Archive for the ‘America’ Category

Not Just No

January 14, 2024

Ronald Reagan followed what’s known in GOP circles as the “Eleventh Commandment,” which states: “Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.”

I’ve always liked Reagan. I voted for him in 1976 to win the GOP presidential nomination against Gerald Ford. I voted for him for president in 1980 against Jimmy Carter, and again in 1984 against Walter Mondale. In fact, Reagan is the ONLY candidate for president that I voted FOR, instead of voting AGAINST the opposition’s decidedly less desirable choice.

Ronald Reagan was and is still my favorite president…at least those elected in my lifetime.

However, at this point, I’m going to have to break ranks with the Gipper.

Republican Senator James Lankford and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer have been negotiating a deal that is tantamount to urinating on the graves of every single American military service member who fought and died to preserve American sovereignty.

Be it the original American Patriots who defied all odds and defeated the British Monarchy to win independence, the Americans who fought to preserve the union and end slavery during the Civil War, those who fought in WWI and WWII, et al.

From where I stand, James Lankford is pissing on all those graves.

The Schumer-Lankford deal goes something like this:

  • Illegals will receive work permits immediately after being released.
  • Green cards for illegals will increase by 50,000 a year.
  • 5,000 illegals can be released into the US every day. That amounts to nearly 2 million a year.
  • The DHS will be allowed to catch and release illegals until a week’s time border encounters average above 5,000 per day.
  • It restricts parole for illegal crossers, but there will be no changes to parole for illegals who use ports of entry.
  • Adult children of H-1B visa holders will be given green cards.

Shockingly, even Afghan “refugees” will be included in this deal.

You know, the Afghan “refugees” brought to America in droves by “president” Biden after his grotesquely incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan (when American personnel and massive amounts of military hardware were left behind) so he could have a 9/11 talking point back in 2021.

So, what do Republicans get for America in this so-called “deal?” Tighter asylum laws and expedited deportations of families with children.

I certainly hope Schumer is allowing Lankford to use vacuous amounts of Vaseline for this, because Americans and American sovereignty are getting screwed.

Naturally, Senate Minority Leader and NWO globalist tool Mitch McConnell thinks it’s a good idea.

This is another sellout which self-interested, go along to get along, spineless “republicans” have become famous for reaching with America hating, fringe, radical, regressive, leftist, tyrannical despots who care nothing about America or American sovereignty.

If Lankford and company are so desperate to be invited to cocktail parties where only establishment “elites” are invited that they’re willing to sell America sovereignty out to gain favor with Washington DC establishment leftist elitists, they need to go.

Yesterday, if not sooner.

The Leftist War on America

November 17, 2023

In recent conversation, an associate outlined their view of what’s happening in America today. Their outline took the form of a list, which they described as “a definable enemy playbook nobody seems to want to define clearly.”

The list is a devastating outline of the left’s “strategic plan designed to destroy faith, family, the rule of law, an orderly society, national sovereignty and security.”

The list:

America’s open southern border. This is clearly an intentional move. As a candidate during a 2020 Democrat primary debate, Joe Biden said that if he were elected president, migrants should “immediately surge to the border.” Biden’s DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has repeatedly stated during multiple appearances before Congressional committees that “the border is secure.” This is despite the fact that illegal border crossings now total over 10 million since Biden inauguration.

The ruination of America’s economic strength. Under Biden, in less than three years, $5 trillion have been added to the U.S. national debt. That debt now totals over $33 trillion. The Treasury Department paid a record $213 billion in interest payments on the debt in the last quarter of 2022, which is up $63 billion from the same period the year before. Thanks to reckless, big government deficit spending, the worst inflation in half a century has ravaged the pocketbooks of taxpayers, interest rates have reached punishing levels and 72% of Americans do not feel financially secure. Among those, 63% now say that high inflation is making it harder to be financially comfortable.

The psycho-sexual destruction of our children. Children are being brainwashed into believing transgender ideology. Some as young as the age of five are being coached to disregard their bodily anatomy and make their gender choice based on feelings. They’re being trained to believe that anyone who rejects their views are hateful transphobic oppressors. Parents who disagree with this brainwashing of their children are also being placed in the oppressor category. Suddenly, drag queen shows are no longer a hush-hush subject relegated to back-room discussions, or Bourbon Street bars where only consenting adults are allowed to enter after paying a cover charge. Now, kindergarten aged children are being encouraged, if not required to attend drag queen shows. Some children are being groomed to participate in those events.

