Posts Tagged ‘economy’

Electric Cars and Other Means of CONTROL!

May 21, 2023

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You Choose

April 10, 2020

Experts on President Trump’s medical emergency task force have admitted they’re inflating the number of deaths being attributed to the COVID-19 virus.  They’re  also saying the world cannot return to normal without a clinically proven vaccine.

President Trump is encouraging doctors to prescribe hydroxychloroquine so people can go back to work.  That way, America can reopen its economy in a number of weeks.

“progressive” leftist “democrats” like Ezekiel Emanuel believe America should remain in lockdown for eighteen months or as long as it takes for a vaccine to be finished, tested, and distributed; until there are zero new cases and zero deaths.

The aforementioned COVID-19 virus originated in Wuhan, China.  Saying that is either a statement of fact, or a clear display of that special breed of toxically masculine, white privilege driven racism and xenophobia exclusive to Patriotic Americans who cling to their God, their bible and their guns.

Tara Reade, who as an adult had a working relationship with Joe Biden and was frequently in his presence, has levied sexual assault charges against the presumptive “progressive” “democrat” presidential candidate.  Reade has made a serious claim about Biden putting his hands under her skirt and manually penetrating her.

Shrill partisans within the #MeToo movement have completely ignored Tara Reade.  Yes, that would be the same shrill partisans who lectured us relentlessly about how we “must believe women” when Christine Blasey Ford made unsubstantiated allegations against Brett Kavanaugh.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and “The Squad” believe it’s unfair that money in the coronavirus emergency relief package is only going to American taxpayers with Social Security numbers, and not to illegal aliens a well.  You either believe emergency relief money from the U.S. Treasury should go to taxpaying American citizens or that it should go to whoever’s living within U.S. borders, even if they entered the country illegally.


Thanks to the previously noted emergency legislation, small businesses in America have been infused with capital to pay their employees.  But with their businesses shut down by “social distancing,” those businesses are making little or no money.  To survive, small businesses, like all businesses, must make enough money to cover their overhead and make enough profit to sustains the lives of the business owners.

On Wednesday, April 9, 2020, “progressive” leftist “democrats” in the U.S. Senate blocked Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell’s legislation to fund small businesses with additional capital because the “progressive” leftist “democrats” insisted on including money to pay to cities and states that have their own tax bases.  Either stressed out businesses receive the capital needed to sustain their existence or not.  Insisting there is no deal unless emergency federal funds go to state and local governments with their own power to tax is extortion.

For 244 years, America has been the land of the free and the home of the brave.

There are those who believe it should be a dark, gloomy, micromanaged wasteland where petty tyrants sitting in Mayoral and Gubernatorial mansions and their law enforcement minions can unilaterally decide whether or not the faithful can worship, fathers and daughters can go to the park together, or a lone surfer can hit the waves.

It’s not difficult. Either you’re an American or you’re not.

On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 you pick a side. You decide.


“progressives” in American Politics

May 8, 2013

republican-democrat-battleWhile “progressives” have existed in both major American political Parties for over a century, in recent years “progressives” have consumed the Democratic Party’s structural hierarchy while simultaneously increasingly insinuating themselves into the ranks of Republican Party leadership.  This has led to a blurring in the minds of the American voter of the distinction between the two.  Combine that blurred distinction with the growing reality that members of both Parties are increasingly interested in keeping their own powerful positions, replete with benefits comparable to royalty, and it becomes dangerously less possible to distinguish between them.

When Republicans sound and act like Democrat-light and Democrats hijack the rhetoric of and abduct issues from the Republican Party, how can the voter reasonably expect to decipher the difference?

The American political system has been corrupted by self-interested career politicians far more interested in their own political survival and the accompanying feeding from the public trough than they are in looking out for the interests of the American voter.

Americans need to realize that the Republican versus Democrat political paradigm, if not dead, is on failing life support.

