Archive for the ‘political correctness’ Category

“progressives”: No Puzzle

October 18, 2012

A teenager in Pakistan gets shot in the head by the Taliban.  She is flown to Britain for emergency medical attention and so she can be protected from the threatened follow up attacks.

All 14-year-old Malala Yousufzai wants is for girls in Pakistan to be able to attend school.

The Taliban has issued threats that state Malala will be a target in the future if she continues to promote what they describe as “Western thinking”.

Meanwhile, “progressives” in America continue to cling to the “Islam is a religion of peace” fallacy their tenured, grey pony-tailed “progressive” college professors brainwashed them into believing.

So much so that the Obama White House is conducting a foreign policy based on the unfounded fairy tale that if westerners are just nice enough to people who will kill young girls for wanting to go to school, then Islamofascists will like and forgive the west for not being Islamists and not attack the west.

These “progressives” are the same group who believe the vaporous illusion that Islamofascists as reasonable people with whom it is possible to negotiate peace.

They are also the same crowd that insists on fomenting the lie that Conservatives are waging a war on women because Conservatives believe a thirty year old Georgetown University law school graduate should buy her own contraceptives.

Naturally, “progressives” remain steadfastly incapable of understanding why Conservatives find them a bit lacking in the perception, common sense and moral center departments.

You cannot fix stupid, but you can vote it out of office.

Be sure to vote it out of every single office at every level of government on November 6, 2012.

The Economic Justice Lie

August 3, 2012

For years, the current White House occupant has foisted the concept that more affluent Americans do not pay their fair share of taxes.  That may make for an effectively memorable campaign stump slogan, but as is so often the case with the “progressive” Democrat’s reelection campaign statements, the rhetoric does not align itself with reality.  The top five percent of American wage earners pay forty seven percent of revenues collected by the IRS.  The top ten percent pay seventy percent of all IRS revenues.  Meanwhile, forty seven percent of the population pays zero income tax.  In fact, a large number of that forty seven percent actually reap the benefits of “progressive” big government largesse while paying nothing.

In a country long admired for its diligent protection of free speech it should be possible to logically discuss the plethora of clearly unconstitutional, vastly unpopular, criminally coerced, bribery stuffed, intimidation filled, votes bought, deals made and paid for legislation that amounts to an unmitigated assault upon American traditions, values and a way of life based on freedom of choice and individual liberty.  Given that anyone willing to speak against the institutionalized “progressive” leftist agenda is smeared, attacked, blocked on social media or otherwise suppressed, perhaps not.

But whether you look at the nationalization of American banks, the takeover of the U.S. auto industry, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known to the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court as a tax), the takeover of the college student loan industry, draconian EPA regulations or Cap and Trade initiatives, it all boils down to two words: “Economic justice.”

Does anyone in their right mind believe that the current radical fringe leftist “progressive” filled government is not playing favorites with student loan applications or will not play favorites with healthcare procedures and coverage?  Does anyone honestly believe that the current “progressive” Executive Branch will not continue to over-reach for power via Executive Order or through their appointments to the unelected, unaccountable regulatory bureaucracy?

Can you say reparations?  Can you say class warfare?  Can you say unable to run for reelection on their record?

Let the current Oval Office occupier in thief tell you in his own words:

  • “One of the tragedies of the civil rights movement was that the civil rights movement became so court focused, I think, there was a tendency to lose track of the political and organizing activities on the ground that are able to bring about the coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change.”

That is Marxism, plain and simple.  But “progressives” know full well that the majority of Americans would never accept Marxism, Socialism or Communism if they were honest about their agenda.  Americans are equally unlikely to accept redistribution of wealth at face value.  Witness the public outcry that followed the occupier’s now infamous 2008 campaign encounter with “Joe the plumber”.

What is a “progressive” Marxist to do?

Make the Marxist agenda sound like a moral issue to which good, God fearing, charitable Americans will subscribe.  Just like magic Marxism, Socialism, Communism and redistribution of wealth becomes “economic justice”.

Do not fall for persistent fringe left “progressive” attempts to redefine language through the smoke and mirror tricks of political correctness.  DO NOT BE FOOLED.

“Economic justice” = Forced redistribution of wealth, with hostility towards individual property rights, cloaked in a veneer of morality.

Where the majority of Americans are from, that is known as lying, cheating and stealing.