Destruction of cheap energy. Biden’s energy policies are designed for net zero carbon, which equates to net zero fossil fuels. His policies have hindered American oil and gas production by revoking leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and pushing for an end to drilling in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. This is on top of suppressing oil production in the Gulf of Mexico and other oil rich areas in America. This energy scheme is impoverishing Americans through high energy prices while pumping billions of dollars into Iranian and Russian coffers. Instead of America selling its oil to friendly countries, America’s enemies are being enriched. To make U.S. energy security even more unlikely, Biden depleted the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve of 260 million barrels of oil, placing it at a 40-year low.

The destruction of America’s food supply. Joe Biden’s destruction of America’s energy infrastructure negatively impacts America’s agricultural supply by increasing farming costs for fuel and fertilizer. Americans have witnessed the mass culling of chickens and turkeys over claims of a “bird flu epidemic” that resulted in the massive destruction of egg-producing chickens and birds for meat. Union Pacific de-platformed rail cars carrying fertilizer to US farmers, impeding food production and raising food prices. The destruction of multiple food processing plants across the United States has contributed to escalating inflation and added to the supply chain crisis.

The promotion of ethnic/racial hatred. Critical Race Theory’s intolerance is being taught in American schools, attempting to “normalize” the belief that systemic racism is part of America’s national fabric. It focuses on identity politics, which falsely claims that the U.S. consists of groups which can claim victimization at the hands of “white supremacist oppressors.” CRT is an offshoot of Critical Theory, a Marxist view of society, painting it as consisting of oppressors and the oppressed. One result of this propaganda was the damage caused by the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots, which were estimated to cost over $2 billion. BLM’s ‘mostly peaceful protests’ cost a thousand times more in damage than the Jan. 6 Capitol unrest and lasted for months, resulting in hundreds of injuries and nine deaths.

The unconstitutional submission to transnational entities & treaties that override our national sovereignty. The U.S. Constitution states that the President of the U.S. “shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.” The Constitution also states that it is the supreme Law of the Land. Claims that “agreements (treaties in the international sense) called Executive Agreements are legally binding for the U.S. under international law” are mute. In the United States, The U.S. Constitution overrules international law. Therefore, the Paris Climate Accord is unconstitutional unless and until it’s ratified by two thirds of the Senate. The same goes for any non-U.S. Senate ratified “treaties” made by unelected representatives at the United Nations or with the World Health Organization.

Weaponization of government agencies. The weaponization of the intelligence community against Donald Trump and his administration represents a clear example of the use of government agencies to attack an ideological and political opponent. Trump was attacked by members of the CIA and FBI throughout his 2016 and 2020 political campaigns. They harassed him throughout the 4 years of his Administration and are now targeting former President Trump’s 2024 campaign. This double standard becomes crystal clear when you compare the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago to their unwillingness to pursue Hillary Clinton over her mishandling of classified information on her unsecured, privately held servers. Trump is being charged with retaining classified documents, despite the fact that as President of the United States, he had the power to declassify any and all documents he chose to keep in his possession at Mar-a-Lago. Biden, despite the fact that neither a U.S. Senator nor a Vice President has the power to declassify documents, kept classified documents he obtained as a Senator and as VP in his home garage next to his 1967 Corvette, and at the Penn Biden Center. He is not being charged. The Internal Revenue Service has a history of targeting political opposition in the form of Tea Party groups, as seen in the 2013 IRS targeting scandal during the Obama-Biden Administration.

Totalitarian repression of [any] free speech that is off-Narrative. Under Biden, there was an attempt to create a “Disinformation Governance Board,” which was to target and suppress information shared by private U.S. citizens on social media platforms. Additionally, before and after the 2020 election, the FBI and the CIA were advising social media platforms as to what content was to be suppressed. The Biden Administration’s FBI and Department of Justice were weaponized against parents advocating for their children at school board meetings. These examples only begin to scratch the surface of how politicians and bureaucrats are willing to abuse their power and influence to weaponize government agencies against average, everyday Americans.

This divide in America draws distinctions between how the left and the right operate.

Back in 1969 there were two events which illustrate the division. In July of 1969, intelligent, educated, productive members of American society celebrated the landing of the Eagle on the moon and Neil Armstrong’s taking his first step as it was being broadcast on national television. This was the successful culmination of John F. Kennedy’s goal to, before the decade was out, land a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth. In August of 1969, the Woodstock Music Festival was held in New York State. During those 4 days, young people consumed illegal drugs, wallowed in the mud, and enjoyed having sex with strangers. On one side, there was the celebration of a constructive achievement which produced benefits that improved living conditions for humanity. On the other side was the celebration of personal enjoyment and fulfillment of animal lust.

