Posts Tagged ‘progressive actions’

Leftist Denial

September 27, 2023

Today’s regressive leftist “democrats” are demonstrating the same trait Adolph Hitler displayed while the world was burning a path to his doorstep.

An abject denial of reality.

As the Western Allies and the Soviet Union were accelerating their forces towards the crushing defeat of Nazi Germany, Hitler continued to view himself as an historic figure, favored by fate to enlighten the globe with his glorious vision of a new world order.

This was a view of himself that was developed and inflated as he rose from being a mostly ignored artist to becoming an ambitious, effective speaker who used his verbal flamboyance and cold-blooded ruthlessness to rise to the top of Germany’s political power structure.

As the enlightened, historic, gloriously brave leader of the new world he envisioned, his decisions were sacrosanct. His views were above question. His word was law.

Never mind that millions of people from multiple nations were devoting huge sums of money and their best and brightest people to defeating Nazi Germany and putting an end to Hitler’s vision.

Hitler was right and everyone else was wrong. And to enforce this authority, anyone who challenged him was removed. Having a contrary opinion? Das ist verboten!

If you were a top general in the German Army who questioned the Feurer’s military strategy you were fired and replaced by a younger, more compliant officer. If you challenged him politically, you were incarcerated. If your behavior threatened his iron fisted grip on power, you were eliminated.


Today’s regressive leftist “democrat” Party is controlled by Marxist ideologs who, like Hitler, deny the existence of truth. One look at LGBTQ+ gender transition propaganda is enough for fair minded people with a basic knowledge of high school biology to understand this is a denial of self-evident truth.

They seek to prevent cultural traditions from being passed on to future generations, and wage war against views that contradict Marxist thought. The examination of widespread regressive leftist attempts to defund the police, instigate racial division and eliminate religious faith are enough to convince people who have been taught how to think, not what to think, that this is indeed so.

Instead of preserving western culture and the western way of life, regressive leftists are substituting radical Marxist revolutionary indoctrination for the transmission of traditional knowledge that preserves proven, reliable forms of stable government. Ongoing attempts by regressive leftists to ignore the United States Constitution, pack the U.S. Supreme Court with regressive leftist judges, and gain a stranglehold on the U.S. Senate by institutionalizing statehood for Washington DC and Puerto Rico are but three examples of this agenda.

What is most incredulous is the regressive leftist insistence that patriotic Americans are Fascists, white supremacists and a threat to the American way of life.

Like Hitler, regressive leftists rely upon their denial of reality to justify their actions in an attempt to satisfy their unquenchable thirst for authoritarian power.

And like Hitler, for western civilization to survive, they must be defeated.

Doing Satan’s Bidding

June 3, 2023

Not long ago the current “progressive” leftist “democrat” “administration” decided the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights all need a warning label.

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) determined that America’s founding documents may be “harmful or difficult” to view because of their “outdated, biased, offensive, and possibly violent views and opinions.”

That’s because from their perspective, Americans need to be warned that the words: “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” reflect racist, sexist, ableist, misogynistic and xenophobic opinions and attitudes.

That’s not just insane, it’s Satanic.

Who else but Satan’s minions would so rigorously endeavor to erase words that clearly state that the rights of men (which in the vernacular of the day meant human beings) come from their Creator?

And that’s just scratching the surface.

They don’t just want you to accept and believe in their delusional denial of observable reality. It’s not enough to ignore scientific facts about animal reproductive biology on planet Earth, or the self-evident truth that men are men and women are women.

You must celebrate their delusion for an entire month. And if you don’t, you’re the problem.

They want you to believe that the best way to reduce crime is to let criminals out of jail and allow them to resume committing crimes with impunity.

They want you to believe it’s immoral to prevent women from having their unborn babies ripped apart in the womb and have their spare parts sold to the highest bidder for profit.

They want to tear down statues of America’s founders. They want to remove their names from history.