Olympic Invasion

July 26, 2012

Yahoo, that staunch defender of all things “progressive”, jumped on the media bandwagon in gushing over Malaysia’s Nur Suryani Mohamed Taibi making the trip to London to compete in the Olympics.  They fawned all over the feel good story about how just one month before she is due to give birth to a baby she is scheduled to compete in the 10m rifle event.  The 29-year-old is not the first pregnant Olympian, but is believed to be the farthest along in history.–oly.html

This shows the utter stupidity of European countries that are so welcoming of people who want to destroy Europe, European culture and the last vestiges of European Christianity.  As in: muslims.

Who cares if she is pregnant and in the OIympics?  Within the bigger picture, that is so trivial it is ridiculous. This is a taquiyya based PR move on the part of muslims and their “progressive” western co-conspirators.

Thanks to the suppression of women in muslim countries where sharia law is enforced, women are not allowed out of the house without being accompanied by male relatives…or to drive, much less allowed to shoot a gun.

Most muslim countries are still sickeningly misogynistic.

Should Tabili decide to stay in London after the Olympics she would be just another pregnant muslim woman helping to overthrow another European country by outbreeding “politically correct” natives who themselves refuse to reproduce because doing so would lead to overpopulation and “harm mother earth”.  In a couple of decades muslims will complete their centuries old quest to conquer Europe.

This is exactly the same type of “progressive” multicultural diversity politically correct “tolerance” gobbledygook nonsense that led the American Ft. Hood shooting incident to be officially classified as “workplace violence” and to unwarranted attacks on Michele Bachmann and other Congressional Reps who courageously called for an investigation into the infiltration of America’s government by elements sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood.

When it comes to “political correctness”, “progressive” Americans are not far behind Europe.  If you ask a typical college grad who has recently been released from the indoctrination camps known as American college campuses, they are oblivious to the fact that over the years, communist regimes have killed 100 million of their own people.  If you ask them what country is the greatest force for evil in the world, they will tell you it is the United States.  These are the same brain dead “progressive” lemming useful idiots that will give you the kneejerk, propaganda based response that islam is “a religion of peace”.

Consider this exchange found on Jihad watch:

This death threat came in to ABN after I interviewed Pamela Geller in a show on “Islamophobia” last Monday night. I posted an expurgated version of this death threat already, but the unexpurgated version gives the full flavor of the opponents we face in fighting for freedom and human rights. Pamela Geller has the full audio, plus a transcript:

Now listen to me, a$$hole: if you ever disrespect my belief, I’m going to personally find ya, ok? If you ever disrespect Islam ever again, I’m going to personally find you all, ok? Take what I’m saying very f**king seriously, ok? And I f**king mean it. I’m going to personally find you all, ok? Your life will be a f**king nightmare. Take what I’m saying very f**king seriously. And start to learn how to respect other people’s belief system. This is not freedom of speech. You’re being a f**king d*ckhead. I’m going to personally find you, if I ever see your f**king a$$. Don’t be disrespectful of other people’s belief system, ok? F**king a$$hole d*ckhead. I’m gonna find you. You’ll see it. You’ll f**king die.

Pamela notes quite rightly: “If Daisy Khan or Huma Abedin had received this threat, the police would be on 24-hour guard at their house. But no one will take notice of this one.”

That is “a religion of peace”?

Nur Suryani Mohamed Taibi’s winning a gold medal then using her triumph to rub it in the faces of her culture’s misogynistic pigs would be an achievement worthy of universal acclaim.

You go girl.

Are Americans Ready?

July 25, 2012

It should be quite obvious to clear minded people who are paying attention that the agenda of “progressives” is single Party “progressive” rule in perpetuity.  Economic viability, domestic security, national sovereignty, individual Liberties and adherence to Constitutional principles are all secondary to the “progressive” goal.

Americans are people who will fight to preserve, protect and defend the United States of America envisioned by its Founding Fathers.  Emerging from the Tea Party are Patriotic Americans ready to lead a return to American principles and values.

The political establishment ignores these new leaders at their own peril.

From 2000 to 2006, a Republican legislative majority and a Republican president abandoned traditional American values and practiced spending habits that were indistinguishable from those of “progressive” Democrats. They did not demonstrate the fiscal responsibility and discipline that had traditionally distinguished Conservative Republicans from “progressive” Democrats. As a result, the size and scope of government, “entitlement” programs, debt and deficits all grew by unacceptable amounts.  This opened the door for the “progressive” Democratic Party to seize power by running a political campaign based on lies about how they would practice fiscal responsibility and financial discipline.  After seizing unobstructed power, “progressive” Democrats, including the current White House occupier, set about adding $5 trillion to America’s national debt in less than four years.

