the Arab Spring, a Japanese tsunami or ATMs and ticketing kiosks suddenly unavailable for blame?

Obama then took for granted a big part of his core constituency by saying “I’m not the president of black America. I’m the president of the United States of America.”

If one is to believe the pathological wealth redistributor in thief, he and his policies are never to blame for any of the existing malaise.  If only all those poor unfortunate souls who are not part of the “progressive” “intellectual elite” were capable of understanding.  Then his “progressive” holiness could explain to them how his policies are great…for the hundred thousandth time.

The idea that America is in deep financial trouble and that the current “progressive” administration is intentionally inflicting damage upon America and its economy is supported by the enactment of a seemingly endless string of “progressive” policies that run 180 degrees counter to how America and its economy are designed to work.

But one politician, no matter how radical, fringe, extreme, anti-American, “progressive” they are is solely to blame for the current situation.

Thanks to “go along to get along” “establishment” Republicans who abandoned Conservative principles and co-opted the “progressive” Democratic tactic of bringing home the bacon to buy votes; from January 2007 to January 2011 Republicans were in the legislative minority.  After the 2008 election, they were so outnumbered they were powerless to stop a “progressive” agenda bent on advancing an extreme, fringe, radical, anti-American wish list “progressives” spent decades concocting.

Then Americans woke up and elected Republicans of a more Conservative stripe to a majority in the House and reduced the “progressive” majority in the Senate.

But the Tea Party’s work is not done.  It is only now beginning.

“progressives” and their policies have been assailing America for over a century.  Based on what has happened since the 2010 election, expectations that more than 100 years of damage will be reversed in one election cycle are unrealistic.

For some Tea Party Americans, Mitt Romney might not be their first pick for president.  At least Romney is an American who knows first-hand how to achieve success in business.  Better still, Romney was not raised overseas by Communists.  This is a far cry from the current clueless affirmative action clown who between rounds of golf is working to “fundamentally transform” America into a Socialist democracy.  Besides, Romney’s campaign is showing a willingness to fight, something John McCain’s 2008 campaign failed to demonstrate.

Americans need to stay focused, remain diligent and work hard to elect Conservative Americans to every office possible.  It could be the White House, the U.S. Senate, Congress, Governor, Mayor or the local dog catcher.

Keep the faith and get out the American vote!

White House: Talk About Anything But Our Record

August 7, 2012

Ever since the 2009 GM bailout by “progressive” big government ended the pensions of 20,000 retirees at Delphi auto parts manufacturing, the White House and the Department of Treasury have laid the blame on the steps of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

Internal government emails have been obtained that show the U.S. Treasury Department, run by Timothy Geithner, was behind those termininations.  All 20,000 of the pensions seem to have been ended strictly for the reason that those retirees did not belong to labor unions.

Perhaps the National Labor Relations Board was too busy preparing to harass another private sector company planning to hire non-union workers to get involved.

Meanwhile, Attorney General Eric Holder has yet to file any criminal charges against top Wall Street bankers with connections inside the Department of Justice or who had made political donations to the 2008 presidential campaign of the current White House occupant.

Over the years, both the Oval Office and Holder have talked tough, aggressively attacking big fat cat bankers, blaming their reckless speculation for the 2008 financial collapse.  The Government Accountability Institute has found that Holder still has not “filed a single criminal charge against any top executive of an elite financial institution.”

All talk no action.  Sound tough for the union organized OWS crowd, but do nothing to upset potential campaign donors.  The heck with credibility, the “progressive” Party Pravda will run interference for the re-election campaign.

Overseas, Iran has vowed it will not allow Assad to fall in Syria.

“Iran will never allow the resistance axis – of which Syria is an essential pillar – to break,” said Saeed Jalili, Iran’s Supreme National Security Council secretary.  The “axis of resistance” includes Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas, all of which are anti-Western and openly hostile towards Israel and the United States.

Assad reassured Jalili by saying: “The Syrian people and their government are determined to purge the country of terrorists and to fight the terrorists without respite.”

If Assad is overthrown, Iran will lose influence over Syria and a crucial link to Hezbollah.

Could it be that Muslim Brotherhood influence over the White House has surreptitiously led to policies that support the creation of a regional Caliphate?  What other way is there to logically explain policies that support rebellions to overthrow some Middle Eastern dictators, but not support rebellions hostile to the Iranian regime or its allies?

With so much baggage for the White House to carry through the campaign, their “Priorities” are to have their “progressive” allies run misleading ads that attempt to tie Mitt Romney to death.