Being a Republican no longer consistently means standing for constitutionally limited affordable government, lower taxes and a free market the_unified_democrat_republican_platform-460x307capitalist economic system. Today’s Democratic Party is definitely not the Party of John F. Kennedy. The Party of “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” has become the Party of steal from the productive and control the redistribution of that wealth to a government dependent class which cries out “give us more free stuff.” In the interest of getting themselves re-elected, members of both political Parties have moved in the direction of giving away “free stuff,” be it in the form of Welfare and Food Stamps to the inner city poor or in the form of subsidies and tax breaks for special interest groups eager to be on the receiving end of crony capitalism.

In the twenty first century, the contemporary political paradigm in America is no longer Republican versus Democrat. It is Americans versus “progressives.”

If you are a “progressive” you are not an American, and if you’re an American you will never be a “progressive.”

Upon what foundation can such an assertion be made?

Today, the political philosophical divide in the United States lies between the intent of America’s Founding Fathers and the intent of “progressives”, who favor the Marxist view. The Marxist view is directly, fundamentally and diametrically opposed to the uniquely American view.

America is the birthplace of freedoms that allows everyone the right to own private property.

How would Americans react if, after years of struggle to make their mortgage payments, they finally owned their own home, then, what they thought was an American government “informed” them that their home did not belong to them after all, it belonged to “all of the people” and Americans had to follow government mandates to allow strangers to live on their property and in the home they had long labored to purchase…whether they liked it or not?

declaration-of-independenceThe American idea, the shot heard round the world, is that the people can govern themselves. By the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God Americans are entitled, by virtue of their humanity, to the maximum amount of Individual Liberties consistent with law and order, and to the Right of private ownership, not the least of which is the Right to own and decide for themselves. Where to live, what to do for a living, what to eat, where their children will go to school, what motor vehicle they will drive, what healthcare plan and which doctors work best for them. These Liberties and Rights are to be equally protected by a constitutionally limited, representative government that derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.

America’s Founding Fathers declared that all men are created equal; that in effect, all men are kings, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They believed that a self-governing people could thrive without the “benefit” of having an oligarchy ruling over them.

A system which allowed “common people” to own property without first obtaining permission from a “divinely ordained” ruler – the American US Constitution - We The Peoplesystem – was a radical departure from centuries old norms.  As originally designed by its Founding Fathers, America was a place where anyone could come, work hard, earn money, save those earnings, purchase property and elevate themselves and their posterity to a level that had hitherto been unattainable where individuals remained shackled by the constraints of older political systems.  America was the place where undue government interference did not prevent individual achievement.

The “progressive” idea is that an all-powerful centrally planned government, with extreme hostility towards private ownership, forces redistribution of wealth in the name of social or economic “justice”. In order to ensure “fairness”, an oligarchy of self-imagined, self-appointed “intellectual elites” will control businesses, industries and people who are incapable of governing themselves.

These “progressive” ideas are European in origin, not American.

By fleeing Europe, America’s settlers rejected Europe’s failed ideas in pursuit of a better future.  A future where their dreams and ambitions were no longer restricted by the outmoded constraints imposed upon them by the European socio-economic class structure.

For over two centuries America has been an unprecedented success where a five thousand year leap was possible.  Since its birth America has been a beacon to freedom seeking people because the American idea is the better idea.

Among Americans there is no debate that the United States of America is by far the most inventive, productive, prosperous and charitable nation in the history of the planet.  Among “progressives,” America is populated by backwards thinking, greedy, evil bigots who need to be “enlightened” and shown the error of their ways by their “progressive” superiors.

There has yet to be put forth one rational, logical argument to support abandoning the highly successful American idea in favor of European ideas that are currently failing in Europe itself.

Love. Early American Style.

Green Energy Equals American Decline

December 10, 2012

greenenergyA Chinese auto company having just won the auction for bankrupt A123 Systems, one of Barack Obama’s car battery darlings that received a $249 million grant from the Obama government further illustrates why the White House playing capital investor with taxpayer funds is a very bad idea.