They want you to stop using affordable energy, because your refusal to freeze to death in the dead of winter or die of heat stroke during the peak heat of summer makes you a selfish troll who doesn’t care about the planet.

They want you to starve to death, because farmers and ranchers using the land to grow food will lead to mass flooding on a global scale, causing the tragic deaths of millions of people.

Never mind the fact that even if polar ice caps and glaciers were melting, the process of escaping the rising water would require people to walk, not run, to avoid the rising waters…or that coastal waters have not risen in any appreciable manner for centuries.

Plymouth Rock was at sea level in the 1600’s. It’s still at sea level.

Satan’s foot soldiers are lying. Something that’s not even close to surprising, considering who they’ve chosen to follow.

Do not be afraid of the liars. Stand up to them and speak the truth.

Remember that the one who created all that Satan’s minions seek to destroy is on your side.

It’s the same old fight that’s been in play since God’s angels, led by Michael the archangel, first defeated Satan and threw Satan and his followers into the pit.

In the end, God wins.

Joy Hofmeister is Wrong for Oklahoma

October 29, 2022

As the long anticipated, much talked about 2022 midterm election looms on the immediate horizon, troubling developments in Oklahoma threatens to turn the State into yet another breeding ground for anti-American, fringe, radical, “progressive” leftist extremist indoctrination.

Joy Hofmeister touts herself as an “independent thinker” who joined the Democrat Party after the Oklahoma GOP was “hijacked,” by Governor Kevin Stitt.

Never mind that the ever so “popular” Liz Cheney, who lost her August primary by some 37 points (only the 2nd worst such performance in U.S. history) made similar claims about the GOP because Donald Trump opposed/opposes the neocon-military/industrial complexes’ reflexive impulse to engage in every foreign war possible.

Hofmeister has served as the Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction since 2015, which makes her a member of the State of Oklahoma’s educational bureaucracy.

It’s not merely a coincidence that the Tulsa Public School administration building is right across 31st street from Tulsa Democrat Party headquarters.

Since when does being a member of the State’s educational bureaucracy, which aligns itself ever more closely with the “progressive” leftist “democrat” Party, make you an “independent” thinker?

Since 2020. across the United States, bureaucrats within the public-school administrative state have aligned themselves with teachers’ unions, whose demands for school closures and lockdowns diminished the education of students.

Due to those Covid lockdowns and the resulting remote learning, parents discovered what public schools (or should that be government run schools) were “teaching” their children. Parents did not like what they learned.

Public schools were “teaching” American students that the United States wasn’t really formed on July 4th, 1776, when representatives from the original British colonies signed the Declaration of Independence. No, the USA was founded in 1619 when the first black slave was brought to North America.

Note: the 1619 Project has been roundly denounced by hundreds of scholars of American History as being based on fiction.

Rather than teaching Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” vision of judging people NOT by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character, American public schools were teaching white kids that they were inherently racist oppressors who took pleasure in imposing their “white privilege” upon the downtrodden people of color. And for those born as people of color, there was no escape. The institutionalized racism against you was so widespread; packs of vicious, hateful, racist white cops were being trained and commissioned to shoot you dead on site and at their own pleasure.

Note: This, like the 1619 Project, is based on fiction and is in no way shape or form supported by official statistics found anywhere in the USA. In fact, a statistical analysis shows that police officers actually kill more whites than people of color.

And if nine-year-old students who were born as boys decided (with “counseling help” from public school employees) they were really girls, then those students should be medically “transitioned” into being girls with help from public-school employees, preferably without parental knowledge or consent.

When American parents went to school board meetings across the USA to express their dissent, the national teacher’s union sent a letter to Merrick Garland, the U.S. Attorney General, demanding that those dissenting parents by viewed by the U.S. Department of Justice as domestic terrorists and dealt with according to what the Patriot Act prescribes for domestic terrorists.

Garland agreed.

This is not hyperbolic nonsense. This is not exaggeration.

This is what just under two years of “progressive” leftist “democrats” being in charge without checks and balances does to America.