Priorities USA Action, a super PAC supporting the Oval Office is running a new ad that blames Mitt Romney for a family losing health insurance which contributed to a woman dying from cancer.

It apparently makes no difference to the “progressive” super PAC that Romney left Bain Capital years before the GST Steel bankruptcy in 2001.  In addition, the cancer casualty Ranae Soptic died in 2006, long after the GST plant had been closed.

In another move to distract attention away from the dismal economic performance of the White House, the Oval Office occupier was overheard whispering to a top fundraiser that GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney wants to name Gen. David Petraeus as his choice for Vice President.

The White House was more than happy to clutter the news cycle by dismissing the Drudge Report.  Anything to keep the pathetic economic record of the White House out of the headlines will suffice.

Press Secretary Jay Carney reminded reporters to “be mindful of your sources” when asked about the Petraeus rumor.  “I can say with absolute confidence, such an assertion has never been uttered by the president.  And again be mindful of your sources” said Carney.

And so it goes for the most open, transparent White House in American history.  They are more than happy to talk about anything but their own record.

Harry Reid Is Not the Only Liar

August 6, 2012

From the floor of the United States Senate chamber, without a single shred of evidence, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid recently charged that for ten years Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney paid no taxes.

Is not the legal system in the United States based on the presumption of innocence?  Did Harry Reid grant himself the authority to alter that, or did he obtain permission from the White House by fiat?

Since when is it the business of the Senate Majority leader to take to the Senate chamber microphone and accuse a political opponent of a serious crime while presuming him guilty and demanding he prove his innocence?  Is not Senate business the job for which Reid was elected?  How does making this unsubstantiated charge fit in with conducting the business of the United States Senate?

It would be bad enough if this Harry Reid distraction from the failures that define the post-fad institutionalized “progressive” left’s Oval Office tragedy was an isolated incident.  For a “man” in what has historically been a prestigious position to make such outrageous charges without a single shred of evidence exceeds extremely egregious.  But sadly, an overview of the political landscape shows that it is not just Harry Reid who is engaged in spouting lies, uttering distortions and intentionally creating or parroting misinformation.

The White House re-election campaign has sued Ohio over a state provision that gives three extra days for early voting to members of the military.  The administration and the “progressive” Party Pravda pushed back hard, claiming that the lawsuit did not intend to target military voters.  That claim is pure, unfiltered bollocks.  Over the decades, “progressive” Democrats have sought to suppress military votes.  In 2000, when “progressive” Democrats were passionately seeking to steal the Florida Electoral College votes from George W. Bush, they actually succeeded in disqualifying military ballots.

Then there is the 2012 case of “progressive” Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts.  Despite having blue eyes and blonde hair, she claims that she is “Native American”.  The “evidence” she presents to support her claim?  Her mommy told her so.

Never mind that her claim was rejected by the Cherokee Nation, and that an investigation of her family tree offers no support for her assertion.  In the meantime, while Warren claimed she didn’t know whether or not Harvard had ever promoted her Native American background, the Boston Globe reported: “For at least six straight years during Warren’s tenure, Harvard University reported in federally mandated diversity statistics that it had a Native American woman in its senior ranks at the law school. According to both Harvard officials and federal guidelines, those statistics are almost always based on the way employees describe themselves.”

Such a deal!  Lie about your heritage so your application to work as a member of the Harvard Law school faculty is given preferential treatment.  When your lie is discovered, say it must be true because mommy said so.

On the latest airing of FOX News Sunday, host Chris Wallace caught White House re-election campaign chairman David Axelrod in a lie about “Recovery Summer”.  Axelrod repeatedly stated that in 2010 he never spoke about the administration’s imaginary “Recovery Summer”.  Evidence shows he did exactly that during an interview with David Gregory on the NBC program Meet the Press.

As it turns out, “Recovery Summer” was, in and of itself, another oft trumpeted “progressive” fabrication.

Then there is Fast & Furious.  The White House and their “progressive” co-conspirators dreamed up the “perfect” way to convince Americans that more rapacious “progressive” big government infringements on their constitutionally protected gun rights were needed.

What was that “perfect” plan?  To intentionally allow hundreds of deadly automatic and semi-automatic weapons to walk across the southern border and into the hands of known criminals in Mexican drug cartels.  The cover story would be that the government intended to track the guns and catch cartel higher ups red handed.

Never mind that zero effort was made to track the guns.  None of the guns that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and the Department of Justice let walk were capable of being tracked by GPS.  Once the guns crossed the border, there was no way of telling where they ended up.