When Obama took office in January 2009, five million “green” jobs were promised, yet nowhere near that number have been created. The companies Obama invests in keep failing because Americans do not want to purchase inefficient energy at inflated prices.

Furthermore, eighty percent of the green loans, loan guarantees, and grants given out by Department of Energy went to Obama campaign backers:

•SunPower, after receiving $1.5 billion from DOE, is reorganizing, cutting jobs.

•First Solar, after receiving $1.46 billion from DOE, is reorganizing, cutting jobs.

•Solyndra, after receiving $535 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•Ener1, after receiving $118.5 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•Evergreen Solar, after receiving millions of dollars from the state of Massachusetts, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•SpectraWatt, backed by Intel and Goldman Sachs, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•Beacon Power, after receiving $43 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•Abound Solar, after receiving $400 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•Amonix, after receiving $5.9 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•Babcock & Brown (an Australian company), after receiving $178 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•Solar Trust for America, after receiving a $2.1-billion loan guarantee from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•Nevada Geothermal, after receiving $98.5 million from DOE, warns of potential defaults in new SEC filings.

“progressives” continue to promote global warming, or to use the most recent and now more popular vernacular: climate change.  The obama-magic-solar-energy-beansnarrative is that planet earth is experiencing a warming climate due primarily to the emission of man-made ”greenhouse gases”.  The most often and specifically referenced gas is carbon dioxide.

According to Matt Rosenberg at Atmosphere Composition, the earth’s atmosphere is composed primarily of Nitrogen and Oxygen. Together, the two comprise about 99% of the gas in the atmosphere. Here’s a listing of the key components of the atmosphere:

Nitrogen – 78.084%

Oxygen – 20.95%

Argon – 0.934%

Carbon Dioxide – 0.036%

Neon – 0.0018%

Helium – 0.0005%

Methane – 0.00017%

Hydrogen – 0.00005%

Nitrous Oxide – 0.00003%

Ozone – 0.000004%

In addition, water vapor is variable but typically makes up about 1-4% of the atmosphere.

“progressives” would have the world’s population believe that fluctuations in a trace element of earth’s atmosphere (0.036%) caused by the burning of fossil fuels like petroleum and coal has resulted in such catastrophic events as the melting of earth’s polar ice caps and glaciers.  They contend this will lead to the flooding of coastal areas and the extinction of species.

obama-failed-solar-companiesA nation of over 300 million people, which currently derives less than 5 percent of its energy from “alternatives” cannot expect to put an immediate end to the use of fossil fuels.  This could quite possibly bring the nation’s ailing economy to a grinding halt, resulting in a massive loss of business, leading to a dramatic decrease in already insufficient tax revenue and an extremely painful increase in unemployment.

Is putting an end to the use of petroleum worth the accompanying reduction in the living standards and the overall prosperity of a nation?  Is it worth the resulting ballooning of America’s national debt and further devaluation of its currency?

“progressives” feel an ongoing, compulsive need to force America to accept their “green energy solution”. Proposals made by the current administration and fellow “progressives” indicate a desire to achieve this end at all costs come what may.  Stiffer regulations on auto emissions and mileage, EPA regulations on energy providers, resistance to development of domestic natural resources, deficit government spending on inefficient and uncompetitive solar, wind, tide and bio-fuel technology dominate the political landscape.

America’s public and industrial infrastructure is based on the use of petroleum, natural gas and coal.  Nearly everyone drives a vehicle that burns gasoline or diesel fuel. Public transportation relies on fossil fuels as well. Natural gas, heating oil and coal are used in furnaces to heat homes and places of business. Coal and nuclear power generate electricity, which powers countless devices; the uses of which are taken for granted every day. Coal, natural gas and petroleum products power American’s industrial complex, the base of the American economic engine. America’s economy depends heavily on the existing sources of power. These methods of providing and consuming energy are all deeply ingrained into America’s business, manufacturing and home life.obama-green-energy-failures

Why does America continue spending hundreds of billions of dollars on foreign energy while America has undeveloped energy? Why not keep those billions of dollars at home, in America’s cash starved economy?