And this barely scratches the surface.

Given the realities that Americans have been forced to face since January 2021, having a member of the “progressive” leftist “democrat” Party as Governor of Oklahoma sounds like a really, really bad idea.

The last thing the State of Oklahoma needs is a bureaucrat from the entrenched Oklahoma educational bureaucracy to be placed in the Governor’s Mansion.

Joy Hofmeister is wrong for Oklahoma.

Martha’s Vineyard and Unwashed Smelly Masses

September 17, 2022

After fifty illegal aliens (described as “undocumented migrants” in places like Martha’s Vineyard) were given the bum’s rush by the people living in Martha’s Vineyard, a Telemundo television reporter stated that Martha’s Vineyard residents admitted privately to not wanting migrants on the island.

Now, before everyone jumps to the conclusion that a decent chunk of the people living in Martha’s Vineyard are flaming, virtue signaling hypocrites, let’s look at this event from a broader perspective.

After all, looking at singular events with tunnel vision may hinder the quest for truth.

People who live in places like Martha’s Vineyard bear a striking resemblance to people who live in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Washington DC, etcetera.

They see themselves as the coastal elites. They like to associate with other members of the coastal elite. They don’t like to associate with people they deem to be part of the unwashed, smelly masses. This is why they call middle America “flyover country.”

Coastal elites view themselves as more intelligent, more well-schooled, more cultured, more refined, more…well, you get the idea.

Coastal elites consider themselves to be betters. Better than the unintelligent, poorly schooled, uncultured, unrefined, unwashed, smelly masses who exist in flyover country.

Even worse, those unwashed, smelly masses in flyover country don’t fall in line with the wishes of the coastal elites. Those silly flyover country people continue to insist they should have jobs, support themselves and their families, while making their own decisions on how to run their lives. Those flyover peasants even believe they have rights; like the right to determine the school curriculum for their children.

Those unwashed, smelly masses even fail to see that in today’s brave new world, boys can be girls and girls can be boys just because a young child was convinced by proponents of the coastal elite view that gender fluidity is something real. A reality denied children by their unwashed, smelly culture.

For coastal elites, this is a problem. A big problem. Their ilk has determined that the biggest danger to America are those pesky flyover people who insist on harkening back to the American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

Coastal elites have such contempt for the unwashed smelly masses in flyover America that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi authorized remote voting in the House, so Representatives of the coastal elite would be spared the horror of having to fly to Washington DC and associate with Representatives of the smelly unwashed masses in person.

The coastal elite solution? Flood middle America with third world illegal aliens who have zero connection to the American Revolution and all those silly, outdated ideas racist white slave holders put down on paper during ancient times.

This flood of third world illegal aliens will certainly side with their betters; the betters who opened America’s southern border to mass invasion. Especially after their betters went out of their way to give third world illegal aliens all that free stuff-food, housing, medical care, schooling, even cell phones.

Because for coastal elites, their goal isn’t to “save democracy” (never mind the fact that the U.S. is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy). The goal of coastal elites is to gain and maintain an unbreakable grip on unrestrained dictatorial power in perpetuity. In order to achieve this goal, coastal elites are willing to lie, cheat, steal and kill.

The presence of illegal aliens in Martha’s Vinyard is unacceptable to coastal elites because to coastal elites, those who are being imported are also unwashed, smelly masses.

Coastal elites are gambling that the newly imported unwashed, smelly masses will be more obedient to their desires and fall in line better than do the existing unwashed, smelly masses.

For coastal elites, that’s “progress.”


September 9, 2021

The current “progressive” leftist “administration” has decided the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution (including the Bill of Rights) need a warning label.

Just recently, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) determined America’s founding documents may be “harmful or difficult” to view because of their “outdated, biased, offensive, and possibly violent views and opinions.”

That’s because Americans need to be warned that these words: “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” reflect racist, sexist, ableist, misogynistic/misogynoir, and xenophobic opinions and attitudes.