In 2009 there was the birth of the Tea Party movement. Tea Party groups followed the rules, planned their events, obtained permits as required, brought like-minded American Patriots together to hear speeches which celebrated America’s founding and the right of Americans to peaceably assemble and petition their government for a redress of grievances. Tea Party groups invited the police to attend their events as friends, and when the event was over, they tidied up the site and left it cleaner than they had found it. The left’s reaction was the Occupy movement. In 2011, Occupy flooded downtown Los Angeles with tent cities and squatted, without permits, on government property and adjoining streets. When they departed, they left piles of trash and destroyed lawns in their wake. The trash had to be cleaned up and the lawns replaced at taxpayer expense.

In November 2023, in response to Hamas attacking Israel, where more than 1,300 people were murdered, women and girls were brutally raped, and 250 civilians were taken prisoner, Conservative people who support Israel gathered at the National Mall in Washington DC. 300,000 attended, resulting in no violence and zero arrests. In contrast, a couple of days later, 200 leftist Hamas supporters attacked the DNC headquarters in Washington DC. According to Capitol Police, the group was “not peaceful,” and “failed to obey” lawful orders to “move back from the DNC, where Members of Congress were in the building.” 6 member of the police and 90 protestors were injured.

People who employed their intelligence, creativity, productivity and ambition to build the United States of America have also worked hard for two and a half centuries to preserve, protect and defend that nation. Humanity as a whole has benefited from their combined efforts. It’s not easy to build. It takes hard work and dedication from the right people.

A structure which took multiple, productive humans months and years to envision, plan and build can easily be destroyed in an afternoon by a loon with a bomb.

It takes far less talent to destroy what others have built. To be constructive or destructive? That is the question. For patriotic Americans, coming up with the right answer isn’t hard.

We’ve known the left’s answer since they chose to secede from the Union in the 1860s.

Leftist Denial

September 27, 2023

Today’s regressive leftist “democrats” are demonstrating the same trait Adolph Hitler displayed while the world was burning a path to his doorstep.

An abject denial of reality.

As the Western Allies and the Soviet Union were accelerating their forces towards the crushing defeat of Nazi Germany, Hitler continued to view himself as an historic figure, favored by fate to enlighten the globe with his glorious vision of a new world order.

This was a view of himself that was developed and inflated as he rose from being a mostly ignored artist to becoming an ambitious, effective speaker who used his verbal flamboyance and cold-blooded ruthlessness to rise to the top of Germany’s political power structure.

As the enlightened, historic, gloriously brave leader of the new world he envisioned, his decisions were sacrosanct. His views were above question. His word was law.

Never mind that millions of people from multiple nations were devoting huge sums of money and their best and brightest people to defeating Nazi Germany and putting an end to Hitler’s vision.

Hitler was right and everyone else was wrong. And to enforce this authority, anyone who challenged him was removed. Having a contrary opinion? Das ist verboten!

If you were a top general in the German Army who questioned the Feurer’s military strategy you were fired and replaced by a younger, more compliant officer. If you challenged him politically, you were incarcerated. If your behavior threatened his iron fisted grip on power, you were eliminated.


Today’s regressive leftist “democrat” Party is controlled by Marxist ideologs who, like Hitler, deny the existence of truth. One look at LGBTQ+ gender transition propaganda is enough for fair minded people with a basic knowledge of high school biology to understand this is a denial of self-evident truth.

They seek to prevent cultural traditions from being passed on to future generations, and wage war against views that contradict Marxist thought. The examination of widespread regressive leftist attempts to defund the police, instigate racial division and eliminate religious faith are enough to convince people who have been taught how to think, not what to think, that this is indeed so.

Instead of preserving western culture and the western way of life, regressive leftists are substituting radical Marxist revolutionary indoctrination for the transmission of traditional knowledge that preserves proven, reliable forms of stable government. Ongoing attempts by regressive leftists to ignore the United States Constitution, pack the U.S. Supreme Court with regressive leftist judges, and gain a stranglehold on the U.S. Senate by institutionalizing statehood for Washington DC and Puerto Rico are but three examples of this agenda.

What is most incredulous is the regressive leftist insistence that patriotic Americans are Fascists, white supremacists and a threat to the American way of life.

Like Hitler, regressive leftists rely upon their denial of reality to justify their actions in an attempt to satisfy their unquenchable thirst for authoritarian power.

And like Hitler, for western civilization to survive, they must be defeated.

Get This

August 4, 2023

Let’s get this straight.