At a time when millions of Americans are looking for work, the economy is starving for liquid capital, and the IRS is in desperate need of revenue why not take advantage of America’s wealth of natural resources? Why not give Americans jobs drilling for oil and natural gas or digging for coal? Why not put people to work building refineries and power plants? Why not give energy employees jobs delivering gas, coal and natural gas to consumers? How many peripheral jobs will be created in the process? For every new oil well, power plant, refinery or mine there will be new infrastructure built, followed by grocery stores, restaurants, shopping malls, housing, schools, and everything else everyday Americans need for their lives.

All generated by the only force capable of powering America’s economic recovery: the private sector.

And none of those jobs could possibly be moved overseas.

Watch Episode 1 for free

Fiscal Cliff Will Happen

November 28, 2012

With events scheduled for in the White House and on the road, Barack Obama is back on the campaign trail spreading his message, with the clear and obvious intent of pressuring Congress into agreeing to his “fiscal cliff” terms.

While he will make claims to a willingness to listen to all ideas and negotiate with all parties, in fact he will endlessly argue for ending the current tax rates on Americans making $200,000 and above while accusing Congress of holding middle income families hostage.

To present the illusion he has been working hard to arrive at a successful resolution, Obama held closed doors meetings with big unions, big business and as an afterthought, small business owners.

Can you say all theatrics, no work?

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell R-KY, categorized the White House efforts as nothing but a public relations ploy: “Rather than sitting down with lawmakers of both parties and working out an agreement, he’s back out on the campaign trail, presumably with the same old talking points we’re all familiar with.  Look: We already know the president is a very good campaigner.  What we don’t know is whether he has the leadership qualities necessary to lead his party to a bipartisan agreement on a big issue like this.”

Obama is planning to use American citizens as human props in the ongoing campaign to rally his base.  He will call upon his followers to pressure Congress into submitting to “progressive” demands to raise taxes on small businesses and entrepreneurs.  Obama will preach that if a stalemate persists, taxes on middle class American will go up because Republicans held them hostage to protect tax cuts for the rich.

Can you say economic justice?

Economic justice is a Marxist concept where economic policies must result in the distribution of economic benefits equally.

Obama’s push to let tax rates expire on incomes over $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for families will hurt small businesses, the sector responsible for most new jobs growth in America.

Obama loves to characterize the tax increase as asking financially successful Americans to pay more in order to save government programs that face spending cuts.  The fact is, ending current tax rates for “the rich” would fund the United States federal government for less than nine days.

For Obama to propagate the false notion that taxing the rich will solve America’s fiscal problems is a red herring.  By consciously using middle class Americans as human props in attempts to sway public opinion in his favor, he is displaying true contempt for middle class Americans.

The United States federal government is borrowing forty cents of every dollar spent to prop up a slumping economy and support the deprived underclass it created using big government socialist programs to render American citizens dependent upon government.

Foreign debt buyers are slowly ending their investment in America’s bankruptcy and the Federal Reserve is now purchasing over sixty percent of America’s Treasury Bonds.

Can you say The Weimar Republic?  Can you say Zimbabwe?  Can you say today’s Eurozone on more steroids than the Soviet body builders at the 1952 Olympics, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lance Armstrong, Sammy Sosa, Jose Canseco, Lyle Alzado, Barry Bonds and Mark McGuire combined?  Can you say the worst economic downturn ever?

America does not have a revenue shortage.  America has a spending addiction.

Giving the United States government more money to spend is like trying to sober up an alcoholic by having them drink a gallon of gin.

In the ongoing “progressive” campaign to “fundamentally transform” America, the fiscal cliff created by “progressive” big spending will happen because “progressives” want it to happen.

And “progressives” will blame successful Americans.