Because it is extremely dangerous to learn the United States of America was founded on the idea: “That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Because absolutely nothing could possibly be more perilous than understanding America’s Founders framed the U.S. government with this intent: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Never mind that the very same people warning the public about these so-called “dangerous ideas” believe men can menstruate and give birth. Never mind that these very same people believe it’s perfectly okay to loot businesses, burn buildings, attack and cold-cock passers by, assassinate the characters and ostracize others for not getting “the jab” or wear a gorilla mask and throw eggs at a black gubernatorial candidate in the Union’s largest State.

These are the same people whose plan is to destroy America’s energy independence, dramatically increase the pace of inflation by spending trillions of dollars of borrowed money, abandon hundreds of American citizens in a third world country on the other side of the planet while leaving them in the hands of barbarians who believe women are sub-human property, and erase any and all enforcement of immigration law without even a hint of due process.

The same people warning you and yours about the dangers lurking within America’s founding documents are the same people who believe America doesn’t measure up to their own “high standards.”

What “high standards?”

The “high standards” that prompted Secretary of State Antony Blinken to bemoan the fact that the Taliban (the barbarians who took over Afghanistan after the illegitimate “president” of the United States surrendered the country and left billions of dollars worth of highly developed military hardware behind) established a government that is not “inclusive.”

Never mind that the Taliban beheads those who refuse to convert to their “religion.” Never mind that the Taliban stones women for committing the crime of being raped. Never mind that they throw gays to their death from the top of the tallest available building. Never mind that back in 2001 the Taliban ordered the destruction of all statues in Afghanistan including ancient pre-Islamic figures.

Their crime is establishing a government that is not “inclusive” enough for “progressive” leftists.

Blinken and his ilk believe America’s enemies will conform to their “high standards” if the USA kisses their bums and plays nice, then bemoan the results when the Taliban refuses to conform to the “high standards” of the “progressive” left.

The “progressive” leftist notion that everything on planet Earth (past, present and future) MUST conform to their “high standards” is a fatally flawed concept.

If you believe fatally flawed is an overstatement, ask the families of the thirteen U.S. military who were killed in Kabul in August 2021.

While there may be some truth in the idea that you do not make progress without change, not all change is progress.

Believing history will be changed by tearing down statues, putting warning labels on documents or forbidding “unacceptable” books is simply wrong. The reality is, human civilization’s errors do not disappear because people are not allowed to see them. The only thing that happens is that history is forgotten.

If you want to prevent a repeat of human civilization’s errors, they must be remembered. Let the monuments to history remain so future generation who see them will ask what they are about. Then future generations can learn from history and about those mistakes as a safeguard against repeating past errors.

If “progressive” leftists succeed in erasing history, the world will take a giant leap towards forgetting it. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Throughout human history, great civilizations which rose from darkness have fallen back into darkness.

If that happens again, don’t say nobody warned you.

Romney Should Not Back Down

September 18, 2012

Leave it to the “progressive” Party Pravda (in the form of Holly Bailey and Yahoo News), on precisely the morning they desperately need to change the subject, to magically stumble across a Mitt Romney quote recorded at a closed-door fundraiser earlier this year.

This is a typical “progressive” tactic used to distract attention away from the Obama damaging, bogus explanation for anti-American violence occurring across the Middle East.  A completely implausible explanation created by the White House and propagated by America’s so-called mainstream news media.

Aiming to reinforce the false “progressive” narrative that Romney is an out of touch rich guy, Baily wears her “progressive” bias openly.   She begins her “news story” with:

“Mitt Romney stood by his comments captured on a hidden camera at a closed-door fundraiser earlier this year in which he called supporters of President Barack Obama “victims” and said they are reliant on government handouts.

In a hastily arranged news conference Monday night, he called his words “off the cuff” and “not elegantly stated,” but given several opportunities to back off the comments, he did not.”–election.html

Note Baily’s use of the words “hastily arranged news conference”, an example of propagating the phony meme that Romney’s campaign is disorganized.