This is not the path to economic growth and stability.  No nation can borrow and spend its way to prosperity.  After having been so betrayed by both political Parties, Americans are now awake to this stark reality.

This lack of anchorage to American values, this blindness to the true purpose of America’s mission has produced baleful results.

That time over.

The way for Americans to separate themselves from the tax and spend policies of “progressive” big government is a return to fiscal responsibility and financial discipline.  In order to succeed, Americans must be united in that endeavor.

A winning coalition will include both economically and socially Conservative Americans. Neither agenda can be successfully pursued without the other; they fit hand in glove.  This is because the government’s power is derived from the consent of the governed, whose rights are God given.

The Tea Party proves that across America, a huge natural constituency exists for the bread-and-butter American issues of lower taxes, reduced government, a strong national defense, secure borders and a return to the traditional American values of: E Pluribus Unum, Liberty and in God we trust.

E Pluribus Unum means from many, one. It does not mean unquestioning acquiescence to multiculturalism and diversity.  Liberty means opportunity for all, not equality of results.  In God we trust means reliance upon the Creator of all things.  It does not mean passive acceptance of secularism, atheism or submissive surrender to “progressive” statist mandates.

The time has come.  Whether they asked for it or not, this is the time for all Americans to stand up and defend their country.

There can be no substitute for Liberty. The Constitution was designed to defend that Liberty. It is imperative that the shredding of this document by big government “progressives” be stopped. It is inherent upon Patriotic Americans to stand up and remind “progressives” that government’s power is derived from the consent of the people.

Disillusioned middle of the road swing voters disappointed by the “progressive” government’s failure to successfully respond to the economic crisis and college graduates who voted for hope and change who are now dissatisfied by the prospect of not finding a job are ready for viable solutions to an economic catastrophe brought about by “progressive” big government spending.

Americans must set aside whatever differences they have and unite behind the goal they share: Economic prosperity.

Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Independents, even those not yet registered must join in the fight to defend the Constitution, revive the private sector free market economy and protect the American way of life.

America, stand up for your God given rights! Let no mortal take them from you.

The question remains: Are Americans ready to put aside their egos and personal agendas in order to secure the Blessings of Liberty for themselves and their posterity?

How’s That “progressive” Deal Working Out For You?

July 19, 2012

According to the Labor Department, jobless claims for unemployment benefits surged 34,000 to 386,000.  Figures for the prior week were revised upwards to 352,000 from the 350,000 previously reported.  This makes every time since the current administration seized power that previously reported unemployment numbers were later revised upwards.

Meanwhile, factory activity fell shy of expectations held by economic experts and contracted for a third straight month.  The new orders index is currently minus 6.9.  A reading below zero indicates contraction.  Two consecutive quarters of economic contraction means that after spending $878 billion taxpayer dollars on government “stimulus”, the U.S. economy will experience a double dip recession.  Of course “progressives” will insist the reason the “stimulus” spending failed is because the government did not spend enough.

Over 1.5 million older Americans have lost their homes, while millions more are in danger of losing theirs due to the unsolved, ongoing national housing crisis.  About 3.5 million older homeowners’ mortgages are underwater.  The “progressive” solution to problems caused by “progressive” government interference in the U.S. housing market?  Have the government refinance underwater mortgages.  Why not?  The U.S. debt is only $15,884,155,929,632.05 and climbing rapidly.  America has money to burn.

Home sales dropped by 5.4% in June to an adjusted annual rate of 4.37 million homes, the fewest since October 2011.  Despite 30-year fixed mortgage rates being the lowest since the 1950s, potential buyers are having difficulty qualifying for loans due to the weakening job market.  Without vigorous job growth, consumers may continue delaying the purchase of new homes.  Why is it the White House jobs panel has not met in six months?  Perhaps having such a meeting would cut into the current Oval Office occupant’s golf, fundraising and campaign appearance time.

The outlook for consumers is not good.  Driven by corn prices reaching near record highs due to drought in the Midwest, grocery bills will continue to rise.  Since corn and corn syrup are used in 75% of the products found in supermarkets, shoppers can plan on paying higher grocery bills.

How long will it be before for a “progressive” Senator, Representative or White House czar calls for the use of more corn in ethanol production?