Join the Revolution

No Change, No Hope

November 13, 2012

While the “progressive” Party Pravda is dutifully focused on distracting Americans with stories about the tragic resignation of former CIA Director David Petraeus,  the White House goes merrily along with its anti-growth, anti-business, anti-energy, radical fringe leftist “progressive” agenda.  The Barack Obama administration is now making plans for the next phase in fundamentally transforming America into a second rate European style slow growth high unemployment socialist state.

Nothing has changed from the last two years of Obama’s reign of terror.  In Harry Reid, Obama retains a “progressive” Democratic Senate majority leader who shares his radical fringe leftist ideology.  In the House of Representatives, Obama faces a Republican majority led by Speaker of the House John Boehner.  For the past two years, the House has refused to budge on tax hikes, one of a number of lusted for items on the “progressive” Holy Grail wish list.

Since Obama ran a class warfare, racial and gender dividing, hit man Chicago style smear re-election campaign, nothing but more of the same can be reasonably expected in his second term.

Evidence, in first meeting on Tuesday, he meets with Mary Kay Henry-SEIU, Lee Saunders-AFSCME, Dennis Van Roekel-NEA, Rich Trumka-AFL-CIO, Neera Tanden-Center for American Progress, John Podesta-Center for American Progress, Bob Greenstein-Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Laura Burton Capps-Common Purpose Project, Max Richtman-National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, Justin Ruben-MoveOn, and Deepak Bhargava-Center for Community Change.

These are Obama’s ideological soul mates.  Their priorities are to further their radical fringe leftist “progressive” agenda.

On Wednesday, Obama meets with Mark Bertolini, president, chairman and CEO of Aetna, Ursula Burns, chairman and CEO at Xerox, Kenneth I. Chenault, chairman and CEO for American Express, David Cote, chairman and CEO at Honeywell, Mike Duke, president and CEO of Walmart, Jeff Immelt, chairman and CEO for General Electric, Andrew Liveris, president, chairman and CEO of Dow Chemical, Robert McDonald, president and CEO at Procter & Gamble, Alan Mulally, president and CEO for Ford Motors, Indra Nooyi, chairman and CEO at PepsiCo, Ginni Rometty, president, chairman and CEO of IBM, andJohn Watson, chairman and CEO for Chevron.

These are the huge multinational corporations that have supported Obama while he has repeatedly accused Republicans of being in the pocket of huge multinational corporations.

They are also the companies that are big enough to survive the economic destruction brought about by Obama’s economic policies.

Can you say “too big to fail”?

Before he bothers to meet with Congressional leaders to discuss how to reach a “compromise” that will result in the United States avoiding the fiscal cliff, Obama has arranged his schedule so as to meet with his ideological Marxist brethren as well as his financial backers and yes men.

Together, they will calculate how to insist on their “my way or the highway” demands while appearing reasonable to low information voters who obtain their “news” from “progressive” Party Pravda sound-bites and headlines.

There will be little to no real negotiations with House Republicans.  They will be told what they have consistently been told by this administration.  “We won.  We are going to do it our way.”

When America goes over the fiscal cliff, Obama and his mob of ideological lunatics will sing a full throated chorus of “It’s all Republican’s fault” and get away with it because the “progressive” Party Pravda will march in lockstep with their Marxist overlords and tell the public what Obama wants them to believe.

Unless something changes, nothing will change.  Without changing this equation, there will be no hope in America.

America Deserves Better

October 26, 2012

The U.S. economy grew at a 2 percent annual rate in the third quarter.  The slight improvement was the result of more consumer and federal government spending.  Consumer spending improved from a 1.5 percent rate to 2 percent annual rate.

And federal spending surged.

Despite the modest increase, economic growth remains too weak to advance hiring.

This report is the last before Americans vote for president eleven days from now.

Mitt Romney has consistently criticized Barack Obama’s economic record, correctly noting that the pace of growth has slowed over the past two years.  This year’s 1.74 percent annual growth rate lags behind last year’s 1.8 percent growth.