Fringe, radical “progressive” leftist extremists (aka “democrats”) are fork-tongued, two-faced, back-stabbing, pathologically lying sociopaths who will lie, cheat, steal and kill to gain and maintain an unbreakable grip on unrestrained, dictatorial power in perpetuity.

The ends justify the means.

They hate America, they hate the United States Constitution, and they hate patriotic Americans.

Big government traitors, aka “progressive” politicians in both major American political parties have been infesting the U.S. federal government for roughly a century.

Over the past ten decades, they have erected a monstrous, unconstitutional federal bureaucracy which usurps the power of duly elected representatives by imposing regulations which effectively replace laws written by the House of Representatives and Senate under the power granted to them by the Constitution, and by imposing fines and fees, which replace taxes, even though the power to tax is specifically given to the House.

The alphabet agencies in Washington DC believe theirs is to rule over the elected and the electors.

They are so sure of their power that they worked with “progressive” politicians to overthrow a duly elected President of the United States and are now protecting the criminals who cheated him out of his second term while seeking to imprison him for committing the same crime committed by Al Gore and Hillary Clinton…publicly challenging the results of a presidential election.

Welcome to the United Soviet States of America.

The only way to fix this mess is to get the current White House occupant out of the Oval Office and have him replaced by a President who will reverse every one of his decidedly injurious, anti-American Executive Orders which have damaged America’s manufacturing, energy production, farming, military, foreign policy, et al.

Then the unelected, unaccountable, unconstitutional 4th branch of the federal government must be aggressively reduced, reformed and reorganized.

Congress must write and pass a bill to be signed into law by the Chief Executive clearly stating that every regulation, fee and fine seeking to be imposed upon the public by the bureaucratic state will have zero affect unless and until Congress has written those regulations, fees and fines into law.

The legislation must also make it abundantly clear that henceforth, the bureaucratic state will forever play an advisory role, with zero power to impose regulations that act like laws or fees and fines that act like taxes.

This will remove power from the hands of unelected, unaccountable, overpaid, unconstitutional federal bureaucrats and return it to the hands of representatives duly elected by WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America.

Concurrently, the President must enact policies which will unleash the full power of the U.S. energy industry so that America leads the world in energy production. America could be selling American energy to America’s friends instead of begging enemies and adversaries to produce the energy anti-American “progressives” consciously choose to leave in the ground.

If politicians seek the support and vote of Americans in subsequent elections, insist they support legislation to repeal unnecessary government meddling in competitive markets.

Should they choose to ignore the call for a return to free market principles, make it clear you understand that too often, keeping their seat at the banquet table of corruption is more important to them than keeping their oath of office.

Vote them out.

Americans and America will be much better off after they are gone…for good.

Doing Satan’s Bidding

June 3, 2023

Not long ago the current “progressive” leftist “democrat” “administration” decided the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights all need a warning label.

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) determined that America’s founding documents may be “harmful or difficult” to view because of their “outdated, biased, offensive, and possibly violent views and opinions.”

That’s because from their perspective, Americans need to be warned that the words: “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” reflect racist, sexist, ableist, misogynistic and xenophobic opinions and attitudes.

That’s not just insane, it’s Satanic.

Who else but Satan’s minions would so rigorously endeavor to erase words that clearly state that the rights of men (which in the vernacular of the day meant human beings) come from their Creator?

And that’s just scratching the surface.

They don’t just want you to accept and believe in their delusional denial of observable reality. It’s not enough to ignore scientific facts about animal reproductive biology on planet Earth, or the self-evident truth that men are men and women are women.

You must celebrate their delusion for an entire month. And if you don’t, you’re the problem.

They want you to believe that the best way to reduce crime is to let criminals out of jail and allow them to resume committing crimes with impunity.

They want you to believe it’s immoral to prevent women from having their unborn babies ripped apart in the womb and have their spare parts sold to the highest bidder for profit.

They want to tear down statues of America’s founders. They want to remove their names from history.

They want you to stop using affordable energy, because your refusal to freeze to death in the dead of winter or die of heat stroke during the peak heat of summer makes you a selfish troll who doesn’t care about the planet.

They want you to starve to death, because farmers and ranchers using the land to grow food will lead to mass flooding on a global scale, causing the tragic deaths of millions of people.

Never mind the fact that even if polar ice caps and glaciers were melting, the process of escaping the rising water would require people to walk, not run, to avoid the rising waters…or that coastal waters have not risen in any appreciable manner for centuries.

Plymouth Rock was at sea level in the 1600’s. It’s still at sea level.

Satan’s foot soldiers are lying. Something that’s not even close to surprising, considering who they’ve chosen to follow.