Why be bothered with the population’s food supply when there is a planet to be saved from carbon gas.  Never mind that more “greenhouse gasses” are belched by volcanoes every year than the combined amount produced by humans since civilization began.  Besides, the people most likely to starve to death probably fit into one of the “progressive’s” genetically inferior categories anyway.

Speaking of alternative fuels, the administration’s taxpayer funded capital investments in “green energy” are going so well that the Amonix solar manufacturing plant in North Las Vegas closed after receiving $20 million in federal subsidies.  The announcement came only14 months after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid endorsed the plant’s opening by heralding solar energy in Nevada, comparing it to Saudi Arabian oil.

On the foreign policy front, the Muslim Brotherhood is infiltrating the U.S. government while they seize power in Egypt and Libya.  Israel and Iran are rattling sabers over the Islamist government’s pursuit of nukes and the prospects of an Israeli military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities.

Russia and China joined forces to veto sanctions on Syria in a UN Security Council vote.  Afterwards, the White House called Russian President Vladimir Putin, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s main international supporter, about the deteriorating Syrian situation.  Not surprisingly, that call ended with the two of them divided over how to move forward.

This is what is known as: Not peace through strength.

Don’t worry.  The White House saved the day by announcing that the USDA and Mexico have decided to work cooperatively in promoting American food assistance programs, including food stamps, to Mexican Americans, nationals and migrants living in America.

How is this “progressive” hope and change deal working out for you?

Was “The Private Sector is Doing Fine” Really a Gaffe?

June 9, 2012

When obama uttered the words “the private sector is doing fine” speculation ran rampant, declarations occurred and questions abounded.

Obedient spokes-fools within the “progressive” Party Pravda remained largely mum, dutifully neglecting or downplaying the story. Conservatives pounced on the statement, speculating aggressively about obama’s lack of perceptive abilities while declaring it to be the biggest gaffe in his presidency. Questions were asked as to why standard operating procedure had been abandoned and a presidential press conference was being held in the White House when no major announcement was being made.

That obama followed up the initial remark by saying the problem with America’s economy is a loss of government jobs at the state and local level suggests various possible explanations. One is that it’s a sign of his commitment to growing government as the sole solution to each and every one of the world’s problems. Another is that he is so out of touch with economic reality that the remark really was a gaffe.

But there is at least one other possibility to consider.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is coming under heavy congressional scrutiny for his role in the failed Fast and Furious gun running scandal. Hard questions are being raised on both sides of the aisle about the risks posed to the country through national security leaks possibly emanating from the White House. obama’s been accused of allowing the leaks to occur for personal political gain. There are ongoing discussions and mounting evidence regarding obama’s membership in Chicago’s extremist “New Party”, coupled with continuing avoidance of or denials about it among obama’s political apparatus. There is major embarrassment about obama’s “entire grassroots machinery” being resoundingly drubbed in the Wisconsin recall election. There is growing “progressive” left wing extremist frustration with obama’s perceived inability to deliver on his pledge to “fundamentally transform the United States of America”.

Go back to the question: Why was a presidential new conference being held when there was no major announcement being made? Even given that there was only the remotest possibility that the “progressive” Party Pravda might actually uncover a hitherto undiscovered ounce of journalistic integrity within itself and ask hard questions on a myriad of topics, why was this press conference being held?

Is it possible that the biggest gaffe in obama’s presidency was committed on purpose? That it was an intentional diversion? A coldly calculated politically driven distraction away from other bad news that had been dominating the weekly news cycle?

Was it an accident that it occurred on a Friday morning, contributing to the likelihood that the weekend political talk show discussions will focus on this rather than the myriad of other, more damaging news about obama’s failed attempt to be the nation’s Chief Executive?

If so, it was an extreme abuse of the power of the presidency.

Given that this “gaffe” originated from a once humming along firing on all cylinders well oiled political machine that has repeatedly engaged in “the art” of misrepresentation, distortion, distraction, diversion and smoke and mirror parlor trickery, is pondering such questions an unreasonable activity?

With obama in the White House, do you now consider such a line of questioning to be unpatriotic?

Do you really?

You may wish to reconsider come November 6th.

What the obama Adminstration Has Taught America

May 18, 2012

Facebook Inc.’s $16 billion initial public offering has made Mark Zuckerberg the 29th richest carbon based life form on Earth. Facebook provides entertainment and a fun way to spend your leisure time. America should love Zuckerberg. Whatever happens, do not ever criticize him for not paying his fair share of taxes…he’s cool in the administration’s eyes and they’re down with whatever he does. Heck, he might even turn out to be as cool as George Clooney.