Instead of providing any evidence to support their tracking claim, the DOJ and the White House asserted they were merely continuing a program established by the Bush administration.  The difference between the two policies discredits that assertion.  The far fewer number of guns that were allowed by the Bush administration to leave the country had been equipped with GPS tracking devices.

After the House of Representatives Investigative Committee caught U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in a lie and demanded additional information from the DOJ about the Fast and Furious scandal, the White House exerted Executive Privilege, which cannot be used unless the White House itself was involved in the activities under question.

Former White House “green jobs czar and self-avowed Communist Van Jones, and complicit “progressive” Party Pravda dogs assert that the GOP and the Tea Party “Want to hurt Americans economically so they can gain politically.”

This statement flies in the face of the fact that in order to gain politically, decades of “progressive” Democratic policies quite nearly destroyed the global economy through “progressive” big government social engineering in the U.S. housing market, have skewed American tax codes in favor of dividing Americans into separate economic classes and punishing the successful while rewarding the unsuccessful, have set about to destroy the concept of a traditional two parent family, dismantle the military, make more people dependent on “progressive” big government “entitlement” programs and allowed an unrestricted flood of illegal alien invaders into the country in hopes of buying the votes of their children with “progressive” big government handouts.

Still want to cling to the claim that “progressives” are the adults in the room?

At least RNC Chairman Reince Priebus is willing to call Reid a ‘dirty liar’.  ABC’s George Will compared Reid’s actions to McCarthyism by saying: “Look, in 1950, Joe McCarthy went to West Virginia, didn’t know what to tell to the Women’s Republican Club of Wheeling, West Virginia, so he said I have in my hand a list of 205, we think that are — 205 communists in the State Department.  (He) didn’t have a list.  Harry Reid doesn’t have any evidence either.  This is McCarthyism from the desert.”

Now is time for all American Patriots to expose the coordinated lies that are being and for decades have been spewed by “progressive” Democrats and their seditious allies within the institutionalized “progressive” left.

Maybe, just maybe, there are enough intelligent undecided swing voters with sound moral character remaining to ensure that “progressive” hopes for re-election end up where they belong, in the ashes.

The Economic Justice Lie

August 3, 2012

For years, the current White House occupant has foisted the concept that more affluent Americans do not pay their fair share of taxes.  That may make for an effectively memorable campaign stump slogan, but as is so often the case with the “progressive” Democrat’s reelection campaign statements, the rhetoric does not align itself with reality.  The top five percent of American wage earners pay forty seven percent of revenues collected by the IRS.  The top ten percent pay seventy percent of all IRS revenues.  Meanwhile, forty seven percent of the population pays zero income tax.  In fact, a large number of that forty seven percent actually reap the benefits of “progressive” big government largesse while paying nothing.

In a country long admired for its diligent protection of free speech it should be possible to logically discuss the plethora of clearly unconstitutional, vastly unpopular, criminally coerced, bribery stuffed, intimidation filled, votes bought, deals made and paid for legislation that amounts to an unmitigated assault upon American traditions, values and a way of life based on freedom of choice and individual liberty.  Given that anyone willing to speak against the institutionalized “progressive” leftist agenda is smeared, attacked, blocked on social media or otherwise suppressed, perhaps not.

But whether you look at the nationalization of American banks, the takeover of the U.S. auto industry, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known to the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court as a tax), the takeover of the college student loan industry, draconian EPA regulations or Cap and Trade initiatives, it all boils down to two words: “Economic justice.”

Does anyone in their right mind believe that the current radical fringe leftist “progressive” filled government is not playing favorites with student loan applications or will not play favorites with healthcare procedures and coverage?  Does anyone honestly believe that the current “progressive” Executive Branch will not continue to over-reach for power via Executive Order or through their appointments to the unelected, unaccountable regulatory bureaucracy?

Can you say reparations?  Can you say class warfare?  Can you say unable to run for reelection on their record?

Let the current Oval Office occupier in thief tell you in his own words:

  • “One of the tragedies of the civil rights movement was that the civil rights movement became so court focused, I think, there was a tendency to lose track of the political and organizing activities on the ground that are able to bring about the coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change.”

That is Marxism, plain and simple.  But “progressives” know full well that the majority of Americans would never accept Marxism, Socialism or Communism if they were honest about their agenda.  Americans are equally unlikely to accept redistribution of wealth at face value.  Witness the public outcry that followed the occupier’s now infamous 2008 campaign encounter with “Joe the plumber”.