Do not be afraid of the liars. Stand up to them and speak the truth.

Remember that the one who created all that Satan’s minions seek to destroy is on your side.

It’s the same old fight that’s been in play since God’s angels, led by Michael the archangel, first defeated Satan and threw Satan and his followers into the pit.

In the end, God wins.

Electric Cars and Other Means of CONTROL!

May 21, 2023

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The Boy Who Cried Wolf

April 25, 2023

Once upon a time, a children’s story told about the boy who cried wolf.  

The boy, craving attention from his fellow town folk, would cry “Wolf”…when there was no wolf. Everyone in town paid attention and dropped what they were doing, grabbed their weapons and rushed to fight off the wolf…only to find no wolf. After repeated false alarms, the town folk grew weary and stopped paying attention to the boy. 

One day the wolf came. The boy frantically cried “Wolf, wolf, wolf!” But nobody paid attention to him anymore. Tragically, the boy’s desperate need for attention resulted in his being eaten by the wolf.  

The moral of the story?  

Don’t cry wolf when there is no wolf. 

In other words, don’t lie. 

In 2008, America witnessed the political ascendency of one Barrack Hussein Obama. At that point, I warned anyone who would listen, that if he was elected President of the United States, the USA would probably end up in a second civil war. 

I told people not to trust “progressive” leftists; that “progressive” leftist “democrats” are fork-tongued, two-faced, back-stabbing, pathologically lying sociopaths who will lie, cheat, steal and kill to gain and maintain an unbreakable grip on unrestrained, dictatorial power in perpetuity. 
I’ve repeated that warning so many times over the years that I worry about being seen as the boy who cries wolf. 

Others noticed what I was seeing. 

The Tea Party movement sprang up in 2009, populated by millions of Americans who completely disagreed with Obama’s big government agenda. 

Despite multiple, repeated demonstrations by millions of people across the nation, big government run healthcare was shoved down America’s throat by “progressive” leftist “democrats.”

In response, Tea Party groups organized voters across the country and in 2010, handed Obama’s political Party the worst midterm electoral defeat since the Civil War. 

Obama’s reaction to the people’s vote was to weaponize the IRS and use it to intimidate Tea Party groups across the land.  

Groups seeking tax free status from the IRS were stonewalled. These groups were told that in order to qualify for 501C3 tax exempt status, they would be required to give the IRS a list of every taxpayer who was making donations to their organizations. Unsurprisingly, money stopped flowing into Tea Party groups and the resistance against Obama dried up just in time for his 2012 bid for re-election. 

When IRS chief Lois Lerner was brought before a Congressional Investigation Committee, she repeatedly pled the fifth, meaning she wouldn’t answer questions because to do so would mean she would be testifying against herself. She was held in contempt of Congress. 

But there’s absolutely nothing suspicious about that, right? 

Naturally, the so-called “mainstream news media,” which for decades has had an incestuous relationship with the “progressive” leftist “democrat” Party, downplayed, dismissed and/or ignored the implications of this weaponization of government against Americans who did not share the political viewpoints of the “progressive” left. The “mainstream news media” (aka: the “progressive” Party Pravda”) were fully on board with Obama’s plans to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.” 

Donald Trump came along in 2016. His election threw a monkey wrench into the “progressive’s” plan to transform America into a third world banana republic run by criminally corrupt politicians and their allies in the unconstitutional third branch of the U.S. federal government: the federal bureaucracy. 

The bureaucratic state and elected “progressive” politicians fought back with a vengeance. Trump’s four years in office were marred by repeated attempts to hinder his effectiveness. 

The “progressive” left repeatedly weaponized the federal “intelligence” bureaucracy to falsify charges against Trump. “progressive” leftist “democrats” wasted four years turning Washington DC into a three-ring circus of hatred, anger, and false accusations. 

To describe “progressive” leftist “democrat” attempts to impeach Trump as the Keystone Cops is an insult to the Keystone Cops. 

Now, “progressive” leftist “democrats” are using a liar, a plagiarist, and senile pervert as their meat puppet to FORCE their very anti-American agenda on the United States. 

The disastrous surrender and retreat from Afghanistan, the working with criminal Mexican cartels to smuggle illegal alien invaders and lethal drugs across the U.S. southern border, massive inflation brought on by deficit spending of trillions upon trillions of dollars, the attack on domestic energy production, repeated attempts to destroy America’s economy by FORCING everyone in the nation to abandon their way of life and genuflect to the wishes of the church of “climate change,” the demands that America’s children be turned over to the state because the state knows how to better raise children than do their parents…the agenda to sterilize America’s children through the illogical, reality denying “gender dysphoria” charade. Critical race theory being “taught” in K-12 government run schools, forced resegregation by race, race hatred, the outlawing of internal combustion engines, the closing down of coal and natural gas fueled power plants, sending over $100 billion to Ukraine. The list goes on and on…and continues to expand. 