These cherry picked comments also further the manufactured “progressive” notion that whenever Romney opens his mouth, whatever he says is a gaff, or is “not elegantly stated”.

In typical “progressive” Party Pravda fashion, Baily misrepresents both Romney’s message and his actual point.

What Romney said was:

“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what.  There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it.”

Romney continued his remarks by stating his job as candidate was “not to worry about those people.”

Any fair minded individual capable of grasping electoral reality comprehends why Romney would say his job as candidate is not to worry about going after voters who common sense dictates will vote for Obama.

By the same rationale, Obama would not choose to waste his time chasing after Tea Party votes.

Common sense and logic seem to be vital elements missing in “progressive” “news” stories.  Instead, the “progressives” focused on smearing Mitt Romney for simply speaking the truth.

It is the truth that 47 percent of Americans pay no income tax.  The “progressive” “defense” against this fact is to say those people do pay payroll taxes, sales taxes, etc.  Unfortunately for “progressives”, the hole in their “defense” is; the people who do pay income tax pay all those other taxes too.

It is true that people in America who pay no income tax are not going to be motivated by a candidate who promises lower taxes.  Why would they care about tax rates that have zero effect on them?

Except to favor of increases on others so the government can afford to give them more stuff…

There are an unacceptable number of people in America who are dependent upon government.  Many, if not most, see themselves as victims.  They believe they are “entitled” to “free” healthcare, food stamps, “affordable housing” and welfare payments.  They are being taught by the big-government centrally planned Department of Education that government’s job is to take care of them.

Those who remain unconvinced can watch the official full length version of the Tides Foundation production of “The Story of Stuff”.

It is quite interesting, how the Tide Foundation, funded by George Soros, just happens to be a huge proponent of “progressive” propaganda.  Not surprisingly, whenever “progressive” actions and/or propaganda come full circle George Soros and his ill-gotten billions always seem to be involved.

Romney is not just running against the Obama campaign.  He is running against Obama, the media, Hollywood, academia, George Soros and anyone else who propagates the anti-American “progressive” narrative.

You can bet all the money owed for unpaid American college loans that “progressives” will whine about the Koch brothers.

Where Are America’s Heroes?

August 20, 2012

America faces attacks upon its economic well-being, its historic values, principles and traditions, the very moral fabric of its society and the supreme law of the land, the United States Constitution. The enemy attacks from within the American education system, in movies, on television, in newspapers, magazines and from within local, state and federal government.

Where are the defenders of the American way of life? Where are the defenders of America’s culture? Where are the defenders of equal protection under the law? Where are the defenders of the Constitutional Republic?

They are certainly not to be found within the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, where the nomination and eventual confirmation of two activist radical fringe left “progressive” Supreme Court Justice nominees were allowed by Republican Senator Lindsay Graham, who justified his votes by saying “Elections have consequences”. Certainly not within the Federal Court system, where Arizona’s legally passed defense of land and law was overruled by Bill Clinton appointed U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton. Certainly not among “Conservative” television pundits, who continue to allow flat out, bold faced lies spoken by radical fringe left “progressive” pundits go unchallenged.

Where are the heroes?

Are they only to be found within the American people? Is defense of the nation’s values, principles, and way of life left up to We The People?

If so, so be it. If it’s up to Patriotic Americans to preserve, protect and defend their nation, their culture, their land of laws, their values, their traditions, their moral fiber and their Constitution, they couldn’t be in better hands.

Americans fought and won independence from tyrannical monarchal government in the Revolutionary War. Americans fought and won against racist attempt to divide the nation during the Civil War. Americans fought and won the struggle against the tyrannical forces of Fascism in World War II. Americans fought and won the Cold War against the tyrannical Communist forces of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Now America is engaged in a war of ideas here on its own soil. To win, Americans need not fire a single shot. There are more Americansthan there are “progressives”.