What is a “progressive” Marxist to do?

Make the Marxist agenda sound like a moral issue to which good, God fearing, charitable Americans will subscribe.  Just like magic Marxism, Socialism, Communism and redistribution of wealth becomes “economic justice”.

Do not fall for persistent fringe left “progressive” attempts to redefine language through the smoke and mirror tricks of political correctness.  DO NOT BE FOOLED.

“Economic justice” = Forced redistribution of wealth, with hostility towards individual property rights, cloaked in a veneer of morality.

Where the majority of Americans are from, that is known as lying, cheating and stealing.

Is This Any Way To Govern?

August 2, 2012

Profits for Government Motors, the crown jewel of White House efforts to portray their venture capital investment efforts in a successful light, dropped 41 percent in the second quarter.  Using GM as a staple of his never ending re-election campaign efforts, the current Oval Office occupant has consistently crowed from the stump about how the GM bailout was part of his master plan to save or create jobs.

Never mind that the government-managed bankruptcy violated hundreds of years of precedent by stealing equity from secured investors and redistributing it to the United Auto Workers, staunch “progressive” Democratic supporters.  Forget that a majority of the auto dealerships that were closed as a result of “progressive” business mismanagement were owned by Conservative Republican small business owners.

Speaking of business, jobless claims rose again.  For the week ended July 28th, initial jobless claims increased by 8,000 to a seasonally adjusted 365,000.  In a now familiar pattern that has persisted since the current administration assumed stewardship over the economy, July 21 week ended claims were revised upwards from the initially reported 353,000 to 357,000.

According to the White House and their “progressive” co-operatives, underperforming jobless numbers would vastly improve if only those selfish small business owners would “pay their fair share”.  Never mind that small businesses are under assault from government mandated regulatory obligations imposed by unaccountable bureaucracies.  Big government “progressive” control freaks will never comprehend how small businesses are far less likely to hire new workers when a disproportionate amount of their limited funds are tied up in accounting and legal fees forced upon them by regulatory dictates.

Not surprisingly, poor economic reports caused stocks on Wall Street to drop, with the Dow and S&P averages showing the biggest single-day drops since late June.  Reports showed both the Dow and S&P down by nearly one percent.

But not to worry, a growing “progressive” big government has determined that for America the best way to solve all of these economic problems is to have said “progressive” big government take over one sixth of the economy by seizing control of the national healthcare system.  A tax that “progressives” refuse to call a tax imposed on “free” individual American citizens for refusing to comply with a “progressive” big government mandate to buy a commodity will be enforced by an IRS that has paid out billions of dollars in fraudulent refunds.  In a report issued on Thursday, the IRS inspector general said that identity thieves are filing bogus returns and could collect $21 billion over the next five years.

Having the government in control of their healthcare system should be of minor concern to American voters.  With trillions of dollars being tossed around more freely than Frisbees on a French Riviera beach, knowledge that 7,000 healthcare providers already paid over $6 billion by Medicaid not paying federal taxes to the tune of nearly $800 million should be considered nothing more than a small accounting error.  What’s a mere $800 million among friends?

It isn’t like partisan politics could interfere with making sound judgments.

That is unless “progressives” are making those decisions.

Early in his presidential campaign back in July 2007, then candidate Barrack Hussein Obama said: “The least employers can do when they’re anticipating layoffs is to let workers know they’re going to be out of a job and a paycheck with enough time to plan for their future.”  Of course, now that having certain key employers do exactly that would threaten his re-election aspirations, he is against it.

Since passage of the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, employers with one hunderd or more workers are required to give employees a sixty day notice of pending mass layoffs or plant closings.  With the jobs of up to one million U.S. defense contractor workers threatened by looming budget cuts at the Defense Department, those contractors should be sending layoff notices to their workers just a few days before the upcoming Nov. 6 election.  The administration said that those federal contractors do not need to warn their employees about pending mass layoffs or plant closings because the budget cuts slated to begin Jan. 2 are “still speculative.”

Can you say John Kerry?  He was for it before he was against it too, right?

But Americans really should not sweat the small stuff.  Should it matter that thanks to business hostile policies of “progressive” politicians, those self-imagined self-appointed members of the intellectual elite, the American economy is crumbling before their eyes?  After all, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continues to make statements like: “Anyone who loves freedom and justice must strive for the annihilation of the Zionist regime in order to pave the way for world justice and freedom”?

Think about it.  What difference will the state of the economy make if a nuclear armed Iran starts a nuclear world war that annihilates the entire planet?