If you dare to tell others that the 2020 Biden campaign collaborated with members of the “intelligence” bureaucracy to compose a falsified letter stating that the information stored on the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, worked hand in glove with the “progressive” Party Pravda and social media sites to spread that lie and violated the free speech rights of Americans by instructing social media platforms to cancel the accounts of people who failed to reflect the approved narrative, you’re a semi-Fascist MAGA extremist conspiracy theorist who “seeks to destroy America’s democracy.” 

Never mind that elected “progressive” leftist “democrats” collaborating with government bureaucrats to dictate to private companies what Americans can and cannot be say on social media sites is by definition, fascism. 

The “progressive” leftist plan? 

Continue to lie about it.

Their propagandists in academia and the “progressive” Party Pravda will repeat the lies often enough and long enough that fully indoctrinated “progressive” leftist useful idiot pawns will believe it. All they have to do is keep their meat puppet in the White House until it’s too late for “MAGA extremists” to prevent them from destroying the USA and imposing their long dreamed of tyrannical Marxist nirvana. 
Will Americans fight back? 

I’m not a boy crying wolf. I’m a grown man who’s been paying attention to American politics ever since, as a boy, watched and heard John F. Kennedy on live television tell Americans: “Ask not, what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” 

As Ronald Reagan stated: “You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.” 
Do not let history record that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent it from happening. 

Joy Hofmeister is Wrong for Oklahoma

October 29, 2022

As the long anticipated, much talked about 2022 midterm election looms on the immediate horizon, troubling developments in Oklahoma threatens to turn the State into yet another breeding ground for anti-American, fringe, radical, “progressive” leftist extremist indoctrination.

Joy Hofmeister touts herself as an “independent thinker” who joined the Democrat Party after the Oklahoma GOP was “hijacked,” by Governor Kevin Stitt.

Never mind that the ever so “popular” Liz Cheney, who lost her August primary by some 37 points (only the 2nd worst such performance in U.S. history) made similar claims about the GOP because Donald Trump opposed/opposes the neocon-military/industrial complexes’ reflexive impulse to engage in every foreign war possible.

Hofmeister has served as the Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction since 2015, which makes her a member of the State of Oklahoma’s educational bureaucracy.

It’s not merely a coincidence that the Tulsa Public School administration building is right across 31st street from Tulsa Democrat Party headquarters.

Since when does being a member of the State’s educational bureaucracy, which aligns itself ever more closely with the “progressive” leftist “democrat” Party, make you an “independent” thinker?

Since 2020. across the United States, bureaucrats within the public-school administrative state have aligned themselves with teachers’ unions, whose demands for school closures and lockdowns diminished the education of students.

Due to those Covid lockdowns and the resulting remote learning, parents discovered what public schools (or should that be government run schools) were “teaching” their children. Parents did not like what they learned.

Public schools were “teaching” American students that the United States wasn’t really formed on July 4th, 1776, when representatives from the original British colonies signed the Declaration of Independence. No, the USA was founded in 1619 when the first black slave was brought to North America.

Note: the 1619 Project has been roundly denounced by hundreds of scholars of American History as being based on fiction.

Rather than teaching Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” vision of judging people NOT by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character, American public schools were teaching white kids that they were inherently racist oppressors who took pleasure in imposing their “white privilege” upon the downtrodden people of color. And for those born as people of color, there was no escape. The institutionalized racism against you was so widespread; packs of vicious, hateful, racist white cops were being trained and commissioned to shoot you dead on site and at their own pleasure.

Note: This, like the 1619 Project, is based on fiction and is in no way shape or form supported by official statistics found anywhere in the USA. In fact, a statistical analysis shows that police officers actually kill more whites than people of color.

And if nine-year-old students who were born as boys decided (with “counseling help” from public school employees) they were really girls, then those students should be medically “transitioned” into being girls with help from public-school employees, preferably without parental knowledge or consent.

When American parents went to school board meetings across the USA to express their dissent, the national teacher’s union sent a letter to Merrick Garland, the U.S. Attorney General, demanding that those dissenting parents by viewed by the U.S. Department of Justice as domestic terrorists and dealt with according to what the Patriot Act prescribes for domestic terrorists.