Hoping to boost his image and enhance his chances at re-election, look for the Obama campaign to use the pickup in growth as evidence that the economy is improving.

When convenient to building his image in the minds of his followers, Obama and his loyal bastion in the openly biased American news media love to compare him to President Ronald Reagan.

As a result of Reagan’s economic policies, at this point in his presidency the U.S. GDP was experiencing a growth rate of 7.2 percent.

That was a real recovery.

Since the current recovery started approximately three years ago, the American economy has grown at the slowest rate of any post-recession recovery since World War II.

Under new leadership, with the proper policies in place, America can do better than this.

America deserves better than this.


Energy Starts American Recovery

October 8, 2012

America needs to become energy independent. America’s dependence on foreign energy puts her at great risk in a world that grows increasingly unstable. Given the current political upheavals in the Middle East, this reality is more than slapping America in the face.

Those who claim to be “progressive” feel a compulsive obsession to force Americans into accepting the “green energy” fantasy. Three plus years of actions taken by the current administration and fellow “progressives” show a willingness to achieve this end at any and all costs. Stiffer standards on auto emissions and mileage, crushing EPA regulations on energy providers, opposing development of domestic energy reserves, copious deficit spending on inefficient and noncompetitive solar, wind, tide and bio-fuel technologies besmirch the White House’s energy policy.

While such “progressive” measures theoretically “promote” development of “green” energies, they dictate a highly impatient, frantic pace that is crippling the American economy. They force the issue during a stubborn, recovery-resistant recession that is teetering on the brink of a full-blown depression.

America’s public and industrial infrastructures use petroleum, natural gas and coal, as well as limited nuclear power. Nearly every vehicle that is driven on American roads burns gasoline or diesel fuel. Public transportation relies on fossil fuels as well. Natural gas, heating oil and coal are used in furnaces to heat homes and places of business. Coal and nuclear power generate electricity, which powers countless devices; the uses of which are taken for granted every day. Coal, natural gas and petroleum products power American’s industrial complex, the base of the economic engine. America’s economy depends heavily on existing energy. The methods of providing and consuming energy are deeply ingrained into American business, industry, home life and recreation.

Expecting to change the methods of powering a society of over 300 million people overnight is unrealistic. While whatever conversions that do make sense are taking place, what energy is going power manufacturing, delivering and installing windmills, solar panels, turbines, generators and the power grid needed to provide “green” energy to the public? Will it be the “green” energy that is still under development? No. The energy that’s going to be used will be traditional fuels.

Why does America continue to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on foreign energy while there is undeveloped energy in its own country? Why doesn’t America keep those billions of dollars at home, in its own cash starved economy?

At a time when millions of Americans are looking for work and its economy is starving for liquid capital, why doesn’t America take advantage of its own wealth of natural resources? Why aren’t Americans drilling for oil and natural gas or digging for coal? Why aren’t people working building refineries and power plants? Why aren’t people delivering gas, coal and natural gas to consumers? How many peripheral jobs will be created in the process? For every new oil well, power plant, refinery or mine there will be new roads built, followed by restaurants, stores and housing. All generated by the only force capable of powering America’s economic recovery: the private sector.

In the interest of national security and job creation, America should put Americans back to work delivering American energy to Americans. This is the best way to become energy independent. Forcing “green energy” on America overnight will only lead to economic destruction.

Another Day Another Disaster

September 19, 2012

Barack Obama’s foreign policy approval numbers plunged in a recent poll.  This is no surprise at a time when NATO is pulling back in Afghanistan, a move that is heightening doubts about the future of that country.  NATO’s decision, which leaves Obama’s exit strategy in doubt, makes his claims of “progress” in that arena suspect at best.