Is there any truth to the rumor that George Soros is speculating untold billions of his ill-gotten gains on cockroach futures?

Is this the way Americans wants their country governed?

Antonio Villaraigosa: America’s First Latino President?

July 31, 2012

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is a long-time supporter of the current occupier in chief.  Over the course of the past year Villaraigosa has done no less than 20 official or campaign events on the White House’s behalf.  He will be in the national spotlight when he gavels the opening of the 2012 Democratic National Convention in September.

Questions are already being raised about whether Villaraigosa, mayor of the country’s second largest city and part of the rapidly growing Hispanic population, has presidential aspirations.

“The answer is no.  The job I’ve said to people I would like is I would like to be governor of the state of California” he said.

As did his hero during the 2008 presidential campaign, Villaraigosa demonstrates enough politically savvy to paint himself as a centrist.  He has publically expressed support for the Simpson-Bowles Commission and concerns over the strength of government sector unions.  Much like those of his idol in the White House, Villaraigosa’s expressions of concern are empty rhetoric.

In the state of California, a growing number of cities are teetering on the brink of or have already filed for bankruptcy.  Mammoth Lakes, Vallejo, Stockton, Compton, Bell and San Bernardino are all guilty of mishandling their finances.  They have spent years shuffling monies from fund to fund in attempts to hide huge budget deficits.  The city of Los Angeles is right there with them.

“The enemy is algebra” says San Jose city councilman Sam Liccardo, a Democrat.   “The fact is the unions own the Democratic Party” he said.  Government employee unions call the shots for the Democratic Party in California.  California’s widespread, growing fiscal problems are directly tied to the corrupt quid quo pro relationship between government sector unions, the Democratic politicians they elect, and the ballooning costs of government sector union salaries, benefits and pensions.  “Party orthodoxy is much more strictly enforced at the state level, because the unions decide who wins and who loses” said Liccardo.

There is a solution: San Diego, a California city that is projecting five years of budget surpluses, addressed their biggest fiscal concern by switching most of its government union pensions to a 401(k)-style plan.

Villaraigosa talks tough about fiscal matters and reining in the power of government sector unions, but as mayor of Los Angeles, his actions belied his words.  As mayor of the country’s second largest city, Villaraigosa has never led any such action, has never made any such attempt, never proposed any such policy.

Villaraigosa caused great concern when he openly spoke of bankruptcy in regards to the fiscal future of Los Angeles.  Says Kevin James, a stalwart Republican fiscal Conservative running to replace him: “He says a bankruptcy won’t happen under his watch, but his watch is over in a few months. He didn’t say anything about what happens after that.”

Do not be misled by the centrist smokescreen.  Villaraigosa is as “progressive” as Democrats come, which is to say that he is as much a radical fringe leftist as are House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and the current Oval Office occupant.  The outgoing L.A. mayor’s expressed support for Simpson-Bowles is undoubtedly rooted in the Commissions’ willingness to raise taxes…not exactly a trail blazing innovative position for a “progressive” to take.

Villaraigosa has been a corrupt, free spending, fiscally irresponsible mayor in Los Angeles.  Despite protestations to the contrary, there is no evidence to support the conclusion that he would make anything but an equally disastrous choice for either governor or president.

Government or Business?

July 30, 2012

A review of history shows that smaller government and lower tax rates consistently prove more fiscally sound and achieve greater success at stimulating economies than do the big government, big spending policies of the current administration and fellow “progressive” Democrats.

The White House’s agenda is disastrous for economic growth and stability. Much of what the Oval Office occupier calls “tax cuts” are rewards for participating in an unproven, inefficient, unreliable “green energy” fairy tale.  To a large degree “green energy” has proven to be nothing more than a thinly veiled means of redistributing wealth from taxpayers to the administration’s “progressive” political cronies.

Despite misinformation coming from the White House, faithfully parroted by their willfully complicit co-conspirators within the “progressive” Party Pravda, a one-time annual tax credit of $5,000 to hire an employee that will cost a business far more in salary and benefits is not a tax cut.

When “properly” spun by the misleader in chief, reductions in the payroll tax for working people sound good, but in reality are further defunding the nearly bankrupt Social Security Ponzi scheme.

The government loaned hundreds of billions of dollars to banks. In exchange for those billions the government received preferred shares of stock in those banks. Holders of preferred stock are first in line for any dividends paid to shareholders. Since the banks must pay the government back, holders of common stock will be receiving no dividends. Everyday investors will not buy stock in those banks; instead they will sell their shares in order to use that capital on investments that pay a dividend. This is de facto nationalization of the banking system.