Garland agreed.

This is not hyperbolic nonsense. This is not exaggeration.

This is what just under two years of “progressive” leftist “democrats” being in charge without checks and balances does to America.

And this barely scratches the surface.

Given the realities that Americans have been forced to face since January 2021, having a member of the “progressive” leftist “democrat” Party as Governor of Oklahoma sounds like a really, really bad idea.

The last thing the State of Oklahoma needs is a bureaucrat from the entrenched Oklahoma educational bureaucracy to be placed in the Governor’s Mansion.

Joy Hofmeister is wrong for Oklahoma.

Martha’s Vineyard and Unwashed Smelly Masses

September 17, 2022

After fifty illegal aliens (described as “undocumented migrants” in places like Martha’s Vineyard) were given the bum’s rush by the people living in Martha’s Vineyard, a Telemundo television reporter stated that Martha’s Vineyard residents admitted privately to not wanting migrants on the island.

Now, before everyone jumps to the conclusion that a decent chunk of the people living in Martha’s Vineyard are flaming, virtue signaling hypocrites, let’s look at this event from a broader perspective.

After all, looking at singular events with tunnel vision may hinder the quest for truth.

People who live in places like Martha’s Vineyard bear a striking resemblance to people who live in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Washington DC, etcetera.

They see themselves as the coastal elites. They like to associate with other members of the coastal elite. They don’t like to associate with people they deem to be part of the unwashed, smelly masses. This is why they call middle America “flyover country.”

Coastal elites view themselves as more intelligent, more well-schooled, more cultured, more refined, more…well, you get the idea.

Coastal elites consider themselves to be betters. Better than the unintelligent, poorly schooled, uncultured, unrefined, unwashed, smelly masses who exist in flyover country.

Even worse, those unwashed, smelly masses in flyover country don’t fall in line with the wishes of the coastal elites. Those silly flyover country people continue to insist they should have jobs, support themselves and their families, while making their own decisions on how to run their lives. Those flyover peasants even believe they have rights; like the right to determine the school curriculum for their children.

Those unwashed, smelly masses even fail to see that in today’s brave new world, boys can be girls and girls can be boys just because a young child was convinced by proponents of the coastal elite view that gender fluidity is something real. A reality denied children by their unwashed, smelly culture.

For coastal elites, this is a problem. A big problem. Their ilk has determined that the biggest danger to America are those pesky flyover people who insist on harkening back to the American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

Coastal elites have such contempt for the unwashed smelly masses in flyover America that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi authorized remote voting in the House, so Representatives of the coastal elite would be spared the horror of having to fly to Washington DC and associate with Representatives of the smelly unwashed masses in person.

The coastal elite solution? Flood middle America with third world illegal aliens who have zero connection to the American Revolution and all those silly, outdated ideas racist white slave holders put down on paper during ancient times.

This flood of third world illegal aliens will certainly side with their betters; the betters who opened America’s southern border to mass invasion. Especially after their betters went out of their way to give third world illegal aliens all that free stuff-food, housing, medical care, schooling, even cell phones.

Because for coastal elites, their goal isn’t to “save democracy” (never mind the fact that the U.S. is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy). The goal of coastal elites is to gain and maintain an unbreakable grip on unrestrained dictatorial power in perpetuity. In order to achieve this goal, coastal elites are willing to lie, cheat, steal and kill.

The presence of illegal aliens in Martha’s Vinyard is unacceptable to coastal elites because to coastal elites, those who are being imported are also unwashed, smelly masses.

Coastal elites are gambling that the newly imported unwashed, smelly masses will be more obedient to their desires and fall in line better than do the existing unwashed, smelly masses.

For coastal elites, that’s “progress.”

The First Step

July 8, 2022

At a recent gathering, the topic of conversation shifted to how divided Americans are today between the political right and the political left. A suggestion was made that someone needs to take the first step.

On the surface, this sounds like a good, even honorable suggestion. After all, when two sides (be they two individuals or two groups) have a dispute, one side or the other usually takes the first step towards reconciling their differences.

At the risk of going all Hatfield and McCoy, let’s take a look at America’s history of division.

Because The King of England was part owner of the Royal African Company, Thomas Jefferson’s original rough draft of the Declaration of Independence contained a line condemning slavery: “He has waged cruel war against human nature itself … in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither… suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce determining to keep open a market where men should be bought and sold.”

Regrettably, delegates from southern states objected to this line.

Since the British were invading New York and there was a sense that the Declaration needed to pass unanimously, that line in Jefferson’s original draft condemning slavery was removed.