While the Islamist world raged in the first week of a stark, full blown display of vehement, bloody hatred towards the United States, Barack Obama was jet setting to a party with Jay-Z and Beyonce, where he enjoyed the sight of a lavish 18-foot tall tower of gold French champagne bottles.  That was, until he was obligated to move the party to the CBS Late Show with David Letterman for a conversation that was so important that Obama simply could not find the time to meet with that pesky Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.

Oh yes, without a glimpses of a hint of a shadow of a doubt, Obama is the one and only candidate in this presidential race who is grounded, looks out for and cares for the little guy.

If you believe that, there is an exclusive ocean front property sale happening in Bolivia that is definitely not to be missed.

For the White House and the Obama re-election campaign, another day means another disaster.

Especially when additional evidence of his long term devotion to wealth redistribution surfaces:

GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney rejected Obama’s views and policies by stating ‘We believe in free people and free enterprise, not redistribution’.  That statement exemplifies how Romney is escalated his attacks on Obama’s economic vision.  A vision that has led to two credit downgrades for the United States, long term unemployment for millions of Americans, reductions in wealth and earning power at a time of higher prices at the grocery story and escalating costs for energy.

Thanks to an embarrassingly unprofessional and utterly irresponsible news media, most Americans are oblivious to the fact that the number of able-bodied adults who are dependent on food stamps has doubled since Obama’s illegal Executive Order suspended the work requirement for welfare recipients.

What is the “mainstream media” focused on?

For ABC News, the headline is: Romney Tapes Give Way To The Not-So-Calm After The Storm

Of special note for MICHAEL FALCONE (@michaelpfalcone) and AMY WALTER (@amyewalter) are:

•ROMNEY TAPES GET THE SUPER PAC TREATMENT: That didn’t take long. The pro-Obama super PAC, Priorities USA Action, is quick out of the starting gate this morning with a new television ad featuring footage of Mitt Romney’s candid comments from a private fundraiser that has rocked the political world this week. The script of the ad, titled “Doors,” speaks for itself. A narrator says, “Behind these doors Mitt Romney calls half the American people….” And then the hidden-camera video of Romney finishes the sentence:  ”Dependent upon government, who believe they are victims.” The narrator returns: “Victims?  Behind these doors middle-class families struggle. And Romney will make things even tougher. Raising taxes by up to $2,000 to give multi-millionaires a $250,000 tax break.” And Romney again: “I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility…” The group says the ad is part of their $30 million effort to underscore the effects of Romney’s economic proposals, which is underway on television and online in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin. WATCH:

•THE ROMNEY CAMPAIGN RESPONDS WITH TWO LUMPS OF COAL: Today the Romney campaign released two new television ads focusing on what Team Romney is calling “President Obama’s war on coal.” According to a release from the campaign: The first ad titled “Way of Life.” In the ad a man says, “My family’s worked in the coal industry for over sixty years. This is the way of life we know. Policies that the current administration’s got is attacking my livelihood. Obama said he was going to bankrupt any new power plants that opened up that’s coal-fired and he’s keeping his promise. I got two young grandsons. I’m scared for their future, let alone mine. I support Mitt Romney.” WATCH: In the second ad, “War on Coal,” the Republican nominee touts his support for the coal industry: “We have 250 years of coal,” Romney says in the spot. “Why wouldn’t we use it?” WATCH:

•REDISTRIBUTION POLITICS: The Romney and Obama campaigns are sparring today over “redistribution” — specifically an audio clip of President Obama from 1998 on the subject. WATCH: Republican National Committee spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski sums up the argument the GOP is seeking to make today — and likely for some time to come: “While Governor Romney talks about promoting personal responsibility and hard work, promising to deliver recovery, President Obama believes in redistribution and government dependency.” The Romney campaign has already been pushing hard on this line of attack and there’s more to come today, campaign aides tell The Note. Yesterday Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt weighed in: “The Romney campaign is so desperate to change the subject that they’ve gone back to the failed playbook co-authored by Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber. Fourteen years ago, then-Senator Obama was making an argument for a more efficient, more effective government — specifically citing city government agencies that he didn’t think were working effectively.”

