Posts Tagged ‘nancy pelosi’


February 17, 2012

Of late, much has been made about the current administration’s attack on First Amendment Rights.  Attacks have been made on religious liberties (see healthcare mandate on contraception in religious affiliated institutions and freedom of the press (see White House and Media Matters coordinate attacks on FOX News

While it may be correct to fight unconstitutional actions by this administration through continued pursuit of these specific issues, it might be wiser to focus on the bigger picture.

  • He has violated the individual liberties of all our people by imposing forced participation in a government healthcare regulatory system without our consent.
  • He has collaborated with his Attorney General to ignore equal protection under the law in favor of selective protections based upon arbitrary factors.
  • He has violated American bankruptcy laws by willfully denying secured bond holders first payment, in favor of unsecured political supporters.
  • He has violated the Constitution by accepting the position of Chairmanship of the UN Security Council.
  • He has ignored the Constitutional separation of power by appointing “czars” to oversee matters that are intended to be handled by the legislative branch of the government.
  • He has violated the First Amendment right to freedom of the press, by attacking television and radio networks, stations and broadcasters while attempting censorship.
  • He has violated the individual’s right to free speech through creation of an email address to report Citizens in a blatant attempts to silence dissent through intimidation.
  • He has violated the Law by ignoring the War Powers Act and engaging the United States military in overseas hostilities without the consent of Congress.
  • He has violated the First Amendment by attempting to impose restrictions on free speech through implementation of Net Neutrality by the FCC.
  • He has endeavored to interfere in the free market through the imposition of The Clean Energy and Security Act, which mandates carbon emissions be reduced to 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020, 42 percent by 2030, and 84 percent by 2050. By 2020, this tax will extract an estimated $160 billion from the economy, or an average $1,870 per family.
  • He has violated the Constitution by having the government offer $4,500 rebates to people for turning in older motor vehicles for newer vehicles
  • He has interfered in America’s free market by having the National Labor Relations Board sue a privately owned company for planning to open for business in a State that protects an employee’s ability to work free of forced union membership.
  • He has interfered in the free market by imposing restrictions and regulations on petroleum, natural gas and coal production in the United States.
  • He has abandoned enforcing the security of American borders and protected illegal immigrants from prosecution for violation of immigration laws:
  • He has abandoned and insulted our most enduring and faithful allies through speech and action, the most glaring among these being placing the State of Israel on the list of nations that foster terrorism.
  • He has sought to impose additional taxes on us without our Consent.
  • For depriving us in some cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
  • For transferring billions of dollars to enemies of the United States through Foreign Aid.
  • For ignoring the Constitutional separation of powers by publicly attacking the Supreme Court of the United States.
  • For attacking America’s bedrock family values by ordering the Department of Justice to not defend the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act.
  • For repeated attacks upon America’s Christian foundation.
  • For repeatedly slandering American Citizens with false accusations of racism, violent tendencies and hatred.
  • For grossly accelerating and increasing the amount of America’s debt through passage of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, which had negligible effect on unemployment, sent billions of dollars overseas and wasted billions domestically bailing out States practicing irresponsible budgetary policies.
  • For putting America and America’s allies at greater risk through cancellation of missile defense systems.
  • For expanding the need for enormous increases in government borrowing,
  • For collaborating with his Attorney General to try enemy combatants in civilian Courts.
  • For collaborating with his Attorney General and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms in the implementation of operation Fast and Furious, which has been implicated in the murder of American Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.
  • For devaluing our currency by engaging in the practice of Quantitative Easing, allowing the Federal Reserve to purchase trillions of dollars of our national debt.

The list could continue, but you get the idea.

A President whose character is thus marked by acts which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to govern a free people.

The “progressive” War On Christianity

February 4, 2012

This past week, Susan G. Komen for the Cure announced a decision to stop funding Planned Parenthood. Their decision was based on the fact that to a large measure, the business of Planned Parenthood is abortion. A determination substantiated by a statistical analysis of Planned Parenthood’s services.

Planned Parenthood continues to insist that they provide badly needed healthcare services to low income women. Never mind that 38.4% of Planned Parenthood health center income comes directly from aborting unborn children. This may come as quite the shock to Americans whose political views reside on the left end of the spectrum, but pregnancy is not a disease. Abortion doesn’t cure anything. In the caring, non-savage world, reproductive healthcare means keeping expectant mothers and their unborn babies healthy, not killing the unborn babies.

This became a huge, front-page news story that led the nightly national television news cycle. Public pressure from left wing politicians like Nancy Pelosi and “progressive” activist groups managed to coerce The Komen Foundation into reversing their courageous decision. The politicizing of this decision was clearly out of bounds, since The Komen Foundation is a private organization that is free to operate their charity as they see fit. This is yet another example of the “mainstream” media’s persistent pattern of aiding and abetting leftist positions.