According to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the top three U.S. oil companies alone paid $42.8 billion in income taxes in 2010. Ignore that fact and describe them as evil billionaires who don’t pay their fair share. After all, the petroleum, coal and natural gas industries all provide cheap energy to America, which stands in the way of implementing the administration’s agenda to fuel America with recycled unicorn poop.

It’s OK for the New Black Panthers to stand in front of polling places, wearing uniforms, wielding clubs and intimidating white voters with taunts of “now you’ll find out what it’s like to be ruled by a black man”. It’s also OK for Eric Holder, who publicly said: “I am not the tall U.S. Attorney. I am the black U.S. Attorney” to drop all charges against them.

It’s not OK for a “white hispanic” to defend himself from attack by someone who’s black

Tea Party demonstrators, who obeyed the laws, obtained permits, and cleaned up after themselves when they peaceable assembled to petition their government for redress of grievances are violent, racist extremists who should be monitored by the Department of Homeland Security as potential homegrown terrorists.

Occupy Wall Street, who squatted on public and private land for weeks at a time without permit, cost cities across the nation millions in clean-up and other costs, engaged in rape, drug use, public sexual acts, attacked police, destroyed property and generally disrupted the normal flow of life are great patriots. They deserve the public support of Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, the DCCC, Elizabeth Warren, Barney Franks, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Charlie Rangle, Dennis Kucinich, et al. As Nancy Pelosi said: “God bless them, for their spontaneity. It’s independent … it’s young, it’s spontaneous, and it’s focused. And it’s going to be effective.”

When kids are failing in school after being subjected to exposure to incompetent teachers who couldn’t teach a dog to bark yet can’t be fired because they’re protected by unions, lower testing standards. The possibility of hurting a student’s feelings by giving them a failing grade couldn’t possibly pass politically correct, everyone has to feel good about themselves at all times muster.

If you’re a kid who wants to hold a bake sale, open a lemonade stand or engage in similar activities which demonstrate initiative, ambition or a desire to utilize the free market in order to better yourself, you must be trained to first beg permission from the government. And boys and girls of all ages, don’t ever forget broccoli is good for you and snack cakes, candy bars and chips are bad. Since you’re too stupid to make the proper decision, government is going to enact legislation that deprives you of the right to choose.

Whenever “progressive” politicians are caught in an outright lie about where they were born, their bloodlines or military service rendered it’s due to a clerical error. If criticism persists, blame someone else for each and every one of your failures. When all else fails, play the race card.

Choose Your Stimulus

May 17, 2012

The Spanish Economic Ministry denied there’s been a surge in withdrawals from the nation’s banks, while Spain’s Prime Minister warned that borrowing costs could reach “astronomical” proportions over fears about the weakness of Spain’s financial institutions.

Greeks have been taking their savings out of banks, with nearly a third taken out during this year’s first quarter. Since May 7th, at least 700m euros have been withdrawn from Greek banks. Uncertainty over Greece’s exit from the eurozone is stirring global fears about Europe’s monetary future.

France’s new socialist government will not ratify the European Union’s fiscal pact unless it contains stimulus provisions. “The treaty will not be ratified as is and that it must be completed with a chapter on growth, with a growth strategy,” said France’s new Finance Minister.

With a number of European countries again in recession, with zero growth in parts of the eurozone this year, calls for stimulus measures within Europe are growing.

Europe’s ideas about stimulating the eurozone economy will only lead the continent into deeper trouble. Taxing the rich, hiring more government employees and lowering the retirement age is not the way to create sustainable, long-term economic growth.

No matter how much money is raised through tax hikes, a portion of those funds are lost before they’re re-injected into the economy due to the cost of government overhead. That puts the stimulus process on negative footing before the discussion even turns to how the money’s to be spent, be it sending out welfare checks, funding food stamps or repaying political supporters by rewarding them with “shovel ready” government contracts.

Not that America should be overly concerned with Europe’s fate. Thanks to their scrupulous adherence to the dictates of political correctness and secular multiculturalism, they’ll be slaves to Sharia law in a few decades anyway.

America must learn from Europe’s mistakes.

Following down the path of taxing the rich, creating a cradle to grave entitlement society and continuous deficit spending in attempts to sustain a socialist utopian fantasy will destroy any country, including America.