The world is burning, Obama is fiddling, and the “mainstream media”, more appropriately described as the “progressive” Party Pravda, is focused on attacking and smearing the GOP candidate on behalf of the “progressive” in the White House.

Is this what America wants?

On November 6, 2012, Americans decide.

An Untrustworthy White House

September 17, 2012

One person was killed and dozens more were injured when protesters attempted to storm a U.S. outpost in Pakistan.  More flag covered coffins will arrive in the U.S. after four American soldiers died over the weekend as a result of ‘insider’ attacks in Afghanistan.  There are claims a video shows U.S. Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens being dragged through the streets to the delight of a jeering crowd.  Sudan rejected an American request to send Marines in to guard the U.S embassy.  Hardline Islamist television is openly inciting anti-American violence in Egypt and elsewhere.   Reports are that many of those participating in the “spontaneous” demonstrations are getting paid to protest.  While acknowledging it has elite troops stationed in Syria, Iran is calling for oil prices to reach $150 a barrel.  Libyan officials maintain they warned the U.S. three days before the attack on America’s Benghazi consulate.

There are people who hate America.  The Obama administration is now making excuses for them.  They have apologized to them.  Obama has bowed before their kings.  In the form of foreign aid, they are still trying to bribe them with money borrowed from China.  Despite Obama’s claims that his election would change Islamist attitudes towards the U.S., the people who have hated America for many long decades still hate America.

Still, U N Ambassador Susan Rice and the entire Obama administration continues to insist that it was all due to an almost entirely unknown video: “In Cairo, as you know, a few hours earlier, there was a violent protest that was undertaken in reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated.  We believe that folks in Benghazi, a small number of people came to the embassy to – or to the consulate, rather, to replicate the sort of challenge that was posed in Cairo.”

The Obama foreign policy of appeasement towards those who openly desire to destroy America has failed.  In typical Obama fashion, they have chosen a scapegoat and, along with the obedient lapdogs in the “progressive” Party Pravda, carefully orchestrated a full bore propaganda campaign designed to brainwash Americans into believing their lie.

If the White House insisted that the earth is flat would Americans be expected to blindly accept that too?  Just because Obama said so?  Just because Chris Matthews, Brian Williams, George Stephanopoulos et al dutifully repeated that lie?

Is this who America wants to oversee foreign policy and initialize economic recovery?

In the past month the producer price index jumped 1.7 percent, the biggest gain in three years.  Gasoline and food prices continue to soar.  Gasoline alone rose by 13.6 percent.  The median income of American households has continued to decline, dropping to its lowest level since 1995.  2011 median income fell to $50,054, which is 4.1 per cent below the median income level when Obama took office.

Despite economists’ predictions that initial unemployment benefit claims would rise to 370,000, they rose to a seasonally adjusted 382,000, the highest in two months.  Consistent with a clear and consistent pattern of deception shown since the current administration began, figures from the prior week were once again revised upwards, showing there were 2,000 more applications than what had been originally reported.  This subsequent upwards revision of unemployment claims has taken place with every report since Obama took office.

The jobless rate staying over 8 percent for more than three years is the longest since the Great Depression.  Hiring in America is not even increasing fast enough to keep up with population growth, much less change the outlook for tens of millions of Americans.  “Official” unemployment dropped from 8.3 percent to 8.1 percent only because so many Americans have dropped entirely out of the labor force.  They have given up on the idea of finding work in an economy stifled and smothered by failed “progressive” economic policies.

America is not better off than it was four years ago.  In fact, at home and abroad, America is far worse off.  On all fronts, Obama’s policies have been met with abject failure.

With fifty days remaining before the November 6th election, Americans must make a choice.

The choice is between retaining the failure of an utterly disingenuous, irresponsible, ineffective, excuse making Obama administration, and supporting the promise of a new American revival in choosing strong, honest, reliable, responsible leadership by electing Mitt Romney.