Stand firm in your resolve. Do not ever back down. Be an American hero.

Make sure that this November, you and your American brethren go to the polls in record numbers and vote the radical fringe left “progressive” extremists who seek to destroy your country out of office.

This is not just any old election. November’s election is the battleground for America’s very survival. We The People are responsible for the outcome. To honor those passed who fought to defend America. To preserve the future for you, your children and your grandchildren. Go to the polls and ensure the outcome of this November’s election.

Whether or not it was sought, now is the time for this generation to become the new Greatest Generation. Americans are up to it. It’s in America’s DNA.

America, show the world what you are made of.

Groundbreaking Firsts by President Obama

August 18, 2012

All those hateful hard core right wing extremists really should quit trashing poor President Obama.  There can be no doubt that his presidency has been nothing if not historical.

Here is an impressive list of some of his accomplishments:

  • First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student then denies he is a foreigner.
  • First President to have a Social Security number from a state where he has never lived.
  • First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.
  • First President to violate the War Powers Act.
  • First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • First President to require that all Americans purchase a product from a third party as a condition of citizenship.
  • First President to spend a trillion dollars on ‘shovel-ready’ jobs when there was no such thing as ‘shovel-ready’ jobs.
  • First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
  • First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
  • First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.
  • First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
  • First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.
  • First President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space.
  • First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.
  • First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
  • First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
  • First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.
  • First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.
  • First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
  • First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
  • First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).
  • First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-Corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
  • First President to appoint 45 czars to his office.
  • First President to surround himself with extremist fringe devotees to the institutionalized “progressive” left’s radical agenda.
  • First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 102 to date.
  • First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.
  • First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing to earn it.
  • First President to go on multiple global “apology tours” and concurrent “insult our friends” tours.
  • First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the taxpayer.
  • First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.
  • First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
  • First President to repeat the Holy Quran & tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.
  • First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they “volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences”.
  • Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.
  • First President to side with a foreign nation over one of America’s 50 states (Mexico vs. Arizona).

How is that hopey-changey thing working out for you?

Thanks to Obama’s insistence on remaining a stubborn, inflexible partisan ideologue, this list keeps growing.


This Is Not Let’s Make A Deal and David Axelrod is Not Monty Hall

August 17, 2012

The White House re-election campaign wants to make a deal.  In exchange for GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney releasing five years of tax returns, they will stop criticizing him for not releasing more.  While hiding behind the skirt of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the White House campaign alleges there may be as many as ten years when Romney evaded paying income taxes.

Romney says that over the past decade he has paid at least 13 percent in federal income taxes.  According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, a non-partisan group, middle income families average paying 12.8 percent in federal income tax.

Critics complain that Romney pays too few taxes.  At his income level, Romney pays plenty of taxes.  Romney made every penny he has.  Hence every dime he uses to make investments has already been taxed at wage income rates.  Romney pays a lower tax rate than wage earners because a majority of his income comes from investments, which are taxed at a lower rate than wages.  Investment income is taxed at a lower rate because, unlike wages, investments are at risk.

If Romney was guilty of income tax evasion, the IRS would already be after him and his campaign for the White House would long be over.  The IRS falls within the Department of Treasury.  At the behest of the White House, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and the IRS would be all over Romney like a ravenous pack of hyenas.

Romney has released his 2010 tax records and vowed to release his 2011 returns.  That matches the number of returns released in 2008 by Senator John McCain when he was the GOP candidate.  The number of tax returns released by McCain was never an issue.

This is not Let’s Make A Deal, and David Axelrod is not Monty Hall.  For Mitt Romney only a booby prize or worse waits behind curtain number three.

This bait and switch by the White House and their “progressive” co-conspirators is more than simply a distraction from the issues.

Throughout a shadowy, veiled, mystery shrouded political career where his own past has been intentionally concealed, obtaining confidential information about political opponents and distorting that information to smear them has been the signature move of this candidate.

