Illogical Extremism of the left

Recent events prove beyond reasonable doubt that members of the institutionalized “progressive” left are more than enthusiastic about attacking10-big-killers guns and gun owners.  True to their Alinsky roots, they are ready, willing and eager to demonize gun owners and Second Amendment proponents by disparagingly using the term “gun lobby” to describe them.  It is no secret that they are openly hostile to the Constitutionally protected Right of Americans to keep and bear arms.

They are also primed and ready when it comes to attacking Capitalism.  “progressives” persistently promote the notions that guns kill people and that Capitalism is inherently greedy and corrupt.

By applying this illogic to other situations, it would be required to conclude that computers keyboards are responsible for misspelled words and silverware causes obesity in America.

It would be quite entertaining to hear a “progressive” attempt to relay, in minute detail, the sequence of events on that monumental day when an unattended gun jumped up all by itself and shot an innocent child.

It would be equally fascinating to hear a “progressive” convey exactly how an economic system, without the benefit of human involvement, engaged in illicit price gouging, ponzi schemes or criminal quid quo pro transactions.

The fact of the matter is, the way a gun shoots anything is by a human being picking it up, aiming it and pulling the trigger.  The problem is not the gun, it is with the killer behind the gun.

In similar fashion, the only way any economic delivery system leads to unlawful behavior is through the involvement of the criminal mind.

The answers are not found in gun control or ending Capitalism.  The answer is to catch the perpetrators of the crimes and lock them away from society.

Give the Gift of Courage

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