Punitive taxing of the rich is a non-starter. Class envy warfare might be effective, emotionally charged rhetoric able to stir up a politician’s voter base, but it’s illogical. Were “those evil rich who don’t pay their fair share” in the U.S. to be taxed at a 100% rate, the revenue collected by the IRS would fund spending in Washington DC for a couple of months. Not years, a couple of months. How then would the government propose to pay for the rest of the year’s deficit spending? And after taxes have destroyed the wherewithal of the well off, who would then be taxed? Besides, rich folks, especially those engaging in successful business practices (as opposed to achieving wealth through inheritance or by winning the lottery) didn’t succeed because they’re imbeciles. If a country’s tax rates are unfavorable to their business, they leave that country and take their businesses, jobs and money with them. It’s not exactly climbing out on a limb to predict that a 100% tax rate would fall within their unfavorable category.

Creating a cradle to grave entitlement society is the best way to destroy initiative. It’s said that if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach that man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. Imagine a group of one hundred people where only five know how to catch fish. In order to feed everyone every day, those five people would each need to catch twenty fish per day. How long would it take before some, if not all of those five fishermen grew tired of sharing their wealth with the other 95% and gave up fishing? On the other hand, if all the people were taught to fish and expected to catch their own, no individual would be responsible for catching more than one fish per day. If they managed to catch two fish per day, they will have created a surplus of wealth that benefits the entire group.

Continuing massive deficit spending obligates any nation’s budget to two unsavory alternatives. One is borrowing, which results in having to pay the money back with interest. Not only does being obligated to make those payments leave less money available to pay the cost of conducting regular business, it profits the lender to the detriment of the borrower. The other alternative is to devalue the currency by printing money, leading to inflation, which if left unchecked destroys the value of the country’s currency. Political instability caused by inflating the currency of the Weimar Republic led to the rise of Adolph Hitler. Shortages of hard currency led to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

America has a choice to make. Shall it follow the smaller government design, complete with reduced spending, lower taxes, a growing free market economy and individual freedom preferred by the law abiding, peaceful Tea Party, whose lineage can be traced back to 1969, when the world joined Americans in viewing the pinnacle achievement of human history, the televised first moon landing? Or should America follow the design of the law breaking, violent Occupy Wall Street, who’s lineage can be traced back to Woodstock, the other big event of 1969, where unbathed people ingested copious amounts of drugs and rolled around in the mud having sex like animals?

As Conservative innovator and outspoken leader Andrew Breitbart said at the 2012 CPAC Convention in February: “I don’t care who our candidate is. I haven’t since the beginning of this. I will march behind whoever our candidate is because if we don’t, we lose. There are two paths: one is America, the other one is Occupy. Anyone that is willing to stand next to me to fight the progressive left I will be in that bunker, and if you’re not in that bunker because you’re not satisfied with this candidate, more than shame on you, you’re on the other side.”

Cradle to Grave Suicide

May 15, 2012

Alexis Tsipras, head of Greece’s Radical Left Coalition, declared that country’s commitment to austerity is over because voters have rejected those deals. “There is no way we will sneak back in again what the Greek people threw out”, Tsipras said. “This is an historic moment for the Left and the popular movement and a great responsibility for me,” he added, saying he would try to form a left-wing government that will “end the agreements of subservience” with Greece’s bailout creditors. “The pro-bail-out parties no longer have a majority in parliament to vote in destructive measures for the Greek people,” he added. “This is a very important victory for our society.”

In France, Socialist François Hollande said he will move quickly to implement traditionally Socialist tax-and-spend programs, which call for boosting taxes on the rich, increasing state spending, raising the minimum wage, hiring some 60,000 teachers and lowering the retirement age from 62 to 60.

Meanwhile, in California, Gov. Jerry Brown is calling for more social services cuts to help eliminate $15.7 billion deficit. Brown revealed a revised budget that calls for higher income and sales taxes to avoid deep cuts to K-12 and higher education. Rather than canceling an ill advised bullet train to nowhere that will cost the state at least $6 billion to build, Gov. Brown chose to scareCalifornians into voting for tax hikes by threatening cuts to education.

What do these three states have in common? They’re either already broke or will be soon due to government spending money it doesn’t have on socialist welfare programs, characterized within institutionalized “progressive” leftist circles as “entitlements”.