Remember, the current Oval Office occupier is the same clandestine, shadowy figure caught in an open-mic moment with then Russian president Dmitry Medvedev saying that after his re-election he would have “more flexibility”.

Flexibility for…?

Three members of a Russian punk band were found guilty and sentenced to two years in jail for protesting against Russian president Vladamir Putin.   The band members were arrested on March 3rd and charged with “hooliganism”.  Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 22, Maria Alyokhina, 24, and Yekaterina Samutsevich, 30 have been in jail ever since.

What kind of flexibility is this secretive, anti-business, hostile to constitutionally protected individual Liberty White House promising to a Russian president who imprisons people for free speech?

Is this flexibility related to the Department of Homeland Security, the Social Security Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Education, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Internal Revenue Service each purchasing multi-thousands of rounds of hollow point bullets?

Could this flexibility include plans to tighten the iron grip of power by imposing Martial Law and suspending elections to ensure he can finish the “fundamental transformation” of America through the imposition of a form of government completely foreign to every principle espoused by its Founding Fathers?

By agreeing to release any additional tax returns, Mitt Romney would be making a crucial mistake.  Let the White House re-election campaign go into grand mal seizure.  Let them scream like banshees and howl at the moon.  Let them cry like babies.  Let them wet themselves.  Let them posture, threaten, intimidate and bully.  You can bet your underwater sub-prime mortgage they will do anything, be it lie, cheat and steal to win this election.

To borrow a phrase from another popular television game show: No deal.

MoveOn Attacks Ryan With Lies

August 16, 2012

Here is the latest from in the lie filled institutionalized “progressive” left’s smear campaign against Rep. Paul Ryan.  How does MoveOn expect anyone outside their ever shrinking “progressive” echo chamber think-alike tank to take them seriously? Not only are the assertions about Paul Ryan based on misrepresentations, distortions and outright falsehoods, the only “supportive evidence” provided are links to and other “progressive” sites like Center for American Progress (funded by George Soros), Think Progress, Daily Kos, Huffington Post and The Advocate.  There is no question that the link sites are clearly biased in favor of “progressives” and are heartily devoted to spreading “progressive” propaganda.

If this is not a clear cut case of “I’m right because I said so” vapidity then 2 + 2 does not equal 4.

MoveOn even lies to its own people by saying MoveOn gets no big checks from CEOs.  Apparently they count on membership from uninformed people who have never heard of the huge donations MoveOn has received over the years from billionaire George Soros.

Below is the text as sent out in an email by MoveOn:

Dear MoveOn member,

Paul Ryan is bad for America. He’s anti-choice, and would give big tax cuts for millionaires, while raising taxes on the middle-class. He’s a Tea Party favorite who takes donations from the billionaire Koch brothers, and he introduced one of harshest and most inhumane budgets in recent history. His ideological hero for many years called selfishness a virtue and charity an abomination.

But most people don’t know just how bad Paul Ryan is. So we made this list of 10 things to know about Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential pick, Paul Ryan. Read it, then click here to share this list as an image on social media, or just forward this email! The future of America is on the line—from a woman’s right to choose to our economy.

10 Things to know about Paul Ryan

1. His economic plan would cost America 1 million jobs in the first year. Ryan’s proposed budget would cripple the economy. He’d slash spending deeply, which would not only slow job growth, but shock the economy and cost 1 million of us our jobs in 2013 alone and kill more than 4 million jobs by the end of 2014.1

2. He’d kill Medicare. He’d replace Medicare with vouchers for retirees to purchase insurance, eliminating the guarantee of health care for seniors and putting them at the mercy of the private insurance industry. That could amount to a cost increase of more than $5,900 by 2050, leaving many seniors broke or without the health care they need. He’d also raise the age of eligibility to 67.2

3. He’d pickpocket the middle class to line the pockets of the rich. His tax plan is Robin Hood in reverse. He wants to cut taxes by $4.6 trillion over the next decade, but only for corporations and the rich, like giving families earning more than $1 million a year a $300,000 tax cut. And to pay for them, he’d raise taxes on middle- and lower-income households and butcher social service programs that help middle- and working-class Americans.3

