The Tea Party vs The Status Quo

Much has been said since the November 2010 election about “establishment Republicans” co-opting Senators and Representatives elected with Tea Party support. What “establishment Republicans” evidently refuse to accept is, every Republicans elected in November 2010 owes huge thanks to the Tea Party. “Establishment Republicans” need to understand that Tea Party grassroots activists have had enough of their “learn your place and do as you’re told” attitude towards the Tea Party.

In America’s recent political past, there was the “Silent Majority”. “Establishment Republicans” need to understand that the Tea Party is the “Silent Majority”. In plain spoken politically incorrect English, the institutionalized “progressive” left needs to realize that empty rhetoric about the term “Silent Majority” being code for racist is unfounded, utterly contemptible nonsense.

As the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, adopted in 1791 states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” The Tea Party consists of concerned American citizens exercising their Constitutionally protected right to peaceably assemble and petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Despite Herculean efforts by the institutionalized “progressive” left to promote the false narrative that the Tea Party is filled with uneducated, violent, extreme, racist hillbillies, Tea Party goers are normal, average, everyday Americans who’re alarmed at America’s descent into an unconstitutional, uncontrollable, big government black hole.

Big government is taking America down an unsustainable path of continued deficit spending, crushing national debt, accelerated expansion of government programs, oppressive regulation, and ignorance of the looming costs for unfunded entitlement programs. Big government “progressives” continuously insist that the only “fair” way to balance the U.S. budget must include tax hikes. There’s no need for “progressives” to explain their agenda more clearly so Americans will understand. Americans do understand. Americans don’t like it and they don’t want it.

Republicans were swept into office at the expense of “progressive” Democrats as a direct result of the Tea Party’s unhappiness with the fringe radical leftist agenda as legislated by the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the rest, then signed into law by the current White House occupant.

The Tea Party, the ones who’ve awoken America to the danger of losing a Constitutional Republic to a political system that rewards an “entitled” governing class at the expense of everyday Americans must be given the respect they deserve.

“Establishment Republicans” who seek to maintain the status quo with “progressive” Democrats are complicit with government expansion. “Establishment Republicans” as a group have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. For so long as they are able keep their seat at the table, they’ll be willing to compromise with “progressives”, thereby maintaining the illusion that the Republican vs Democrat political paradigm is still meaningful.

Open dialogue, communication and cooperation, urgently required to solve America’s challenges are welcome, but “establishment Republicans” must understand that for the Tea Party, there must be no compromise with people who see the U.S. Constitution and America’s free market enterprise system as the greatest roadblock to a New World Order.

Should “establishment Republicans”, as part of the governing class, continue “going along to get along” simply to maintain their grasp on power at the expense of We The People, that will be noticed as much as attempts by “progressives” to circumvent the will of the electorate. The Tea Party spoke on November 2, 2010. Don’t think for a moment that they won’t be ready to speak again in 2012 and beyond.

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3 Responses to “The Tea Party vs The Status Quo”

  1. The Tea Party vs The Status Quo Says:

    […] 2, 2010. Don’t think for a moment that they won’t be ready to speak again in 2012 and beyond. Articles:Pragmatists vs. PuristsProgressive Chaos and the MobWE THE PEOPLE (Silent Majority […]

  2. Pablo Says:

    How do you expect the left, or anyone else, take you seriously when the Republican establishment doesn’t take you seriously?
    IMHO, the Tea party activists have been co-opted by the Republican Party… meaning that the positive agenda originally propounded by right-populists has been successfully changed into the sing-song vote for the lesser of two evils.

    In your case it seems to have worked. You’ll trip over yourself on the way to the polls to vote against President Obama. You didn’t need to wear a three-cornered hat for these past three years in order to do that. In fact, the only commonality between your agenda and the Establishment Republican agenda is to defeat Obama.

    • mjfellright Says:

      Shortsighted people are incapable of perceiving that a hundred years of damage inflicted upon America by “progressives” of both major political parties can’t be reversed in one or two election cycles.

      BTW, congratulations on completely missing the point of the article.

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