Prior to that, ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC all ignored the Department of Health and Human Services decision that by Aug. 1, religiously inspired hospitals, schools and charities that hire outside their faith must offer insurance coverage for sterilization, abortifacients and contraceptives without deductibles or co-pays. What this means is, the Catholic Church will be forced to either comply with a Congressional law prohibiting the free exercise of their religion, a clear violation of the First Amendment, or close down hospitals, universities and charities. That the media would fail to report on this unconstitutional power grab by the United States government stands in stark contrast to their open eagerness to defend “progressive” agenda items like abortion.

It’s easy to identify where, when and why a clearly biased media openly takes sides in an unprecedented government assault on Christianity. But the blame doesn’t reside solely within the “progressive” Party Pravda. If you’re a pro life Christian who voted for “progressive” politicians and their empty promises of hope and change, you are partly to blame for their war on Christianity.

The remedy is both simple and obvious. In November 2012 “progressive” politicians must be voted out of power.

Bob Beckel, You Are Wrong

January 31, 2012

For those who’re unaware of the big dust up stirred by Fl Rep Allen West, here’re the remarks he made at a Lincoln Day Dinner in West Palm Beach Fl:

“We need to let President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and my dear friend the chairman of the Democrat National Committee, we need to let them know that Florida ain’t on the table. Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America.”

These remarks led Bob Beckel, co-host of FOX News Channel’s “The Five” to blow a gasket on Monday:

“I’ll tell you this, Mr. West; When you start shooting your mouth off like that – and I admire the fact that you were in the military and you served your country. I understand that. But before you start saying that, at the end of it, you said ‘Get the hell out of the United States,’ then you didn’t say the policies. Now, there’s 20 percent of us or 22 percent of us that happen to be Progressives, who believe in what Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi say. You go on to say 100 percent of America. We’re 20 percent of America and we’re not going anywhere whether you like it or not. And you better be careful, my friend, because you’re getting on the edge there and you’re taking that Tea Party crowd with you.”

Greg Gutfeld, Beckel’s co-host, argued that Beckel’s outrage was misguided, saying:

“During the break, I made a list of outspoken black liberals. Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Black Panthers, Jesse Jackson, Angela Davis, Cornel West, Public Enemy, Eric Dyson! In our culture, we celebrate outspoken black leftists. So, now you have one, provocative, American, black conservative, and you liberals whine? I wanna’ see more Allen West. He’s not the first one, but he’s the beginning. And it’s refreshing–”

To which Beckel responded: “You wanna’ see more of that hatred? You wanna’ see that kind of hatred in America?” Gutfeld countered: “That’s not hatred.” Beckel reiterated “It is hatred. It’s the worst most disgraceful, despicable, disgusting—”

Mr. Beckel, with all due respect, you are wrong. What Allen West said was not hate. Your being a “progressive”, that’s how you’re programmed to respond to anyone who disagrees with you…emotionally.

Consider these “progressive” accusations targeting me after the Gabby Giffords shooting:

“I guess you must be happy with yesterday’s shooting in Arizona. Sheriff Dupnik certainly was right on with the vitriolic hate espoused by radio and television personalities. Is this your answer to everyone who disagrees with you?”

“I just thought you’re happy that there is another dead Democrat. Isn’t that what you and your Party want? All of us who disagree should be killed? I thought you liked that. Am I wrong? You care what happened to those people who were hit or killed? You have a heart? Wow! Had us fooled.”

Or that another “progressive”, with finger wagging, told me point blank to my face over dinner that if it was left up to them, I “would be silenced”.

That’s hatred Mr. Beckel.  What Rep West said was not an emotional expression of hatred.  It was a clear reference to the battle of ideas being waged in this country.  Rep West is 100% correct.

The American idea, the shot heard round the world, is that We The People can govern ourselves. We are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable Rights. By virtue of our humanity we are entitled to the maximum amount of Individual Liberties consistent with law and order, and to the Right of private ownership, including the Right to own and decide for ourselves. These Liberties and Rights are to be equally protected by a Constitutionally limited, representative government that derives its just powers from the consent of the governed. This is a distinctly exceptional American idea.

The “progressive” idea is that an all-powerful centrally planned government, with extreme hostility towards private ownership, forces redistribution of wealth through “progressive” taxation in the name of social or economic “justice”. In order to ensure “fairness”, an oligarchy of self-imagined, self appointed “intellectual elite” must be responsible for controlling businesses, industries and “the masses” who are incapable of governing themselves. This was the position of a radical, fringe political minority who called themselves “progressives” until early twentieth century Americans saw for themselves exactly how bad “progressive” ideas really were, forcing “progressives” to change their label to “liberal”. This idea came to America from Britain’s Fabian Socialists and Germany’s Frankfurt School. This is a European idea, not an American one.

Among red-blooded patriotic Americans whose brains haven’t been polluted by “progressive” ideas, there’s little debate that as designed by our Founders, the United States of America is the most inventive, productive, prosperous and charitable nation in the history of the planet. There has yet to be put forth a rational, logical argument to support abandoning the highly successful American idea in favor of a European idea that’s currently failing in Europe itself.

If you and your 20-22% want to live in a European style system, move to Europe. When you get there, send Europeans who want to live in America under our system to America. America will greatly benefit from that exchange.