4. He’s an anti-choice extremist. Ryan co-sponsored an extremist anti-choice bill, nicknamed the ‘Let Women Die Act,’ that would have allowed hospitals to deny women emergency abortion care even if their lives were at risk. And he co-sponsored another bill that would criminalize some forms of birth control, all abortions, and in vitro fertilization.4

5. He’d dismantle Social Security. Ironically, Ryan used the Social Security Survivors benefit to help pay for college, but he wants to take that possibility away from future generations. He agrees with Rick Perry’s view that Social Security is a “Ponzi scheme” and he supported George W. Bush’s disastrous proposal to privatize Social Security.5

6. He’d eliminate Pell grants for more than 1 million low-income students. His budget plan cuts the Pell Grant program by $200 billion, which could mean a loss of educational funding for 1 million low-income students.6

7. He’d give $40 billion in subsidies to Big Oil. His budget includes oil tax breaks worth $40 billion, while cutting “billions of dollars from investments to develop alternative fuels and clean energy technologies that would serve as substitutes for oil.”7

8. He’s another Koch-head politician. Not surprisingly, the billionaire oil-baron Koch brothers are some of Ryan’s biggest political contributors. And their company, Koch industries, is Ryan’s biggest energy-related donor. The company’s PAC and affiliated individuals have given him $65,500 in donations.8

9. He opposes gay rights. Ryan has an abysmal voting record on gay rights. He’s voted to ban adoption by gay couples, against same-sex marriage, and against repealing “don’t ask, don’t tell.” He also voted against the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which President Obama signed into law in 2009.9

10. He thinks an “I got mine, who cares if you’re okay” philosophy is admirable. For many years, Paul Ryan devoted himself to Ayn Rand’s philosophy of selfishness as a virtue. It has shaped his entire ethic about whom he serves in public office. He even went as far as making his interns read her work.10

If there was ever any doubt that Mitt Romney’s got a disastrous plan for America—he made himself 100% clear when he picked right-wing extremist Paul Ryan as his running mate. Paul Ryan is bad for America, but we can’t beat him if Americans don’t know everything he stands for. Share this list with all your friends by clicking here, or simply forward this email.

Thanks for all you do.

–Justin, Carrie, Steven, Stephen, and the rest of the team


1. “Ryan’s Budget, Robin Hood in reverse,” Economic Policy Institute

2. “12 Things You Should Know About Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan,” Think Progress, August 11, 2012

3.”Ryan Budget Would Raise Some Taxes; Guess Who Gets Hit?,” Off the Charts, April 12, 2012

“Middle class could face higher taxes under Republican plan, analysis finds,” The Washington Post, June 19, 2012

4. “Statement on Mitt Romney’s Selection of Rep. Paul Ryan for His Vice-Presidential Running Mate,” NARAL, August 11, 2012

“Paul Ryan’s Extreme Abortion Views,” The Daily Beast, August 11, 2012

“Paul Ryan Sponsored Fetal Personhood Bill, Opposes Family Planning Funds,” Huffington Post, August 11, 2012

5. “12 Things You Should Know About Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan,” Think Progress, August 11, 2012

“Ayn Rand would have HATED Paul Ryan,” Daily Kos, August 12, 2012

6. “Pell Grants For Poor Students Lose $170 Billion In Ryan Budget,” Huffington Post, March 27, 2012

7. “Ryan Budget Pads Big Oil’s Pockets with Senseless Subsidies,” Center for American Progress, March 20, 2012

8. “Koch brothers have Paul Ryan’s back,” Politico, August 11, 2012

9. “Paul Ryan as VP Matches Mitt Romney on Homophobia,” The Advocate, August 11, 2012

10.”Paul Ryan And Ayn Rand”, The New Republic, December 28, 2010

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PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.