Stress testing banks requires them to maintain balance sheets that are deemed “acceptable” by unelected, unaccountable government regulatory bureaucrats.  In order to maintain those balances, banks are reluctant to lend money to small businesses, many of which are dependent on small loans from local banks to compensate for periodic income shortfalls experienced during normal business cycles.

If re-elected, the current White House occupant will continue to use class warfare as an excuse to reduce and eliminate taxes on political groups inclined to elect proponents of nanny state big government programs.  As envisioned by “progressives”, eventually a majority of Americans will no longer pay any taxes. Meanwhile, the administration will increase the tax burden on successful businesses and individuals; the rich who do not pay “their fair share”.  The majority of people will not care how high tax rates rise.  Since they will no longer be paying taxes, higher tax rates will not affect them.  As businesses fail under the added tax burdens, more people will be laid off and require government assistance.  This will create a huge underclass of Americans dependent upon government for survival who will exist under government control.  This is not coincidental.

Corporations don’t pay taxes. They pass the cost of those taxes on to consumers. The elimination of corporate taxes will lower the cost of goods to consumers and incentivize investments by individuals and investment groups. It will also eliminate the need for corporations to finance Congressional lobbying in pursuit of more favorable tax structures or the creation of additional tax loopholes.

A cut in business tax rates will leave more money in the hands of businesses that succeed, and help those businesses grow through the reinvestment of profit. A growing business has a need to hire new employees. Growing companies that are hiring workers instead of letting people go make employees more secure in their own economic future and thus more likely to engage in consumer spending.

A cut in personal income tax rates will help stimulate consumer spending, thus improving the demand side of the economic equation without cumbersome, inefficient, wasteful government spending that requires borrowing with interest or printing money, which fuels inflation.

It is abundantly clear which direction should be taken by the United States.  Will America recover by electing a successful businessman?  Or will the U.S. continue lurching “forward” in fits and starts until it collapses under the “stewardship” of an unqualified community organizer with a sketchy, predominantly hidden past who’s only business experience prior to seizing power was one real estate deal between himself and a convicted felon?

Before the Dawn

July 27, 2012

A national poll showing a 59/35 percent disapproval rating demonstrates how declining confidence in American economic performance has led business owners to turn on the White House.  With the Oval Office insisting that the country cannot afford to continue the current tax rates for individuals making over $200,000 and couples making more than $250,000, aka the Bush tax cuts for the rich, it is not surprising that investor confidence is lagging.  Evidence indicates that the White House and their “progressive” allies have been repeatedly assailing small business owners, not “standing behind them” as their campaign rhetoric now insists.

Attacks originating from the White House such as the “You didn’t build that” remark are certainly not instilling confidence among entrepreneurs.  2010 Census figures reveal that from 2008-2010 200,000 small businesses shut their doors.  Three million jobs were lost when those companies closed up shop.

Americans cut spending as U.S. economic growth from April through June slowed to a crawl at an annual rate of 1.5 percent.  The slowdown indicates that the economy may be stalling three years into a sluggish, mostly jobless recovery that began when the last recession technically ended.

A growth rate of 2 percent or less does nothing to lower unemployment rates, which remained stuck at 8.2 percent last month.  According to most economic experts, growth is not expected to increase much in the second half of 2012, spurring fears of another recession.  Few economists believe the U.S. economy will strengthen anytime soon.

A less than glowing corporate earnings report, continued financial troubles in Europe and a looming budget crisis in the U.S. are all expected to contribute to further reductions in business investment and contribute to a possible economic downturn.

Drawing upon his business experience, presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney has plans to restore jobs in America within the private sector.  He is in favor of increased domestic energy production, a policy that will stimulate economic growth and reduce energy costs for all Americans.  Romney also favors taking a stronger stance towards China on matters of trade and currency manipulation.  He has repeatedly pledged to repeal and replace obamatax, also known by the misnomer: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; a reversal of that policy will disperse the clouds of doubt and uncertainty currently inhibiting job creation, business growth and capital investment.

With a successful businessman in the White House and a legislature composed of business friendly Representatives and Senators, prospects for an American economic recovery will brighten immediately.  Investors in America and especially Europe, where socialist tax assaults continue, will once again be inclined and incentivized to invest in America.

If you are one of the millions of American workers who have suffered long term unemployment or underemployment as a result of the failed “progressive” economic policies of the current administration and its “progressive” cohorts take heart, the first rays of the new dawn are just over the horizon.