Greece, where the population is already suffering from 20% unemployment, describes austerity measures they’re expected to follow in order to receive additional bailout money from the EU as “barbaric”. With an economy so weak that it can’t employ one fifth of its own citizens, where does Greece expect to find the money necessary to become financially solvent?

France, if it enacts Hollande’s pledge to mimic Greece’s socialist welfare spending, will soon experience similar fiscal troubles. By following Greece down the road to fiscal insolvency, France will ensure that Germany stands alone in continental Europe as the sole, fiscally responsible, productive society.

California has been on a similar, European style path for decades, which is why California is closer to a fiscal cliff that most of the United States. The legislature in California continuously acts on the belief that it can spend the state into prosperity. California has taxed the rich, spent money on socialist programs, established sanctuary cities that fund the lives of millions of illegal aliens and spent huge amounts of money on education. Much of the cost of that education goes for the children of unlawful residents.

On the list of most business friendly states, California is currently ranked fiftieth. California has held that rank for the last eight years. Meanwhile, businesses are fleeing California in droves, seeking residence in states like Texas, where tax and regulatory policies are friendlier to business. The California tax base is fleeing along with those businesses.

In Sacramento California, government employee unions are running the show. Not only do “progressive” politicians vote overvalued salaries and perks for themselves, they also obediently kowtow to union demands for ever escalating salaries, benefits and pensions. This occurs because those politicians depend on union money, muscle and turnout for their own re-election. Rather than choosing to run the state responsibly, self interested career politicians continuously submit to demands from “civil servants” who are too often far from civil. The looming, unfunded costs of union benefits and pensions are among the largest liabilities contributing to the state’s $15.7 billion deficit.

These are precisely the results all Americans can expect for future generations if the cradle to grave mentality continues to be legislated by “progressive” me first career politicians. These results are predictable if the cradle to grave lie remains propagandized in schools, promoted in television programs, glorified in the movies and dutifully drubbed into the minds of sound bite voters by the news media.

If America is to be saved, these combined forces of the institutionalized “progressive” left must be stopped; starting with voting “progressive” politicians out of office. That’s the first order of business. When a patient arrives in an emergency room, stopping the bleeding receives top priority. The detailed surgery needed to excise the root problem, while still necessary, comes later. It took years for “progressives” to infiltrate and infect academia, Hollywood, the media and political class with their cancerous agenda. And while delay is not an option, it will take years to repair those institutions.

Unless that happens, today’s Americans will spend their declining years describing to young people who’ll listen, how the United States was once the place where the world’s people came for otherwise unavailable opportunity. How the land of the free and the home of the brave was more than just a line in a song.

In America, for an increasingly limited amount of time, cradle to grave suicide is still an option.

How obama’s Gay Marriage Views Have ‘Evolved’

May 11, 2012

obama announced Wednesday that he now supports same-sex marriage, reversing his public opposition after feeling pressure from several Democrats, including his own Vice President, Joe Biden.

obama’s position on same-sex marriage has changed several times during his hideously dishonest, radically motivated, meteoric career. In 1996, he was in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage. Then, in 2008 his view “magically” switched to “marriage is between a man and a woman”. More recently, up until Wednesday, his opinion was “evolving”.

What this reveals about obama is how coldly calculating is his timing. Each and every reversal of position coincidentally benefited obama’s political prospects enormously. It’s clearly not an accident that each shift in his position happened at exactly the right time…for him.

Back in 1996, while running in a Democratic primary to become an Illinois State Senator from Chicago, he took the position that suited the views of that electorate. He was an open supporter of same-sex marriage.

When obama announced in 2008 that he believed marriage should be between a man and a woman, he was running a nationwide campaign for president. He clearly understood that Electoral College votes might not fall his way if he openly supported gay marriage. Naturally, since the ends justify the means, a dishonest shift in his position seemed perfectly appropriate to him. As was his tactic in the 1996 State Senate campaign, he tailored his views to suit the electorate.

Now in 2012, when he’s struggling to raise funds for his re-election, obama suddenly supports same-sex marriage…again.

It’s no mystery that the gay community makes big donations to Democratic campaigns. Since obama needs donations from the deep-pocketed gay community, don’t expect him to change his position on same sex marriage again. That is, unless and until it becomes politically expedient.

Since he first took center stage within the national public eye, obama’s constantly preached about how he will have the most transparent administration in American history. In this instance, on this issue, that claim carries a semblance of truth.

What are the odds?