During the first Constitutional Convention, the framers of the document agreed the House of Representatives would be populated by elected reps, with the number representing each state determined by the size of the state’s population.

At this point, southern states insisted their slaves be counted as part of the official population. Northern, non-slave states objected. Northerners, disapproving of and desiring to end slavery, felt that counting slaves to determine a state’s representation in the House would make southern states more powerful politically, thus allowing slavery to remain or even expand.

But England remained a threat. To solidify the security of the new nation, unity was paramount.

Hence, the three-fifths compromise was reached, where southern slave states were allowed to apply sixty percent of their slave populations to determine the number of representatives that would promote their states’ interests in the House of Representatives.

Academia misrepresents this history to today’s students, pushing the anti-American lie that the intent of the three-fifths compromise was to say that the United States federal government officially saw slaves as three-fifths of a human. This is in keeping with their Critical Race Theory, 1619 Project, America has never been great, tear it all down propaganda…however, I digress.

Anti-slavery sentiment within the U.S. continued to grow. The Republican Party was born as an anti-slavery Party. Republican Abraham Lincoln was elected President. Elected members of the House and Senate from southern slave states boycotted Lincoln’s inauguration. Southern states decided that rather than give up slavery as a financial institution, they would secede from the union. War broke out; 214,938 Americans died. A total exceeded only by the toll of WWII.

The political side which forced Thomas Jefferson to remove his anti-slavery line from the Declaration of Independence fought to keep slavery in their thoughts, words, and deeds.

They assassinated Abraham Lincoln.

The ones who fought for slavery opposed Reconstruction. The fact that the first thirty black men elected to the House of Representatives were Republicans spurred them on to form the KKK, lynch people, write Jim Crow laws and impose forced segregation.

They were the ones who, after WWII, filibustered a Civil Rights bill in the Senate and stood in schoolhouse doorways to prevent school integration.

After President John Kennedy was assassinated and Lyndon Johnson took his place, with major help from Republicans, Congressional Democrats finally passed the Civil Rights bill originally promoted by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower and Johnson, purely for political gain, signed it into law.

Almost immediately, the people who fought for slavery passed the “Great Society” legislation, which used eminent domain to seize decrepit city buildings in run-down areas. Those buildings were razed, and the Democrat controlled federal government spent tax dollars to build tenement housing, use welfare to pay women to have children out of wedlock and raise fatherless children in areas devoid of economic opportunity.

The destruction of American academia began when Frankfurt School Communists, who fled Nazi Germany because they knew Adolf Hitler would kill them for being Communists, were allowed into the U.S. by Franklin Roosevelt and took up residence at Columbia University.

The European born poison of anti-American Marxist thought took root and spread from Columbia to other colleges and universities throughout the U.S. educational system. For decades, American students were indoctrinated into rebelling against America when they went to college. Today, Critical Race Theory and sexual identity politics are being propagandized in K-12 schools. If parents object, the Department of Justice views those parents as domestic terrorists.

In the early 1980s, Republican Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to five million illegals in exchange for promises to secure the southern border between the U.S. and Mexico. Those promises remain unfulfilled. Today the number of illegals coming across that border is so great the U.N. has declared it to be the most dangerous land path for immigration on the planet.

Republican George H.W. Bush abandoned his “Read my lips, no new taxes” campaign pledge in exchange for promised cuts in federal spending. Those promises were never fulfilled.

Anti-American thought has become so prevalent that you’re a pariah if you’re on a professional sports team and you don’t kneel during the national anthem.

If you are openly pro-life, believe Americans have the right to keep and bear arms, pray, or oppose forced injections on religious grounds you’re “an extremist.”

If you resist the forces who fought for slavery on any grounds, your thoughts, words and actions are five hundred trillion times worse than the Civil War, Pearl Harbor, Watergate, and 9-11 combined. You instantaneously qualify for an investigation by “woke” big-government socialists using propaganda techniques reminiscent of the Bolshevik revolution. Saddam Hussein would applaud the proceedings.

If you support the forces who fought for slavery, you can launder money into your own pocket through China, Russia, the Ukraine, Haiti…you can leave four Americans to die in Benghazi, be married to someone who racked up frequent flier miles on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express, or have a son who records himself sitting naked in a tub smoking crack cocaine while living at a “recovery center”. None of this is worthy of any investigation whatsoever.

If anyone needs to take a step towards reconciling the differences in America today, that step must be taken by the political side that has been openly hostile towards American unity since the nation was founded.

In the highly unlikely event those who fought for slavery do take that first step, do not be surprised if the other side doubts their sincerity.